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Created June 26, 2017 15:55
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7ojo/perl6-git-simple:14: ​ for '​​..'​​.IO.dir -> $path {​
7ojo/perl6-platform:31: ​ next if @parts[8] eq '​​..'​​;​
7ojo/perl6-platform:42: ​ next if @parts[8] eq '​​..'​​;​
7ojo/perl6-platform:67: ​ next if @parts[8] eq '​​..'​​;​
Acme-Flutterby/ ​ "description" : "Acme::Flutterby - An object-oriented interface to a butterfly. In what else but Perl 6.​​.."​​,​
Bailador/Bailador:58: ​my @hex = ('A'​​..'​​F', 'a'​​..'​​f', 0..9).flat;​
Bailador/Bailador:53: ​my @hex = ('A'​​..'​​F', 'a'​​..'​​f', 0..9).flat;​
Bailador/Bailador:41: ​ is-deeply %data2<response>, [200, ["Content-Type" => "text/plain"], 'http::/'], 'GET /paste/.​​..'​​;​
CurtTilmes/Perl6-GraphQL:72: ​my @users = => 0, name => '.​​..'​​, birthday => '.​​..'​​, status => True),​
CurtTilmes/Perl6-GraphQL:80: ​my @users = => 0, name => '.​​..'​​, birthday => '.​​..'​​, status => True),​
CurtTilmes/Perl6-GraphQL:113: ​rule FragmentSpread { '.​​..'​​ <FragmentName> <Directives>? }​
CurtTilmes/Perl6-GraphQL:115: ​rule InlineFragment { '.​​..'​​ <TypeCondition>? <Directives>? <SelectionSet> }​
CurtTilmes/Perl6-GraphQL:495: ​ "$indent.​​.."​​​
CurtTilmes/perl6-eredis:79: ​ @list.push('.​​..'​​) if @list.elems >= 100;​
CurtTilmes/perl6-libcurl:250: ​ $curl.Content-MD5('.​​..'​​); # or $curl.setopt(Content-MD5 => '.​​..'​​)​
CurtTilmes/perl6-libcurl:414: ​ my $curl = => 'http://.​​..'​​);​
FROGGS/p6-Digest-PSHA1:40: ​ my $canonicalized-data = '<SignedInfo xmlns=".​​.."​​>...</SignedInfo>';​
IanTayler/MinG:511: ​ say "Parsing.​​.."​​;​
IanTayler/MinG:485: ​ say "Parsing.​​.."​​;​
MARTIMM/Auth-SCRAM:118: ​my Str $user = '.​​..'​​;​
MARTIMM/Auth-SCRAM:119: ​my Str $password = '.​​..'​​​
MARTIMM/Auth-SCRAM:124: ​my Str $client-first-message = ".​​.."​​;​
MARTIMM/BSON:7: ​say "\nHash order.​​.."​​;​
MARTIMM/BSON:20: ​say "\nMap order .​​.."​​;​
MARTIMM/BSON:26: ​say "\nAs hash .​​.."​​;​
MARTIMM/BSON:32: ​say "\nAs hash .​​.."​​;​
MARTIMM/BSON:250: ​say "\nDocument1 order.​​.."​​;​
MARTIMM/BSON:262: ​say "\nDocument2 order.​​.."​​;​
MARTIMM/BSON:274: ​say "\nDocument3 order.​​.."​​;​
MARTIMM/BSON:12: ​ # keys 'a'​​..'​​d' are cstring => 0xnn 0x00​
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:34: ​# { "_id" : ObjectId(".​​.."​​), "foo" : 0 }​
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:35: ​# { "_id" : ObjectId(".​​.."​​), "bar" : 0 }​
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:36: ​# { "_id" : ObjectId(".​​.."​​), "bar" : 1 }​
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:37: ​# { "_id" : ObjectId(".​​.."​​), "baz" : 0 }​
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:28: ​# { "_id" : ObjectId(".​​.."​​), "bar" : 0 }​
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:41: ​# { "_id" : ObjectId(".​​.."​​), "foo" : 2 }​
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:42: ​# { "_id" : ObjectId(".​​.."​​), "foo" : 1 }​
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:43: ​# { "_id" : ObjectId(".​​.."​​), "bar" : 1 }​
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:341: ​ return "some debug text from fields within.​​.."​​;​
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:625: ​ ) is DEPRECATED("run-command\( insert => 'collection`,.​​.."​​)​
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:637: ​ ) is DEPRECATED("run-command\( update => 'collection`,.​​.."​​)​
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:646: ​ ) is DEPRECATED("run-command\( update => 'collection`,.​​.."​​)​
MARTIMM/unicode-precis:289: ​ $cp-entry ~~ s/ '​​..'​​ /..0x/;​
MARTIMM/unicode-precis:14: ​ if $cpr ~~ m/ '​​..'​​ / {​
MARTIMM/unicode-precis:15: ​ ( my Str $f, my Str $l) = $cpr.split('​​..'​​);​
MadcapJake/Test-Lab:68: ​my @ls = 'a'​​..'​​e';​
Net-FTP/ ​ next if (%info<name> eq '.' || %info<name> eq '​​..'​​);​
Takadonet/Algorithm--Diff:34: ​ ok $d.defined, "It's defined.​​.."​​;​
Takadonet/Text--Diff:22: ​# # map( "\\c$_", "A"​​.."​​Z"),​
TiMBuS/Net--IRC:65: ​ $.conn.sendln("PASS $.password", scrubbed => 'PASS .​​..'​​)​
TiMBuS/Net--IRC:8: ​ say "Identifying with nickserv​​.."​​;​
TiMBuS/Net--IRC:9: ​ $ev.conn.sendln("NS IDENTIFY $.password", scrubbed => 'NS IDENTIFY .​​..'​​);​
TiMBuS/Net--IRC:23: ​Hate that phrase "if you love something, set it free.​​.."​​ Uhm, statistically unlikely so many things in this world werent "meant" to be mine​
TiMBuS/Net--IRC:223: ​With all due respect, when this Jack Johnson guys sings, "Losing hope is easy.​​.."​​, I don't believe he has any idea what he's talking about.​
Tux/CSV:41: ​ can merge. Mind csv () and fragment ("cells=".​​.."​​)​
Tux/CSV:457: ​ # I do not want the "in method sink at .​​.."​​ here, but there​
Tux/CSV:835: ​Note that for C<col="​​.."​​>, the column names are the names for I<before> the​
ab5tract/Terminal-Print:10: ​# my @char-ranges = '■'​​..'​​◿','ぁ'​​..'​​ゟ','᠀'​​..'​​ᢨ','ᚠ'​​..'​​ᛰ','Ꭰ'​​..'​​Ᏼ','─'​​..'​​╿';​
ab5tract/Terminal-Print:11: ​my @char-ranges = '─'​​..'​​╿', 'ᚠ'​​..'​​ᛰ';​
ab5tract/Terminal-Print:11: ​my @alphabet = 'j'​​..'​​z';​
ab5tract/Terminal-Print:9: ​my @chars = 'ァ'​​..'​​ヾ';​
ab5tract/Terminal-Print:99: ​ die "Encountered a SIGINT. Cleaning up the screen and exiting.​​.."​​;​
akiym/JSON-Hjson:13: ​ my $text = q:to'.​​..'​​;​
akiym/JSON-Hjson:31: ​ my $text = q:to'.​​..'​​;​
akiym/JSON-Hjson:5: ​my $text = q:to'.​​..'​​;​
akiym/JSON-Hjson:39: ​ realist => q:to'.​​..'​​.trim-trailing,​
andydude/p6-c-parser:719: ​rule parameter-type-list:sym<std> { <parameter-list> $<ellipsis>=[',' '.​​..'​​]? }​
araraloren/Net-FTP:21: ​ next if (%info<name> eq '.' || %info<name> eq '​​..'​​);​
araraloren/Net-FTP:716: ​ {:name("​​.."​​), :type(FILE::DIR)},​
arnsholt/Net-ZMQ:11: ​ say "# Receiving.​​.."​​;​
atweiden/config-toml:222: ​ ┃ Success ┃ ~~ ".​​.."​​​
atweiden/config-toml:321: ​ ┃ Success ┃ ~~ '.​​..'​​​
atweiden/config-toml:358: ​ ┃ Success ┃ ~~ '.​​..'​​​
atweiden/config-toml:370: ​ ┃ Success ┃ ~~ '.​​..'​​​
atweiden/config-toml:46: ​ ┃ Success ┃ ~~ '.​​..'​​​
atweiden/crane:20: ​ <integer> '​​..'​​ <integer>​
atweiden/txn-parser:60: ​ ┃ Success ┃ ~~ '.​​..'​​​
atweiden/txn-parser:119: ​ ┃ ┃ ∙ $match-ledger.made[0].id.text ~~ ".​​.."​​​
atweiden/txn-parser:287: ​ ┃ ┃ ∙ $match-ledger.made[0].posting[0].id.text ~~ '.​​..'​​​
atweiden/txn-parser:324: ​ ┃ Success ┃ ~~ ".​​.."​​​
awwaiid/p6-Inline-Ruby:89: ​ # say "loading default.​​.."​​;​
awwaiid/p6-Inline-Ruby:130: ​ # say "Loading a ruby lib.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/farabi6:19: ​ $response.write("Hello from $($request.uri).​​.."​​);​
azawawi/farabi6:29: ​say "Finished listening.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/farabi6:614: ​ say "Found debug prompt.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/farabi6:896: ​ say "Cleaning up profile HTMLs.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/farabi6:5636: ​ if (value == ".​​.."​​) { delete keymap[keyname]; continue; }​
azawawi/farabi6:5646: ​ val = ".​​.."​​;​
azawawi/farabi6:5662: ​ if (found === ".​​.."​​) return "multi";​
azawawi/farabi6:99: ​ } else if (ch == "." && stream.match("​​.."​​)) {​
azawawi/farabi6:65: ​ '​​..'​​ : 4,​
azawawi/farabi6:66: ​ '.​​..'​​ : 4,​
azawawi/farabi6:11: ​!function(e,t,n,i){"use strict";e.fn.form=function(t,r){var o,a=e(this),s=e.extend(!0,{},e.fn.form.settings,r),l=e.extend({},e.fn.form.settings.defau…​
azawawi/farabi6:11: ​!function(e,t,n,i){{var a,r,s=(new Date).getTime(),c=[],l=arguments[0],u="string"==typeof l,d=[],1),…​
azawawi/farabi6:17: ​})},bindEvents:function(){s.keyboardShortcuts&&l.on("keydown"+m,t.event.field.keydown),o.on("submit"+m,t.validate.form),l.on("blur"+m,t.event.field.b…​
azawawi/farabi6:203: ​ '" placeholder="Code goes here.​​.."​​ cols="80" rows="10"></textarea>' +​
azawawi/farabi6:209: ​ '<textarea id="' + outputEditorId + '" placeholder="Output will be shown here.​​.."​​ cols="80" rows="10">' +​
azawawi/farabi6:46: ​ '​​..'​​ : 4,​
azawawi/farabi6:47: ​ '.​​..'​​ : 4,​
azawawi/farabi6:140: ​ <input type="text" class="mousetrap" id="module_search_pattern" placeholder="Search.​​.."​​/>​
azawawi/farabi6:164: ​ <input type="text" class="mousetrap" id="help_search_pattern" placeholder="Search.​​.."​​/>​
