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Created August 29, 2017 21:02
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Истории сообщений чата

Истории сообщений чата

Истории сообщений чата

Поиск по истории сообщений в чате вконтакте
История сообщений WhatsApp где хранится история переписки
Telegram история сообщений

WhatsApp chat histories are not stored on our servers; we cannot retrieve any deleted messages for you. You can use our iCloud backup feature to back up and restore your chat history. You can also enable automatic, scheduled backups by tapping Auto Backup and then choosing your backup frequency. This will back up your chats and media to your iCloud account; you can choose to include or exclude videos from the backup. The iCloud backup process can take a while to complete, depending on your Internet connection and backup size. If you are concerned about your cellular data usage, we recommend that you limit your iCloud to only back up on Wi-Fi. If you can see when the last backup was performed, delete and reinstall the app from the App Store. After verifying your phone number, follow the on-screen prompts to restore your chat history. The same iCloud backup requirements apply for iCloud restore. In addition, the phone number used for backing up and restoring must be the same. You cannot restore the chat history from another WhatsApp account. If you share an iCloud account, this will allow you to keep your backups separate. If you are having problems backing up to or restoring from iCloud, this is likely not an issue with WhatsApp but with the iCloud account. If you have previously backed up your iPhone using iTunes or iCloud, you may be able retrieve your WhatsApp chats by restoring your iPhone from a previous iPhone backup. Learn more about backing up and restoring your iPhone from this Apple Support page. Learn how to restore messages on: Android Windows Phone BlackBerry Nokia S60 BlackBerry How can we help you? Restoring your chat history WhatsApp chat histories are not stored on our servers; we cannot retrieve any deleted messages for you. You must have iOS 7 or later. For iOS 8 and later: There must be enough free space on both your iCloud and your iPhone. Using iCloud on cellular data If you are concerned about your cellular data usage, we recommend that you limit your iCloud to only back up on Wi-Fi. Troubleshooting iCloud problems If you are having problems backing up to or restoring from iCloud, this is likely not an issue with WhatsApp but with the iCloud account. If you are unable to create a backup , please try the following: If you are trying to backup on an iPhone with iOS 7, verify that no other device using your Apple ID has ever had iCloud Drive turned on. If you have turned iCloud Drive on for any device using your Apple ID, you will not be able to upload data on iOS 7. Even if iCloud Drive was previously turned on and then turned off, you will not be able to back up on an iOS 7 device. You would need to update to iOS 8 or later to back up. Verify that you have enough available space in your iCloud account to create a backup. Attempt the manual backup on a different network - preferably the network you connect to most. If you are unable to restore a backup , please try the following: Verify that you are attempting to restore data from the same phone number and iCloud account that the backup was created on. Verify that there is enough room on your iPhone to restore the backup. If the backup was created using iCloud Drive, you will not be able to restore that backup on any device that is not on iOS 8 or later. If you have turned on iCloud Drive for any device using your Apple ID, you will not be able to restore data on your iPhone unless it has iOS 8 or later. Attempt the restoration from a different network - preferably the network you connect to most. Email Conversation You can also email yourself a chat history if you would like to save a conversation: Open the WhatsApp conversation you want to email. Scroll to the bottom and tap Export Chat. Select if you want to Attach Media or email the conversation Without Media. Select the Mail app. Or tap More for more options. Enter your email address and tap Send. Android Windows Phone BlackBerry Nokia S60 BlackBerry 10 Cheers, WhatsApp Support Team. WhatsApp Features Security Download WhatsApp Web. Company About Careers Brand Center Get in touch Blog. Help FAQ Twitter Facebook.

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