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Tay buley

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// Fired when a URL is visited, providing the HistoryItem data for that URL.
chrome.history.onVisited.addListener(function(historyItem) {
// Deletes all items from the history.
chrome.history.deleteAll(function() {});
[timetric config="" width="600" height="400"/]
buley / gist:1272846
Created October 8, 2011 20:46
Flow Diagram - Wu Tang's Gravel Pit
Back->gravel pit: check out
Back->Forth: Mystery
Forth->gravel pit:check out
Forth->Back: Unraveling
### Reporters
# reporter
buley / gist:1273310
Created October 9, 2011 04:44
Database Schema
# Accounts
note over Accounts: id* (int) [auto]
note over Accounts: user_id (string)
note over Accounts: user_name (string)
note over Accounts: reporter_id (string)
I'm working on an IndexedDB-only wrapper for just this purpose. If you don't mind that it's not yet released, there's not readme and my commits are fast-paced and not descriptive than maybe you should [check it out][1].
There should be an example of every function in [][2]. Here's how you would use the vanilla `InDBApp`:
I am in my third rewrite of a JavaScript application that heavily relies on IDB. I got sick of writing boilerplate IndexeDB code (setting up transactions, setting onsuccess callbacks, etc.) and decided to write a reusable interface.
That API is true to the IndexedDB spec and is now the core of InDB. It servers as a private object inside a wrapper that tries to simplify the interface. I'm writing my own [libraries][3] on top of it so I'm learning about what works and doesn't work and trying to improve InDB along the way.
buley / gist:1381200
Created November 20, 2011 23:55
Generalized cursor update
InDB.cursor.update = function (store, index, keyRange, data, direction, on_success, on_error, on_abort) {
var request, transaction, tx, transaction_index, update_request, cursor, value, attr;
try {
tx = InDB.db.transaction([database], type, timeout);
transaction = request.objectStore(database);
} catch (event) {
throw ('Transaction error');
buley / gist:1503237
Created December 20, 2011 20:58
Where's Waldo?
var Waldo = Waldo || {};
Waldo.logging = true;
(function () {
var keys = {
var el = document.getElementsByTagName('canvas');
var that = this;
var Mouse = {};
buley / file1.txt
Created February 26, 2012 05:20
This is a test 1
<div id="testing"><strong>That</strong> was a test 4</div>.