azawawi/perl6-electron:61: ​ else console.log('Server running .​​..'​​);​
azawawi/perl6-electron:27: ​ "readme": "# Json-rpc\n\nFlexible client, server objects for json-rpc communications between node.js servers with support for https.\n\n### Install…​
azawawi/perl6-electron:22: ​ skip-rest("electron is not installed. skipping tests.​​.."​​);​
azawawi/perl6-electron:23: ​ skip-rest("electron is not installed. skipping tests.​​.."​​);​
azawawi/perl6-electron:25: ​ skip-rest("electron is not installed. skipping tests.​​.."​​);​
azawawi/perl6-electron:22: ​ skip-rest("electron is not installed. skipping tests.​​.."​​);​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:226: ​ " .......​​.."​​,​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:227: ​ " . . ​​.."​​,​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:231: ​ ". . . ​​.."​​,​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:115: ​ <menuItem title="Page Setup.​​.."​​ keyEquivalent="P" id="77" userLabel="5">​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:803: ​ behaviour. For MSVC, where wchar_t is 16-bits, the reular expression "​​.."​​ will match a single​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:3422: ​ Fix incorrect measurement of untitled file in SciTE on Linux leading to message "File .​​..'​​ is 2147483647 bytes long".​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:6282: ​ Bash lexer handles "-x" in "--x-includes.​​.."​​ better.​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:7338: ​ SciTE Find in Files on Windows can be used in a modeless way and gains a '​​..'​​​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:8798: ​ New marker symbols that look like ">>>" and ".​​.."​​ which can be used for​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:356: ​ // Covers "${TEST}.​​.."​​​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:124: ​ // "Filling the #{container} with #{liquid}.​​.."​​​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:131: ​ // These vars track our instances of "...#{,,,'..#{,,,}.​​..'​​,,,}.​​.."​​​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:315: ​ // Handle '​​..'​​ and '.​​..'​​ operators correctly.​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:143: ​ // we werent an operator, but a '.​​..'​​​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:528: ​ // Covers "${TEST}.​​.."​​​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:778: ​ // These vars track our instances of "...#{,,,%Q<..#{,,,}...>,,,}.​​.."​​​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:610: ​ } else if (sc.Match(".​​.."​​)) {​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:9: ​scintillaDirectory = "../​​.."​​​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:11: ​sys.path.append(os.path.join("​​.."​​, "ScintillaEdit"))​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:14: ​scintillaDirectory = "../​​.."​​​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:205: ​ os.chdir(os.path.join("​​.."​​, "ScintillaEdit"))​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:210: ​ os.chdir(os.path.join("​​.."​​, "ScintillaEditPy"))​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:11: ​sys.path.append("../​​.."​​)​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:93: ​CheckFiles("​​.."​​)​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:10: ​ ["&Open.​​.."​​, "<control>O"],​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:12: ​ ["Save &As.​​.."​​, "<control><shift>S"],​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:11: ​sys.path.append("​​.."​​)​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:14: ​scintillaDirectory = "​​.."​​​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:21: ​scintillaDirectory = "​​.."​​​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:359: ​ cmdText = cmdText.replace(".​​.."​​, "")​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:5: ​say "Generating Markdown documentation.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-gtk-simpler:5: ​say "Generating Markdown documentation for GTK::Simple.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:207: ​ say "Detect Edges.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:216: ​ say "Emboss.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:224: ​ say "Encipher.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:232: ​ say "Equalize.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:240: ​ say "Explode (i.e. reverse implode).​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:248: ​ say "Flip.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:256: ​ say "Flop.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:264: ​ say "Frame.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:272: ​ say "Fx.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:279: ​ say "Gamma.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:287: ​ say "Gaussian Blur.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:296: ​ say "Gradient.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:305: ​ say sprintf("Grayscale from '%s'.​​.."​​, $original.type);​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:313: ​ say "Implode.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:322: ​ say "Level.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:331: ​ say "Median Filter.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:340: ​ say "Modulate.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:348: ​ say "Monochrome (Quantize).​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:364: ​ say "Motion Blur.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:373: ​ say "Negate.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:381: ​ say "Normalize.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:389: ​ say "Oil Paint.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:408: ​ say "Polaroid.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:426: ​ say "Radial (Rotational) Blur.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:434: ​ say "Raise.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:443: ​ say "Reduce Noise.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:451: ​ say "Resize (i.e. Scale).​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:459: ​ say "Roll.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:467: ​ say "Rotate.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:475: ​ say "Sample.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:483: ​ say "Scale.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:500: ​ say "Shade.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:508: ​ say "Sharpen.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:516: ​ say "Shave.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:524: ​ say "Shear.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:532: ​ say "Sketch.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:541: ​ say "Sigmoidal Contrast.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:550: ​ say "Spread.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:558: ​ say "Solarize.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:566: ​ say "Swirl.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:574: ​ say "Unsharp Mask.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:583: ​ say "Vignette.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:591: ​ say "Wave.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:608: ​say "Generating tiled image(s) comparison.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-magickwand:613: ​say "Generating side-by-side image(s) comparison.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-ncurses:23: ​mvaddstr( LINES() - 2, 2, "Press any key to exit.​​.."​​ );​
azawawi/perl6-ncurses:12: ​mvaddstr( 5, 10, "Press any key to exit.​​.."​​ );​
azawawi/perl6-ncurses:12: ​$o.printf( 5, 10, "Press any key to exit.​​.."​​);​
azawawi/perl6-net-curl:247: ​ printf("Playing video, press any key to stop .​​.."​​);​
azawawi/perl6-odoo-client:5: ​say "Generating Markdown documentation.​​.."​​;​
azawawi/perl6-selenium-webdriver:40: ​ skip-rest("phantomjs is not installed. skipping tests.​​.."​​);​
azawawi/perl6-selenium-webdriver:40: ​ skip-rest("Firefox is not installed. skipping tests.​​.."​​);​
azawawi/perl6-selenium-webdriver:40: ​ skip-rest("chromedriver is not installed. skipping tests.​​.."​​);​
