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winny-/day9.rkt Secret

Created December 9, 2017 11:28
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#lang racket
(module+ test
(require rackunit))
(define (read-garbage ip)
(match (peek-char ip)
[(? eof-object?) eof]
[(and c (not #\<)) (error 'read-garbage "Expected first char to be `<', got ~a" c)]
(read-char ip)
(let loop ([garbage '()])
(match (read-char ip)
[(? eof-object?) (error 'read-garbage "Got eof early")]
[#\! (read-char ip) (loop garbage)]
[#\> (list->string (reverse garbage))]
[c (loop (cons c garbage))]))]))
(module+ test
(test-case "read-garbage"
(for ([t '(("<>" "")
("<random characters>" "random characters")
("<<<<>" "<<<")
("<{!>}>" "{}")
("<!!>" "")
("<!!!>>" "")
("<{o\"i!a,<{i<a>" "{o\"i,<{i<a"))])
(check-equal? (read-garbage (open-input-string (car t))) (cadr t)))))
(define (read-group [ip (current-input-port)])
(match (peek-char ip)
[(? eof-object?) eof]
[(and c (not #\{)) (error 'read-group "Expected first char to be `{', got ~a" c)]
(read-char ip)
(let loop ([group '()])
(define c (peek-char ip))
(match c
[#\} (read-char ip) (reverse group)]
[#\{ (loop (cons (read-group ip) group))]
[#\< (loop (cons (read-garbage ip) group))]
[#\, (read-char ip) (loop group)]))]))
(module+ test
(test-case "read-group"
(for ([t '(("{}" ())
("{{{}}}" ((())))
("{{},{}}" (() ()))
("{{{},{},{{}}}}" ((() () (()))))
("{<{},{},{{}}>}" ("{},{},{{}}"))
("{<a>,<a>,<a>,<a>}" ("a" "a" "a" "a"))
("{{<a>},{<a>},{<a>},{<a>}}" (("a") ("a") ("a") ("a")))
("{{<!>},{<!>},{<!>},{<a>}}" (("},{<},{<},{<a"))))])
(check-equal? (read-group (open-input-string (car t))) (cadr t)))))
(define (score-group group)
(let loop ([group group] [n 1])
(+ n
(for/sum ([g group]
#:when (list? g))
(loop g (add1 n))))))
(module+ test
(test-case "score-group"
(for ([t '(("{}" 1)
("{{{}}}" 6)
("{{},{}}" 5)
("{{{},{},{{}}}}" 16)
("{<a>,<a>,<a>,<a>}" 1)
("{{<ab>},{<ab>},{<ab>},{<ab>}}" 9)
("{{<!!>},{<!!>},{<!!>},{<!!>}}" 9)
("{{<a!>},{<a!>},{<a!>},{<ab>}}" 3))])
(check-equal? (score-group (read-group (open-input-string (car t)))) (cadr t) (~a t)))))
(define (count-garbage group)
(for/sum ([i group])
(if (list? i)
(count-garbage i)
(string-length i))))
(module+ main
(define group (read-group))
(displayln (format "Part 1: ~a" (score-group group)))
(displayln (format "Part 2: ~a" (count-garbage group))))
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