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buildAI /
Created January 14, 2016 19:44
CS reading list
  1. The Little Schemer by Daniel P. Friedman
  2. The Art of Computer Programming by Donald E. Knuth
  3. Modern Operating Systems by Andrew S. Tanenbaum
  4. Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas R. Hofstadter
  5. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides, Grady Booch
  6. TCP/IP Illustrated by W. Richard Stevens
  7. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs by Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman
buildAI /
Created May 1, 2017 20:37
Things to learn right now
  • Languages:

    1. Clojures => Living Clojure -> Joy of Clojure -> Functional datastructures
    2. Javascript => Eloquent javascript -> Javascript: Good parts
    3. Ruby => Programming Ruby
  • System level interests:

  1. Shell scripting
<div id='metype-container' class='iframe-container'
<script type='text/javascript'>
var metypeContainer = document.getElementById("metype-container"),
page_url = metypeContainer.getAttribute("data-metype-page-url");
<div id='metype-container' class='iframe-container'
<script type='text/javascript'>
var metypeContainer = document.getElementById("metype-container"),
page_url = metypeContainer.getAttribute("data-metype-page-url");
buildAI /
Last active February 22, 2019 12:28
  1. Write a function which takes an npm package name as input and returns dependencies and it's dependencies so on. Ex: If given a package a with dependencies x,y,z and x has dependency book. The function should return x,y,z,book.
  2. You have to call npm API to fetch the dependencies.
  3. Just get the dependencies don't worry about dev, peer dependencies
  4. Just get dependecies of latest version of the package don't worry about other versions.
  5. The final output should be an array of dependecies without duplicates.
buildAI /
Created March 7, 2019 12:37
Check list for any back end task
  1. Tests or spec it could be unit, integration, if 3rd party APIs are involved then functional test for that API.
  2. Data base -> New table or adding a column -> Migrations, default values for the column, unique constraints if needed, indexes?
  3. APIs -> should they be cached? if yes based on what?, Correct response codes, correct response errors, parameter validation at the API level.
  4. Models -> does it have enough validation.
  5. Logging -> Do we have enough logging in place, if we're logging are we able to get alerts.
  6. Database adding columns -> should we populate data
  7. Renaming columns -> Are we backfilling data before we completely delete the data.
  8. Task to backfill data.
  9. Does it need testing by the QA or so? if yes is documentation available if no write the documentation.
buildAI /
Created October 23, 2019 18:38
Reasons for applying to deserve

I've been in a full time job for close to 4 years and I've found my interests in few areas as I've evolved. While looking for a change I figured few things and felt this JD has my choise of interests as mentioned below:

  1. I have primarily been a backend develolper. I want to handle bigger and challenging scale. If possible real time transactions. Deserve deals with financial transaction so it fits into my areas of interest.
  2. I am looking for mentorship. I am looking to learn from disciplined folks. With my past interactions with Swanand I think I would be able to learn a lot of things from him, grow, evolve and contribute.
  3. In my career so far other than backend I wrote a lot of client side JS. I want to pick up another skill probably more on devops side of things. I think that's possible here.
  4. I liked this statement A chance to define the company culture that's defined in the JD which makes me own, create and be part of great culture. I strongly believe culture plays a crucial role in a team and wh
buildAI /
Last active November 10, 2019 15:43
Setting up a new rails app. That would lead building a restful APIs on rails with React, Tailwind CSS for the front end.

This is written on 10/November/2019

The database is postgres

  • rails new rails_app -d=postgresql -T --webpack=react --skip-coffee --skip-active-storage *-d option is to specify a database
    • -T option to skip unit test framework, files
    • --webpack to configure javascript frame for webpack bundler here it's react
    • --skip-coffee to skip coffescript
    • --skip-active-storage to skip active-storage related things.