azawawi/perl6-selenium-webdriver:37: ​ skip-rest("Environment variable SELENIUM_BLACKBERRY_IP is not set. skipping tests.​​.."​​);​
azawawi/perl6-terminal-caca:13: ​ my @chars = 'A'​​..'​​Z';​
azawawi/perl6-terminal-caca:14: ​ @chars.push($_) for 'a'​​..'​​z';​
azawawi/perl6-terminal-caca:15: ​ @chars.push($_) for '0'​​..'​​9';​
bbkr/GeoIPerl6:35: ​ 'GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV1' => 'GEO-533LITE 20151103 Build 1.​​..'​​,​
bbkr/GeoIPerl6:36: ​ 'GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV1_V6' => 'GEO-536LITE 20151103 Build 1.​​..'​​​
bbkr/TinyID:10: ​ my $key = ( 'a'​​..'​​z', 'A'​​..'​​Z', 0..9 ).flat.pick( * ).join;​
bbkr/TinyID:66: ​ my $key = ( '😀'​​..'​​😿' ).flat.join; # emoji subset​
byterock/Acme-Flutterby:6: ​ "description" : "Acme::Flutterby - An object-oriented interface to a butterfly. In what else but Perl 6.​​.."​​,​
cedric-vincent/kains:69: ​my $nonexistent-path = '/tmp/kains-' ~ [~] ('a'.​​..'​​z', 'A'.​​..'​​Z', '0'.​​..'​​9').pick(30);​
cedric-vincent/kains:29: ​ 'kains-' ~ getpid() ~ ['a'.​​..'​​z'].pick(9).join;​
cjfields/bioperl6:59: ​ token base_range { <base_position>'​​..'​​<base_position> }​
cjfields/bioperl6:3: ​#enum Location-Join-Symbol '.', '​​..'​​, '^';​
cjfields/bioperl6:6: ​#enum Location-Pos-Symbol '<', '>', '.', '?', '​​..'​​;​
cjfields/bioperl6:13: ​ '​​..'​​ => EXACT,​
cjfields/bioperl6:18: ​ '​​..'​​ => EXACT-POS,​
cjfields/bioperl6:26: ​ EXACT => '​​..'​​,​
cjfields/bioperl6:137: ​ my $loctype = "​​.."​​; # exact with start and end as default​
cjfields/bioperl6:11: ​our %FUZZYCODES = ( 'EXACT' => '​​..'​​, # Position is 'exact​
cjfields/bioperl6:27: ​our %RANGEENCODE = ('​​..'​​ => 'EXACT', '.' => 'WITHIN', '?' => 'UNCERTAIN',​
cjfields/bioperl6:30: ​our %RANGEDECODE = ('EXACT' => '​​..'​​, 'WITHIN' => '.', 'UNCERTAIN' => '?',​
cjfields/bioperl6:60: ​ #swapping out '​​..'​​ and '^' for words in location_type​
cjfields/bioperl6:23: ​our %RANGEENCODE = ('​​..'​​ => 'EXACT',​
cjfields/bioperl6:26: ​our %RANGEDECODE = ('EXACT' => '​​..'​​,​
cjfields/bioperl6:44: ​ #swapping out '​​..'​​ and '^' for words in location_type​
cjfields/bioperl6:903: ​# form "start1..end1,start2..end2,.​​.."​​. Use​
cjfields/bioperl6:27: ​#$s.desc = 'Frankly, my dear.​​..'​​; # TODO: set via alias​
cjfields/bioperl6:28: ​#is($s.description, 'Frankly, my dear.​​..'​​);​
colomon/ABC:47: ​ my $octave = +($abc-pitch.basenote ~~ 'a'​​..'​​z') + $.context.key-info.octave-shift;​
colomon/ABC:62: ​ when 7 { $dots = "​​.."​​; $ticks *= 4/7; }​
colomon/ABC:50: ​ Transpose($*IN, $*OUT, "D", {}, {"F" => "^", "C" => "^"}, ("A"​​.."​​G" Z=> "B"​​.."​​G", "A").hash, +2);​
colomon/ABC:54: ​ my @notes = "A"​​.."​​G";​
colomon/ABC:79: ​ my @nums = $/.subst("-", "​​.."​​).EVAL;​
colomon/ABC:96: ​ ($.basenote .. "G", "A"​​.."​​G").flat[^7];​
colomon/ABC:15: ​for flat 'A'​​..'​​G' X 2..8 -> $note, $octave-number {​
colomon/List-Utils:37: ​for "b"​​.."​​f" -> $x {​
colomon/List-Utils:45: ​for "b"​​.."​​e" -> $x​
colomon/List-Utils:50: ​ok is-valid-combination([[<a b>], [<a c>], [<b c>]], "a"​​.."​​c", 2), "Make sure is-valid-combination helper works";​
colomon/List-Utils:51: ​nok is-valid-combination([[<a b>], [<a c>], [<b d>]], "a"​​.."​​c", 2), "Make sure is-valid-combination helper works";​
colomon/List-Utils:52: ​nok is-valid-combination([[<a b>], [<a b>], [<b c>]], "a"​​.."​​c", 2), "Make sure is-valid-combination helper works";​
colomon/List-Utils:53: ​nok is-valid-combination([[<a b>], [<b c>]], "a"​​.."​​c", 2), "Make sure is-valid-combination helper works";​
colomon/List-Utils:96: ​ ok is-valid-combination(combinations('a'​​..'​​g', $count), 'a'​​..'​​g', $count), "7 choose $count correct";​
colomon/List-Utils:100: ​ my @c = combinations('a'​​..'​​z', 1);​
colomon/List-Utils:104: ​ is @c.sort.join(", "), ("a"​​.."​​z").join(", "), "which is correct";​
colomon/List-Utils:108: ​ my @c = combinations('a'​​..'​​z', 2);​
colomon/List-Utils:115: ​ my @c := combinations('a'​​..'​​z', 3);​
colomon/perl6-Testing:8: ​COMM 'Fake line-by-line.​​..'​​;​
colomon/perl6-Testing:14: ​COMM 'Fake reading all lines.​​..'​​;​
colomon/perl6-Testing:18: ​COMM 'Fake slurping all lines.​​..'​​;​
colomon/perl6-Testing:22: ​COMM 'Fake some lines.​​..'​​;​
colomon/perl6-Testing:28: ​COMM 'Fake bytewise reading.​​..'​​;​
colomon/perl6-Testing:36: ​COMM 'Fake EOF.​​..'​​;​
colomon/perl6-Testing:43: ​COMM 'Fake file tests.​​..'​​;​
colomon/perl6-Testing:6: ​COMM "\nBasic tests.​​.."​​;​
colomon/perl6-Testing:16: ​COMM "\nNegative tests.​​.."​​;​
colomon/perl6-Testing:25: ​COMM "\nOne-arg negative tests.​​.."​​;​
colomon/perl6-Testing:34: ​COMM "\nTest skipping behaviour.​​.."​​;​
colomon/perl6-Testing:38: ​COMM "\nTest todo behaviour.​​.."​​;​
colomon/perl6-Testing:45: ​# COMM "\nTest named args.​​.."​​;​
cosimo/perl6-cache-memcached:434: ​ $.log-debug("No socket .​​.."​​);​
cosimo/perl6-facter:158: ​ self.debug("Getting value of fact $.name.​​.."​​);​
cygx/p6-debug:8: ​ perl6 -MDEBUG -e 'use dbg; dbg note "debugging.​​.."​​'​
cygx/p6-debug:20: ​ logger 'Printing to STDOUT.​​..'​​;​
cygx/p6-debug:21: ​ dbg say 'Also prints to STDOUT.​​..'​​;​
cygx/p6-debug:29: ​ 'This will never be executed.​​..'​​;​
cygx/p6-tinycc:10: ​ puts("adding.​​.."​​);​
cygx/p6-uni63:6: ​my constant ENC = @(flat '0'​​..'​​9', 'a'​​..'​​z', 'A'​​..'​​Z');​
dagurval/p6-webservice-justcoin:131: ​ my $tmpfile ='a'​​..'​​z').pick(10).join);​
dagurval/p6-webservice-justcoin:148: ​ my $tmpfile ='a'​​..'​​z').pick(10).join);​
dagurval/p6-webservice-justcoin:162: ​ my $tmpfile ='a'​​..'​​z').pick(10).join);​
dagurval/perl6-gd-raw:150: ​ $path = $path.child( ('a'​​..'​​z', 'A'​​..'​​Z').pick(10).join ~ ".png" );​
dagurval/perl6-image-resize:19: ​ $path = $path.child( ('a'​​..'​​z', 'A'​​..'​​Z').pick(10).join ~ ".$ext" );​
dginev/perl6-Lingua-EN-Sentence:115: ​ $s ~~ s:g/'.​​..'​​ $EOS <lower>/...$<lower>/;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:160: ​RANGE : '​​..'​​ ;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:172: ​ | '0'​​..'​​9'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:175: ​ | '\u0300'​​..'​​\u036F'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:176: ​ | '\u203F'​​..'​​\u2040'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:181: ​ : 'A'​​..'​​Z'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:182: ​ | 'a'​​..'​​z'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:183: ​ | '\u00C0'​​..'​​\u00D6'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:184: ​ | '\u00D8'​​..'​​\u00F6'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:185: ​ | '\u00F8'​​..'​​\u02FF'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:186: ​ | '\u0370'​​..'​​\u037D'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:187: ​ | '\u037F'​​..'​​\u1FFF'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:188: ​ | '\u200C'​​..'​​\u200D'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:189: ​ | '\u2070'​​..'​​\u218F'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:190: ​ | '\u2C00'​​..'​​\u2FEF'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:191: ​ | '\u3001'​​..'​​\uD7FF'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:192: ​ | '\uF900'​​..'​​\uFDCF'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:193: ​ | '\uFDF0'​​..'​​\uFFFD'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:113: ​ : ('a'​​..'​​z'|'A'​​..'​​Z') ('a'​​..'​​z'|'A'​​..'​​Z'|'0'​​..'​​9'|'-')*​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:117: ​ : '0'​​..'​​9'+​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:137: ​ : '0'​​..'​​1'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:141: ​ : '0'​​..'​​9'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:149: ​ : ('0'​​..'​​9'|'a'​​..'​​f'|'A'​​..'​​F')​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:375: ​ | parameterList ',' '.​​..'​​​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:626: ​Ellipsis : '.​​..'​​;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:260: ​ : '0'​​..'​​9'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:283: ​ : '0'​​..'​​9'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:284: ​ | 'A'​​..'​​F'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:285: ​ | 'a'​​..'​​f'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:459: ​ : '\u0041'​​..'​​\u005A' // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A_Z​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:460: ​ | '\u00C0'​​..'​​\u00DE' // ACCENTED CAPITAL LETTERS​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:465: ​ : '\u0061'​​..'​​\u007A' // LATIN SMALL LETTER a_z​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:476: ​ : '\u02B0'​​..'​​\u02EE' // MODIFIER LETTERS​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:230: ​PARAM_NAME: '%' ((('1'​​..'​​9')('0'​​..'​​9')*)|'&')? ;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:249: ​ | '0'​​..'​​9'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:72: ​/** "any double-quoted string (".​​.."​​) possibly containing escaped quotes" */​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:110: ​type200 : type300 ('​​..'​​ type300)? ;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:129: ​ | '[' topType ',' '.​​..'​​ ']'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:139: ​funType100 : '(' '.​​..'​​ ')' '->' topType​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:126: ​ | '\u0300'​​..'​​\u036F'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:127: ​ | '\u203F'​​..'​​\u2040'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:133: ​ | '\u2070'​​..'​​\u218F' ​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:134: ​ | '\u2C00'​​..'​​\u2FEF' ​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:135: ​ | '\u3001'​​..'​​\uD7FF' ​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:136: ​ | '\uF900'​​..'​​\uFDCF' ​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:137: ​ | '\uFDF0'​​..'​​\uFFFD'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:673: ​INTEGER_LITERAL : ('0' | '1'​​..'​​9' '0'​​..'​​9'*) INTEGER_TYPE_SUFFIX? ;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:675: ​OCTAL_LITERAL : '0' ('0'​​..'​​7')+ INTEGER_TYPE_SUFFIX? ;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:680: ​HEX_DIGIT : ( '0'​​..'​​9' | 'a'​​..'​​f' | 'A'​​..'​​F' ) ;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:686: ​ : ('0'​​..'​​9')+ '.' ('0'​​..'​​9')* EXPONENT? FLOAT_TYPE_SUFFIX?​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:687: ​ | '.' ('0'​​..'​​9')+ EXPONENT? FLOAT_TYPE_SUFFIX?​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:688: ​ | ('0'​​..'​​9')+ EXPONENT FLOAT_TYPE_SUFFIX?​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:689: ​ | ('0'​​..'​​9')+ EXPONENT? FLOAT_TYPE_SUFFIX​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:697: ​EXPONENT : ('e' | 'E') (PLUS|MINUS)? ('0'​​..'​​9')+ ;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:732: ​ : '\\' ('0'​​..'​​3') ('0'​​..'​​7') ('0'​​..'​​7')​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:733: ​ | '\\' ('0'​​..'​​7') ('0'​​..'​​7')​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:734: ​ | '\\' ('0'​​..'​​7')​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:745: ​ | '\u0041'​​..'​​\u005a'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:747: ​ | '\u0061'​​..'​​\u007a'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:748: ​ | '\u00c0'​​..'​​\u00d6'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:749: ​ | '\u00d8'​​..'​​\u00f6'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:750: ​ | '\u00f8'​​..'​​\u00ff'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:751: ​ | '\u0100'​​..'​​\u1fff'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:752: ​ | '\u3040'​​..'​​\u318f'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:753: ​ | '\u3300'​​..'​​\u337f'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:754: ​ | '\u3400'​​..'​​\u3d2d'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:755: ​ | '\u4e00'​​..'​​\u9fff'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:756: ​ | '\uf900'​​..'​​\ufaff'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:761: ​ : '\u0030'​​..'​​\u0039'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:762: ​ | '\u0660'​​..'​​\u0669'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:763: ​ | '\u06f0'​​..'​​\u06f9'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:764: ​ | '\u0966'​​..'​​\u096f'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:765: ​ | '\u09e6'​​..'​​\u09ef'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:766: ​ | '\u0a66'​​..'​​\u0a6f'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:767: ​ | '\u0ae6'​​..'​​\u0aef'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:768: ​ | '\u0b66'​​..'​​\u0b6f'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:769: ​ | '\u0be7'​​..'​​\u0bef'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:770: ​ | '\u0c66'​​..'​​\u0c6f'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:771: ​ | '\u0ce6'​​..'​​\u0cef'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:772: ​ | '\u0d66'​​..'​​\u0d6f'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:773: ​ | '\u0e50'​​..'​​\u0e59'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:774: ​ | '\u0ed0'​​..'​​\u0ed9'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:775: ​ | '\u1040'​​..'​​\u1049'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:371: ​ : '\u00A0'​​..'​​\uD7FF'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:372: ​ | '\uF900'​​..'​​\uFDCF'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:373: ​ | '\uFDF0'​​..'​​\uFFEF' ​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:374: ​ | '\u10000'​​..'​​\u1FFFD' ​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:375: ​ | '\u20000'​​..'​​\u2FFFD' ​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:376: ​ | '\u30000'​​..'​​\u3FFFD'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:377: ​ | '\u40000'​​..'​​\u4FFFD'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:378: ​ | '\u50000'​​..'​​\u5FFFD'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:379: ​ | '\u60000'​​..'​​\u6FFFD'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:380: ​ | '\u70000'​​..'​​\u7FFFD'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:381: ​ | '\u80000'​​..'​​\u8FFFD'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:382: ​ | '\u90000'​​..'​​\u9FFFD' ​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:383: ​ | '\uA0000'​​..'​​\uAFFFD'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:384: ​ | '\uB0000'​​..'​​\uBFFFD'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:385: ​ | '\uC0000'​​..'​​\uCFFFD'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:386: ​ | '\uD0000'​​..'​​\uDFFFD'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:387: ​ | '\uE1000'​​..'​​\uEFFFD'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:392: ​ : '\uE000'​​..'​​\uF8FF' ​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:393: ​ | '\uF0000'​​..'​​\uFFFFD' ​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:394: ​ | '\u100000'​​..'​​\u10FFFD'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:296: ​ : variableModifier* type '.​​..'​​ variableDeclaratorId​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:1005: ​ELLIPSIS : '.​​..'​​;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:478: ​ : variableModifier* unannType annotation* '.​​..'​​ variableDeclaratorId​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:1764: ​ELLIPSIS : '.​​..'​​;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:18: ​Ellipsis: '.​​..'​​;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:88: ​ : (('_' | 'a'​​..'​​z'| 'A'​​..'​​Z' | '\u0100'​​..'​​\ufffe' )​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:89: ​ ('_' | '-' | 'a'​​..'​​z'| 'A'​​..'​​Z' | '\u0100'​​..'​​\ufffe' | '0'​​..'​​9')*​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:90: ​ | '-' ('_' | 'a'​​..'​​z'| 'A'​​..'​​Z' | '\u0100'​​..'​​\ufffe' )​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:91: ​ ('_' | '-' | 'a'​​..'​​z'| 'A'​​..'​​Z' | '\u0100'​​..'​​\ufffe' | '0'​​..'​​9')*) -> pushMode(IDENTIFY)​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:105: ​ : '-' (('0'​​..'​​9')* '.')? ('0'​​..'​​9')+​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:106: ​ | (('0'​​..'​​9')* '.')? ('0'​​..'​​9')+​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:110: ​ : '#' ('0'​​..'​​9'|'a'​​..'​​f'|'A'​​..'​​F')+​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:97: ​ | '.​​..'​​ ​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:162: ​ : namelist (',' '.​​..'​​)? | '.​​..'​​​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:191: ​ : '​​..'​​;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:74: ​ID: ('a'​​..'​​z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_')+ ;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:75: ​INT: '0'​​..'​​9'+ ;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:87: ​fragment USER_VAR_SUBFIX4: ( 'A'​​..'​​Z' | 'a'​​..'​​z' | '_' | '$' | '0'​​..'​​9' | DOT )+ ;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:349: ​parameter_list : parameter_declaration_list ( ',' '.​​..'​​ )? ;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:616: ​ELIPSIS : '.​​..'​​;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:630: ​ : LETTER (LETTER|'0'​​..'​​9')*​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:636: ​ | 'A'​​..'​​Z'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:637: ​ | 'a'​​..'​​z'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:659: ​DECIMAL_LITERAL : ('0' | '1'​​..'​​9' '0'​​..'​​9'*) IntegerTypeSuffix? ;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:661: ​OCTAL_LITERAL : '0' ('0'​​..'​​7')+ IntegerTypeSuffix? ;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:664: ​HexDigit : ('0'​​..'​​9'|'a'​​..'​​f'|'A'​​..'​​F') ;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:672: ​ : ('0'​​..'​​9')+ ('.' ('0'​​..'​​9')*)? Exponent? FloatTypeSuffix?​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:676: ​Exponent : ('e'|'E') ('+'|'-')? ('0'​​..'​​9')+ ;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:689: ​ : '\\' ('0'​​..'​​3') ('0'​​..'​​7') ('0'​​..'​​7')​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:690: ​ | '\\' ('0'​​..'​​7') ('0'​​..'​​7')​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:691: ​ | '\\' ('0'​​..'​​7')​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:327: ​/// # note below: the ('.' | '.​​..'​​) is necessary because '.​​..'​​ is tokenized as ELLIPSIS​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:328: ​/// import_from: ('from' (('.' | '.​​..'​​)* dotted_name | ('.' | '.​​..'​​)+)​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:331: ​ : FROM ( ( '.' | '.​​..'​​ )* dotted_name ​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:332: ​ | ('.' | '.​​..'​​)+ ​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:562: ​/// NAME | NUMBER | STRING+ | '.​​..'​​ | 'None' | 'True' | 'False')​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:570: ​ | '.​​..'​​ ​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:823: ​ELLIPSIS : '.​​..'​​;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:912: ​/// nonzerodigit ::= "1".​​.."​​9"​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:917: ​/// digit ::= "0".​​.."​​9"​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:922: ​/// octdigit ::= "0".​​.."​​7"​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:927: ​/// hexdigit ::= digit | "a".​​.."​​f" | "A".​​.."​​F"​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:112: ​ | '.​​..'​​​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:124: ​ | '.​​..'​​​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:133: ​HEXDIGIT : ('0'​​..'​​9'|'a'​​..'​​f'|'A'​​..'​​F') ;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:140: ​DIGIT: '0'​​..'​​9' ; ​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:88: ​ ','|'.​​..'​​|'||'| '|'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:42: ​Ellipsis : '.​​..'​​;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:110: ​ : (('_' | 'a'​​..'​​z'| 'A'​​..'​​Z' | '\u0100'​​..'​​\ufffe' )​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:111: ​ ('_' | '-' | 'a'​​..'​​z'| 'A'​​..'​​Z' | '\u0100'​​..'​​\ufffe' | '0'​​..'​​9')*​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:112: ​ | '-' ('_' | 'a'​​..'​​z'| 'A'​​..'​​Z' | '\u0100'​​..'​​\ufffe' )​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:113: ​ ('_' | '-' | 'a'​​..'​​z'| 'A'​​..'​​Z' | '\u0100'​​..'​​\ufffe' | '0'​​..'​​9')*) -> pushMode(IDENTIFY)​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:130: ​ : '-' (('0'​​..'​​9')* '.')? ('0'​​..'​​9')+​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:131: ​ | (('0'​​..'​​9')* '.')? ('0'​​..'​​9')+​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:135: ​ : '#' ('0'​​..'​​9'|'a'​​..'​​f'|'A'​​..'​​F')+​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:233: ​parameter_clause : '(' ')' | '(' parameter_list '.​​..'​​? ')' ;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:686: ​tuple_type_body : tuple_type_element_list '.​​..'​​? ;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:722: ​ | '​​..'​​ ('.'|Operator_character)*​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:753: ​ : '​​..'​​​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:66: ​//IRIREF : '<' (~(['\u0000'​​..'​​\u0020']|'<'|'>'|'"'|'{'|'}'|'|'|'^'|'`'|'\\') | UCHAR)* '>'; /* \u00=NULL #01-\u1F=control codes \u20=space */​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:86: ​PN_CHARS_BASE : 'A'​​..'​​Z'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:87: ​ | 'a'​​..'​​z'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:88: ​ | '\u00C0'​​..'​​\u00D6'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:89: ​ | '\u00D8'​​..'​​\u00F6'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:90: ​ | '\u00F8'​​..'​​\u02FF'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:91: ​ | '\u0370'​​..'​​\u037D'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:92: ​ | '\u037F'​​..'​​\u1FFF'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:93: ​ | '\u200C'​​..'​​\u200D'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:94: ​ | '\u2070'​​..'​​\u218F'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:95: ​ | '\u2C00'​​..'​​\u2FEF'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:96: ​ | '\u3001'​​..'​​\uD7FF'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:97: ​ | '\uF900'​​..'​​\uFDCF'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:98: ​ | '\uFDF0'​​..'​​\uFFFD'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:99: ​ /*| '\u10000'​​..'​​\uxEFFFF'*/​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:867: ​INTEGERLITERAL : (PLUS|MINUS)? ('0'​​..'​​9')+ ( ('e' | 'E') INTEGERLITERAL)* ('#' | '&')?;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:868: ​DOUBLELITERAL : (PLUS|MINUS)? ('0'​​..'​​9')* '.' ('0'​​..'​​9')+ ( ('e' | 'E') (PLUS|MINUS)? ('0'​​..'​​9')+)* ('#' | '&')?;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:341: ​ : '.​​..'​​​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:410: ​ | '.​​..'​​​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:75: ​ | '\u0300'​​..'​​\u036F'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:76: ​ | '\u203F'​​..'​​\u2040'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:82: ​ | '\u2070'​​..'​​\u218F' ​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:83: ​ | '\u2C00'​​..'​​\u2FEF' ​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:84: ​ | '\u3001'​​..'​​\uD7FF' ​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:85: ​ | '\uF900'​​..'​​\uFDCF' ​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:86: ​ | '\uFDF0'​​..'​​\uFFFD'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:142: ​ : 'A'​​..'​​Z'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:146: ​ : 'a'​​..'​​z'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:150: ​ : '0'​​..'​​9'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:154: ​ : '\u0021'​​..'​​\u0027'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:155: ​ | '\u002a'​​..'​​\u002f'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:156: ​ | '\u003a'​​..'​​\u0040'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:157: ​ | '\u005e'​​..'​​\u0060'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:158: ​ | '\u00a1'​​..'​​\u00FF'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:159: ​ | '\u0152'​​..'​​\u0192'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:160: ​ | '\u2013'​​..'​​\u2122'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:161: ​ | '\u2190'​​..'​​\u21FF'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:162: ​ | '\u2200'​​..'​​\u22FF'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:260: ​LETTERS :('a'​​..'​​z' |'A'​​..'​​Z' )+;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:261: ​NUMBER : ('0'​​..'​​9')+ ( ('e' | 'E') NUMBER)*;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:262: ​FLOAT : ('0'​​..'​​9')* '.' ('0'​​..'​​9')+ ( ('e' | 'E') ('0'​​..'​​9')+)*;​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:1578: ​ : '\\' ( 'a'​​..'​​z' | '0'​​..'​​9' | '&' | '\'' | '(' | ')'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:1585: ​ : 'a'​​..'​​z' | 'A'​​..'​​Z'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:1669: ​ : ('A'​​..'​​F'|'a'​​..'​​f')​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:1679: ​ : '0'​​..'​​9'​
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:512: ​ <from=STRING_LITERAL> '​​..'​​ <to=STRING_LITERAL>​
drforr/perl6-Perl6-Parser:67: ​It's quicker to copy/paste when ... { } blocks than to copy an 'if.​​..'​​ block​
drforr/perl6-Perl6-Parser:67: ​ Operator::Infix ("​​.."​​) (77-79) (line 3209)​
drforr/perl6-Perl6-Parser:177: ​things don't go wrapping around the terminal, and adds an ellipsis ('.​​..'​​) if​
drforr/perl6-Perl6-Parser:361: ​ $munged ~= '.​​..'​​ if $source.chars > 72;​
drforr/perl6-Perl6-Parser:163: ​say .chars, " digits starting with ", .substr(0,50), ".​​.."​​ given A(4,2);​
drforr/perl6-Perl6-Parser:1105: ​my @b = 'a'​​..'​​e';​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:313: ​ when .starts-with(any('a'​​..'​​z')) { $link-target = "/routine/$link-target"; proceed }​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:314: ​ when .starts-with(any('A'​​..'​​Z')) { $link-target = "/type/$link-target"; proceed }​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:1039: ​ <pre class="code">note ".​​.."​​;​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:1603: ​</li></ul> <p>Works similarly to how it does in Perl 5. The one caveat is that ranges are specified differently. Instead of using a range "a-z", you …​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:1799: ​ <p><span class="code">tr///</span> is not well documented, but seems to work similarly to how it does in Perl 5. The one caveat is that ranges are s…​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:2792: ​say "Starting.​​.."​​;​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:2808: ​say "Starting.​​.."​​;​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:6081: ​ <p>Lists can be lazy, what means that their values are computed on demand and stored for later use. To create a lazy list use <a href="#_language_co…​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:6912: ​ <pre class="code">my $formatted-text = "Fourscore and seven years ago.​​.."​​. &lt;a href="#_routine_indent.pod6"&gt;indent&lt;/a&gt; &lt;b&gt;(8)&lt;/b&gt; ; ​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:7295: ​ method serialize() { &lt;b&gt; &lt;a href=".​​.."​​&gt;...&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/b&gt; } # literal ... here marks the ​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:7493: ​ <p>As a special case the <i>listop</i> (list operator) can stand either as a term or as a prefix. Subroutine calls are the most common listops. Othe…​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:8009: ​ <a name="t25.26.6"></a><h2 id="_language_operators.pod6-infix_​​.."​​>25.26.6 infix <span class="code">..</span></h2>​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:8017: ​ <a name="t25.26.8"></a><h2 id="_language_operators.pod6-infix_^​​.."​​>25.26.8 infix <span class="code">^..</span></h2>​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:8381: ​ <a name="t25.34.3"></a><h2 id="_language_operators.pod6-infix_.​​.."​​>25.34.3 infix <span class="code">...</span> <a name="357"></a><a name="358"></a><a name="359"></a></h2>​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:8394: ​ <p>Custom generators are the last argument before the '.​​..'​​ operator. This one takes two arguments, and generates the Fibonacci numbers</p>​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:8432: ​ <a name="t25.35.4"></a><h2 id="_language_operators.pod6-listop_.​​.."​​>25.35.4 listop <span class="code">...</span></h2>​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:11989: ​ <pre class="code">say join ", ", "az"​​.."​​bc"​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:11992: ​ <pre class="code">say join ", ", "az"​​.."​​bc"'​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:11996: ​say join ", ", "r2"​​.."​​t3"​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:12012: ​ <pre class="code">1..3.say # says "3" (and warns about useless "​​.."​​)​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:12985: ​ <pre class="code">say "Looking for strings with non-alphabetic characters.​​.."​​;​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:16588: ​my $io = "foo/./bar/​​.."​​.IO.resolve; # now "/" (the parent of "/baz")</pre>​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:16591: ​ <pre class="code">sub dir(Cool $path = '.', Mu :$test = none('.', '​​..'​​))​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:16592: ​method dir(IO::Path:D: Mu :$test = none('.', '​​..'​​))</pre>​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:16600: ​# As before, but include even '.' and '​​..'​​ which are filtered out by​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:18194: ​ <pre class="code">say ('a'​​..'​​h').rotor(3).join('|'); # a b c|d e f​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:18195: ​say ('a'​​..'​​h').rotor(3, :partial).join('|'); # a b c|d e f|g h</pre>​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:18197: ​ <pre class="code">say ('a'​​..'​​h').rotor(2 =&gt; 1).join('|'); # a b|d e|g h​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:18198: ​say ('a'​​..'​​h').rotor(3 =&gt; -1).join('|'); # a b c|c d e|e f g</pre>​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:18200: ​ <pre class="code">say ('a'​​..'​​h').rotor(2, 3).join('|'); # a b|c d e|f g​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:18201: ​say ('a'​​..'​​h').rotor(1 =&gt; 1, 3).join('|'); # a|c d e|f</pre>​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:18203: ​ <pre class="code">say ('a'​​..'​​h').rotor(1 =&gt; 1, 3 =&gt; -1, :partial).join('|');​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:19529: ​ say "Starting.​​.."​​; ​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:20617: ​:(:$excludes = ['.', '​​..'​​]); # a new Array for every call</pre>​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:21198: ​$str.=trans( ['a'​​..'​​y'] =&gt; ['A'​​..'​​z'] );​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:21202: ​"a123b123c".trans(['a'​​..'​​z'] =&gt; 'x', :complement); # «axxxbxxxc»​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:21204: ​"aaa1123bb123c".trans('a'​​..'​​z' =&gt; 'A'​​..'​​Z', :squash); # «A1123B123C»​
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:21205: ​"aaa1123bb123c".trans('a'​​..'​​z' =&gt; 'x', :complement, :squash); # «aaaxbbxc»</pre>​
gfldex/perl6-typesafe-xhtml-writer:9: ​ (|('A'​​..'​​Z'), |('a'​​..'​​z')).pick((3..10).pick).join('')​
gfldex/perl6-xhtml-writer:9: ​ (|('A'​​..'​​Z'), |('a'​​..'​​z')).pick((3..10).pick).join('')​
grondilu/p6-modular:53: ​if you have defined a modular version of '*' and '​​..'​​. That is the purpose​
hankache/Acme-Cow:18: ​ say " cow-say --message='.​​..'​​ => Use default template and prints your message";​
hankache/Acme-Cow:19: ​ say " cow-say --message='.​​..'​​ --face='.​​..'​​ => Use default template and chosen face";​
hankache/Acme-Cow:20: ​ say " cow-say --message='.​​..'​​ --template='.​​..'​​ => Use selected template and prints your message";​
hankache/Acme-Cow:17: ​ when "young" { $!eyes = "​​.."​​}​
hankache/Acme-Cow:147: ​ ''.. '--' '--' ​​..'​​'​
hoelzro/p6-io-string:187: ​ my $gist-str = $!buffer.chars > 100 ?? $!buffer.chars.substr(0, 100) ~ ".​​.."​​ !! $!buffer;​
jamesalbert/JSON-WebToken:55: ​ my $pricate_key_string = '.​​..'​​;​
jamesalbert/JSON-WebToken:56: ​ my $public_key_string = '.​​..'​​;​
jamesalbert/JSON-WebToken:45: ​ my $pricate_key_string = '.​​..'​​;​
jamesalbert/JSON-WebToken:46: ​ my $public_key_string = '.​​..'​​;​
jdv/p6-data-selector:228: ​ <-[[\].\$,]>+ [ '​​..'​​ <-[[\].\$,]>+ ]?​
jdv/p6-data-selector:429: ​ if $data_tree ~~ Array && $_[0].index( '​​..'​​ ) {​
jnthn/p6-app-moarvm-heapanalyzer:10: ​ print "Considering the snapshot.​​.."​​;​
jnthn/p6-app-moarvm-heapanalyzer:61: ​ say "Loading that snapshot. Carry on.​​.."​​​
jnthn/p6-app-moarvm-heapanalyzer:214: ​ find [<n>]? <what> [type=".​​.."​​ | repr=".​​.."​​ | name=".​​.."​​]​
jnthn/p6-app-moarvm-heapanalyzer:217: ​ count <what> [type=".​​.."​​ | repr=".​​.."​​ | name=".​​.."​​]​
jnthn/p6-file-ignore:60: ​ $/.subst('\\', '\\\\', :g).subst(/. <( '-' )> ./, '​​..'​​, :g) ~​
jnthn/p6-io-socket-async-ssl:101: ​ say "Shutting down.​​.."​​;​
jnthn/p6-ssh-libssh:28: ​ say "Shutting down.​​.."​​;​
jnthn/p6-ssh-libssh:28: ​ say "Shutting down.​​.."​​;​
jnthn/p6-test-scheduler:177: ​ is $c.receive, 2, 'After advancing by a further 20s, get one more value.​​..'​​;​
jnthn/p6-test-scheduler:189: ​ nok $p, 'Cancelled scheduled work does not run.​​..'​​;​
jnthn/p6-test-scheduler:209: ​ nok $c.poll, 'Same after a further 10s.​​..'​​;​
jnthn/p6-test-scheduler:232: ​ nok $c.poll, 'Same after a further 10s.​​..'​​;​
jnthn/p6-test-scheduler:255: ​ nok $c.poll, 'Same after a further 10s.​​..'​​;​
jnthn/rakudo-debugger:43: ​ $l.chars > 77 ?? $l.substr(0, 74) ~ '.​​..'​​ !! $l​
jnthn/rakudo-debugger:142: ​ $after = $after.substr(0, 40) ~ '.​​..'​​;​
jnthn/rakudo-debugger:145: ​ $before = ".​​.."​​ ~ $before.substr(* - (74 - $after.chars));​
jonathanstowe/Audio-Liquidsoap:27: ​ diag "waiting until server settles .​​.."​​;​
jonathanstowe/Audio-Liquidsoap:29: ​ diag "waiting until server settles .​​.."​​;​
jonathanstowe/LibraryCheck:66: ​ my $name = ("a"​​.."​​z","A"​​.."​​Z").flat.pick(15).join("");​
jonathanstowe/Lumberjack-Dispatcher-Syslog:17: ​ self.log-info("Starting .​​.."​​);​
jonathanstowe/Lumberjack-Dispatcher-Syslog:22: ​ self.log-debug("Doing stuff .​​.."​​);​
jonathanstowe/Lumberjack-Dispatcher-Syslog:19: ​ self.log-info("Starting .​​.."​​);​
jonathanstowe/Lumberjack-Dispatcher-Syslog:24: ​ self.log-debug("Doing stuff .​​.."​​);​
jonathanstowe/Lumberjack-Dispatcher-Syslog:21: ​ self.log-info("Starting .​​.."​​);​
jonathanstowe/Lumberjack-Dispatcher-Syslog:26: ​ self.log-debug("Doing stuff .​​.."​​);​
jonathanstowe/Lumberjack:16: ​ self.log-info("Starting .​​.."​​);​
jonathanstowe/Lumberjack:21: ​ self.log-debug("Doing stuff .​​.."​​);​
jonathanstowe/Lumberjack:18: ​ self.log-info("Starting .​​.."​​);​
jonathanstowe/Lumberjack:23: ​ self.log-debug("Doing stuff .​​.."​​);​
jonathanstowe/Lumberjack:20: ​ self.log-info("Starting .​​.."​​);​
jonathanstowe/Lumberjack:25: ​ self.log-debug("Doing stuff .​​.."​​);​
jonathanstowe/META6:6451: ​ "description" : "Acme::Flutterby - An object-oriented interface to a butterfly. In what else but Perl 6.​​.."​​,​
jonathanstowe/XDG-BaseDirectory:64: ​throws-like { $obj.load-config-paths('​​..'​​,'​​..'​​) }, X::InvalidResource, message => "invalid resource description", "throws with a '​​..'​​ relative path";​
jonathanstowe/p6-fcgi:1143: ​ test "$ac_srcdir_defaulted" = yes && srcdir="$ac_confdir or ​​.."​​​
jonathanstowe/p6-fcgi:1190: ​ -q, --quiet, --silent do not print \`checking.​​..'​​ messages​
jonathanstowe/p6-fcgi:1194: ​ --srcdir=DIR find the sources in DIR [configure dir or \`​​..'​​]​
jonathanstowe/p6-fcgi:1266: ​ # A "​​.."​​ for each directory in $ac_dir_suffix.​
jonathanstowe/p6-fcgi:4598: ​ # A "​​.."​​ for each directory in $ac_dir_suffix.​
jsimonet/log-any:42: ​Log::Any.trace('entering method with parameters .​​..'​​); # nothing logged​
kalkin/Ddt:48: ​ my $base = $*SPEC.catdir($?FILE.IO.dirname, "​​.."​​);​
kalkin/License-Software:8: ​ warn "Licensing YearRange both endpoints must be Int values and have bounds 0​​.."​​ ;​
kalkin/perl6-hashids:43: ​ is Hashids::play-lottery('h', $SALT, ('a'​​..'​​z').join), 'hthis is my saltabcdefghij';​
kuerbis/Term-Choose-p6:146: ​ $element.=substr( 0, $allowed_length - 3 ) ~ '.​​..'​​;*​
kuerbis/Term-Choose-p6:1146: ​ $element.=substr( 0, $allowed_length - 3 ) ~ '.​​..'​​;*​
kuerbis/Term-Choose-p6:14: ​ my Str $tail = '.​​..'​​;​
labster/p6-File-Spec-Case:37: ​ my $tmpname = "{('a'​​..'​​z').pick(8).join}.tmp";​
labster/p6-file-directory-tree:38: ​Also deletes all items in a given directory, but leaves the directory itself intact. After running this, the only thing in the path should be '.' and '​​..'​​.​
leont/yamlish:86: ​ '.​​..'​​​
leont/yamlish:90: ​ | <.newline> <!before '---' | '.​​..'​​> <map('')>​
leont/yamlish:94: ​ | <.begin-space> <!before '---' | '.​​..'​​> <plain>​
leont/yamlish:99: ​ <!before '---' | '.​​..'​​>​
leont/yamlish:786: ​ to-yaml-doc($document) ~ ".​​.."​​;​
leont/yamlish:789: ​'') ~ ".​​.."​​;​
leont/yamlish:11: ​ '.​​..'​​,​
leont/yamlish:18: ​ '.​​..'​​,​
leont/yamlish:25: ​ '.​​..'​​,​
leont/yamlish:32: ​ '.​​..'​​,​
leont/yamlish:41: ​ '.​​..'​​,​
leont/yamlish:50: ​ '.​​..'​​,​
leont/yamlish:59: ​ '.​​..'​​,​
leont/yamlish:69: ​ '.​​..'​​,​
leont/yamlish:79: ​ '.​​..'​​,​
leont/yamlish:89: ​ '.​​..'​​,​
leont/yamlish:100: ​ '.​​..'​​,​
leont/yamlish:114: ​ '.​​..'​​,​
leont/yamlish:127: ​ '.​​..'​​,​
leont/yamlish:134: ​ in => [ '---', 'spog: ', ' - 1', ' - 2', '.​​..'​​ ],​
leont/yamlish:167: ​ '.​​..'​​,​
leont/yamlish:201: ​ { in => ['.​​..'​​],​
leont/yamlish:207: ​ '.​​..'​​​
leont/yamlish:215: ​ '.​​..'​​​
leont/yamlish:224: ​ '.​​..'​​​
leont/yamlish:232: ​ '.​​..'​​​
leont/yamlish:239: ​ '.​​..'​​​
leont/yamlish:246: ​ '.​​..'​​​
leont/yamlish:254: ​ '.​​..'​​​
leont/yamlish:261: ​ '.​​..'​​​
leont/yamlish:269: ​ '.​​..'​​​
leont/yamlish:277: ​ '.​​..'​​​
leont/yamlish:289: ​ '.​​..'​​​
leont/yamlish:301: ​ '.​​..'​​​
leont/yamlish:309: ​ '.​​..'​​​
leont/yamlish:321: ​ '.​​..'​​​
leont/yamlish:338: ​ '.​​..'​​​
leont/yamlish:351: ​ '.​​..'​​​
leont/yamlish:374: ​ '.​​..'​​​
leont/yamlish:382: ​ '.​​..'​​​
leont/yamlish:390: ​ '.​​..'​​​
leont/yamlish:398: ​ '.​​..'​​​
leont/yamlish:405: ​ '.​​..'​​​
leont/yamlish:422: ​ '.​​..'​​​
leont/yamlish:443: ​ ".​​.."​​​
leont/yamlish:467: ​ '.​​..'​​,​
madcapjake/p6-myhtml:41: ​say "For a test; Create and delete 100_000 attrs.​​.."​​;​
madcapjake/p6-myhtml:41: ​say "For a test; Create and delete 100_000 attrs.​​.."​​;​
madcapjake/p6dx:16: ​ :dir('.' ~ '/​​..'​​ x $i),​
madcapjake/rabble:52: ​ "Compiling.​​.."​​.say if $*DEBUG;​
marcoonroad/Coro-Simple:16: ​ok (ensure { warn "Sorry, but the coroutine is dead.​​.."​​ }, $next( )).say;​
marcoonroad/Coro-Simple:17: ​ok (ensure { warn "Sorry, but the coroutine is dead.​​.."​​ }, $next( )).say;​
marcoonroad/Coro-Simple:18: ​ok (ensure { warn "Sorry, but the coroutine is dead.​​.."​​ }, $next( )).say;​
marcoonroad/Coro-Simple:19: ​ok (assert { warn "Sorry, but the coroutine is dead.​​.."​​ }, $next( )).say;​
masak/007:28: ​Having settled in, Dryden smiles and continues. "Benefits of being Section Chief. I'd know of anyone being promoted to Double-O status, wouldn't I? Your file shows no kills, and it takes.​​.."​​​
masak/007:76: ​"Well, you needn't worry", Dryden continues. "The second is.​​.."​​​
masak/007:204: ​"Interesting," says Bond. "I wonder what Bill Murray would have done in a situation like this? Hold on, let me try something else.​​.."​​​
masak/007:254: ​Dryden nods, sympathetically. "I understand fully. The Perl 6 macros have been a long way coming. You do a first implementation of macros in this fast-moving toy language. The second.​​.."​​​
masak/007:14: ​ say(plural(n, "bottle") ~ " of beer on the wall.​​.."​​);​
masak/007:32: ​ say("Moving " ~ diskname ~ " from pile " ~ ~(from + 1) ~ " to pile " ~ ~(to + 1) ~ ".​​.."​​);​
masak/007:27: ​say("Sorting.​​.."​​);​
masak/007:45: ​ if $line ~~ /^ "1​​.."​​/ {​
masak/007:34: ​ my $correct-format = so $line ~~ /^ "Moving " (\w+) " disk from pile " (\d) " to pile " (\d) ".​​.."​​ $/;​
masak/007:56: ​ $line ~~ /^ "Moving " (\w+) " disk from pile " (\d) " to pile " (\d) ".​​.."​​ $/;​
masak/007:14: ​is @lines[1], "Sorting.​​.."​​;​
masak/007:192: ​ "the name of a sub is visible inside the sub.​​.."​​;​
masak/crypt:13: ​ say "to find out.​​.."​​;​
masak/data-pretty:7: ​ when 101 { '.​​..'​​ }​
masak/druid:52: ​ = [~] ' ', map {" $_ "}, ("A"​​.."​​Z")[^$size];​
masak/druid:183: ​ my $letters = ('A'​​..'​​Z')[^$.size];​
masak/gge:10: ​ .subst(/\%(\d)/, { @args[$0] // '.​​..'​​ }, :g)\​
masak/gge:11: ​ .subst(/\%(\w)/, { %kwargs{$0} // '.​​..'​​ }, :g);​
masak/gge:323: ​ continue if $target.substr($pos, 2) ne '​​..'​​;​
masak/gge:331: ​ "charlist (use '​​..'​​ or '\\-')";​
masak/gge:528: ​ if $$, 2) eq '​​..'​​ {​
masak/gge:47: ​'... --- .​​..'​​ ... --- ... y literal match (\')​
masak/gge:48: ​'... --- .​​..'​​ ...---... n literal match (\')​
masak/gge:54: ​"... --- .​​.."​​ ... --- ... y literal match (\")​
masak/gge:56: ​"... --- .​​.."​​ ...---... n literal match (\")​
mattn/p6-Path-Canonical:18: ​ if $tok eq '​​..'​​ {​
mattn/p6-Path-Canonical:5: ​is canon-path('/var/tmp/./foo/../bar/​​..'​​), '/var/tmp/';​
mattn/p6-Path-Canonical:8: ​is canon-path('/../bar/​​..'​​), '/';​
mattn/p6-Path-Canonical:11: ​is canon-path('../bar/​​..'​​), '/';​
mattn/p6-Path-Canonical:14: ​is canon-path('./bar/​​..'​​), '/';​
melezhik/sparrowdo-goss:68: ​ module_run 'Goss', %( install_path => '/home/user', yaml => '.​​..'​​, title => '.​​..'​​ );​
melezhik/sparrowdo:89: ​ say colored('load configuration from config.pl6 .​​..'​​, 'blue on_green');​
melezhik/sparrowdo:14: ​ %opts<description>.substr(0, 50) ~ ' .​​..'​​ !! ​
melezhik/sparrowdo:15: ​ 'run bash: ' ~ $command.substr(0, 50) ~ ' .​​..'​​;​
moznion/p6-Backtrace-AsHTML:6: ​my constant $P6HOME = $*VM.prefix ~ '/​​..'​​;​
mrhdias/perl6-IUP:45: ​ say "Error loading Pixmap.​​.."​​;​
mrhdias/perl6-IUP:23: ​ printf("p6IupNewChildrenList: %s\n", "Wrong size.​​.."​​);​
mrhdias/perl6-Imlib2:24: ​say "wait a moment and check the result.​​.."​​;​
mrhdias/perl6-Imlib2:20: ​ say "Error: Problem loading file.​​.."​​;​
mrhdias/perl6-Imlib2:41: ​say "Text to Angle.​​.."​​ if $im.context_get_direction() == IMLIB_TEXT_TO_ANGLE;​
mrhdias/perl6-Imlib2:59: ​ default { say "Exit.​​.."​​; $im.free_image(); exit(); }​
mrhdias/perl6-Imlib2:77: ​ default { say "Exit.​​.."​​; $im.free_image(); exit(); }​
mrhdias/perl6-Imlib2:86: ​ unless 0 <= $value <= 180 { say "Exit: Wrong value.​​.."​​; $im.free_image(); exit(); }​
mrhdias/perl6-Imlib2:94: ​ unless 0 <= $value <= 180 { say "Exit: Wrong value.​​.."​​; $im.free_image(); exit(); }​
mrhdias/perl6-Imlib2:97: ​ say "Exit.​​.."​​;​
mrhdias/perl6-Imlib2:27: ​ say "YES contain the point..​​.."​​;​
mrhdias/perl6-Imlib2:724: ​ say "No error.​​.."​​;​
mrhdias/perl6-Imlib2:2432: ​ say "No error.​​.."​​ if $error_return == IMLIB_LOAD_ERROR_NONE;​
nicqrocks/p6-Git-Wrapper:11: ​my $git = gitdir => "{$*PROGRAM.dirname}/​​.."​​;​
nicqrocks/p6-Git-Wrapper:11: ​my $git = gitdir => "{$*PROGRAM.dirname}/​​.."​​;​
nkh/P6-Data-Dump-Tree:36: ​ !! (~$m, Q/[/ ~ $m.from ~ '​​..'​​ ~ $ - 1 ~ ']', DDT_FINAL) ​
nkh/P6-Data-Dump-Tree:139: ​ multi_line => '| ', empty => ' ', max_depth => '.​​..'​​,​
nkh/P6-Data-Dump-Tree:125: ​ @l.push:'​​..'​​ ~ $size)) if $size > $seq_display_size ;​
nkh/P6-Data-Dump-Tree:43: ​ @elements.push: '.​​..'​​ if ($s)[%.consume_seq<max_element_horizontal>].defined ;​
nkh/P6-Data-Dump-Tree:55: ​ @elements.push: ('.​​..'​​ ~ ($ ?? '*' !! ''), '',​
nkh/P6-Data-Dump-Tree:88: ​ !! ($.limit_string(~$m, $.match_string_limit), Q/[/ ~ $m.from ~ '​​..'​​ ~ $ -1 ~ ']', DDT_FINAL) ​
nkh/P6-Data-Dump-Tree:105: ​ !! ($.limit_string(~$m, $.match_string_limit), Q/[/ ~ $m.from ~ '​​..'​​ ~ $ - 1 ~ ']')​
nkh/P6-Data-Dump-Tree:109: ​ !! ($.limit_string(~$m, $.match_string_limit), Q/[/ ~ $m.from ~ '​​..'​​ ~ $ -1 ~ ']', DDT_FINAL, DDT_HAS_ADDRESS)​
nkh/P6-Data-Dump-Tree:134: ​ ?? ( $.limit_string(~$m, $.match_string_limit), Q/[/ ~ $m.from ~ '​​..'​​ ~ $ ~ '|' ) ​
nkh/P6-Data-Dump-Tree:135: ​ !! ( $.limit_string(~$m, $.match_string_limit), Q/[/ ~ $m.from ~ '​​..'​​ ~ $ ~ '|', DDT_FINAL, DDT_HAS_ADDRESS ) ​
nkh/P6-Data-Dump-Tree:152: ​ multi_line => $.fixed_glyph, empty => ' ' x $.fixed_glyph.chars, max_depth => '.​​..'​​, ​
nkh/P6-Data-Dump-Tree:197: ​ ('0'​​..'​​9') , < ⁰ ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸ ⁹ >,​
nkh/P6-Data-Dump-Tree:198: ​ ('a'​​..'​​z') , < ᵃ ᵇ ᶜ ᵈ ᵉ ᶠ ᵍ ʰ ⁱ ʲ ᵏ ˡ ᵐ ⁿ ᵒ ᵖ ᵠ ʳ ˢ ᵗ ᵘ ᵛ ʷ ˣ ʸ ᶻ >,​
nkh/P6-Data-Dump-Tree:199: ​ ('A'​​..'​​Z') , < ᴬ ᴮ ᶜ ᴰ ᴱ ᶠ ᴳ ᴴ ᴵ ᴶ ᴷ ᴸ ᴹ ᴺ ᴼ ᴾ ᵠ ᴿ ˢ ᵀ ᵁ ⱽ ᵂ ˣ ʸ ᶻ >, ​
nunorc/p6-Pekyll:39: ​ say "Building site to <$dst>, source is <$src> .​​.."​​;​
p6-css/CSS-Grammar-p6:26: ​diag "...parsing.​​.."​​;​
p6-css/CSS-Grammar-p6:38: ​diag "...dumping.​​.."​​;​
p6-css/CSS-Specification-p6:125: ​ $range ~= '​​..'​​ ~ $<max>.ast​
p6-pdf/PDF-Grammar-p6:151: ​ or note '.​​..'​​ ~ $tail;​
p6-pdf/PDF-p6:28: ​ note "opening {$file-in} .​​.."​​;​
p6-pdf/PDF-p6:32: ​ note $compress ?? "compressing .​​.."​​ !! "uncompressing .​​.."​​;​
p6-pdf/PDF-p6:36: ​ note "saving .​​.."​​;​
p6-pdf/PDF-p6:263: ​ constant Name-Reg-Chars = set ('!'​​..'​​~').grep({ $_ !~~ /<PDF::Grammar::char-delimiter>/});​
patch/cldr-list-pm6:20: ​ say $list.format('1'​​..'​​4'); # 1、2、3和4​
patch/cldr-list-pm6:111: ​ say $list.format('1'​​..'​​4'); # 1、2、3和4​
patch/cldr-list-pm6:15: ​is $list.format('A'​​..'​​C'), 'A, B, C', 'root: 3 Str elements';​
patch/cldr-list-pm6:16: ​is $list.format('A'​​..'​​D'), 'A, B, C, D', 'root: 4 Str elements';​
patch/cldr-list-pm6:21: ​is $list.format('A'​​..'​​C'), 'A, B, and C', 'en: 3 elements';​
patch/cldr-list-pm6:22: ​is $list.format('A'​​..'​​D'), 'A, B, C, and D', 'en: 4 elements';​
patch/cldr-list-pm6:25: ​is $list.format('A'​​..'​​C'), 'A, B and C', 'en-GB: 3 elements';​
perl6-community-modules/testml-pm6:25: ​ 14a. Change the "Custom.​​.."​​ button to "SSH"​
perl6-community-modules/yaml-pm6:22: ​ push $.out, "\n", ".​​.."​​, "\n";​
perl6/DBIish:184: ​ok($sth.execute(), "execute drop no_such_table.​​.."​​); # test 21​
perl6/DBIish:309: ​# my @chars = grep !/[0O1Iil]/, 0..9, 'A'​​..'​​Z', 'a'​​..'​​z';​
perl6/DBIish:332: ​ my @chars = flat grep /<-[0O1Iil]>/, 0..9, 'A'​​..'​​Z', 'a'​​..'​​z';​
perl6/DBIish:377: ​# my @chars = grep !/[0O1Iil]/, 0..9, 'A'​​..'​​Z', 'a'​​..'​​z';​
perl6/DBIish:428: ​ my @chars = grep /<-[0O1Iil]> /, flat 0..9, 'A'​​..'​​Z', 'a'​​..'​​z';​
perl6/DBIish:1475: ​my @chars = grep {!m/[0O1Iil]/}, flat 0..9, 'A'​​..'​​Z', 'a'​​..'​​z';​
perl6/Pod-To-HTML:292: ​ Debug { note "I don't know what {$node.WHEREFORE.WHAT.perl} is. Assuming class.​​.."​​ };​
perl6/doc:54: ​* Instead of: "In Perl 5 this was used for ..., but in Perl 6 .​​.."​​​
perl6/doc:55: ​* Say: "In Perl 5 this is used for ..., but in Perl 6 .​​.."​​​
perl6/doc:21: ​ "Processing SASS and copying the results over to $style_sheet.​​.."​​​
perl6/doc:332: ​ note ".​​.."​​;​
perl6/doc:1623: ​follows: C<< $x.trans(['a'​​..'​​c'] => ['A'​​..'​​C'], ['d'​​..'​​q'] =>​
perl6/doc:1624: ​['D'​​..'​​Q'], ['r'​​..'​​z'] => ['R'​​..'​​Z']); >> A much more extensive​
perl6/doc:273: ​follows: C<< $x.trans(['a'​​..'​​c'] => ['A'​​..'​​C'], ['d'​​..'​​q'] =>​
perl6/doc:274: ​['D'​​..'​​Q'], ['r'​​..'​​z'] => ['R'​​..'​​Z']); >> A much more extensive​
perl6/doc:481: ​ say 'Doing some unrelated things.​​..'​​;​
perl6/doc:580: ​ say "Starting.​​.."​​;​
perl6/doc:611: ​ say "Starting.​​.."​​;​
perl6/doc:79: ​ die "something went wrong .​​.."​​;​
perl6/doc:98: ​ die "something went wrong .​​.."​​;​
perl6/doc:94: ​is defined on the next line, "token thingy.​​.."​​. That means that​
perl6/doc:487: ​ myRange3 = 'a'​​..'​​h' -- Letters work too​
perl6/doc:493: ​ my $range3 = 'a'​​..'​​h'; # Letters work too​
perl6/doc:34: ​my $formatted-text = "Fourscore and seven years ago.​​.."​​.L<indent>B<(8)>;​
perl6/doc:2045: ​Custom generators are the last argument before the '.​​..'​​ operator.​
perl6/doc:734: ​See also L«C<plan :skip-all('.​​..'​​)>|/language/testing#index-entry-plan-plan($count)»​
perl6/doc:754: ​or L«C<plan :skip-all('.​​..'​​)>|/language/testing#index-entry-plan-plan($count)»​
perl6/doc:282: ​ say join ", ", "az"​​.."​​bc";​
perl6/doc:288: ​ say join ", ", "az"​​.."​​bc";​
perl6/doc:293: ​ say join ", ", "r2"​​.."​​t3";​
perl6/doc:352: ​ 1..3.say; # says "3" (and warns about useless "​​.."​​)​
perl6/doc:937: ​ say "Looking for strings with non-alphabetic characters.​​.."​​;​
perl6/doc:260: ​ say ".​​.."​​.IO.extension: 'tar'; # OUTPUT: «"...tar".IO␤»​
perl6/doc:263: ​ say ".​​.."​​.IO.extension: 'tar', :joiner(''); # OUTPUT: «"..tar".IO␤»​
perl6/doc:456: ​ '/etc/​​..'​​ .IO.parent.say; # OUTPUT: «"/etc".IO␤»​
perl6/doc:458: ​ './' .IO.parent.say; # OUTPUT: «"​​.."​​.IO␤»​
perl6/doc:474: ​ my $io = "foo/./bar/​​.."​​.IO.resolve; # now "/" (the parent of "/baz")​
perl6/doc:490: ​ sub dir(Cool $path = '.', Mu :$test = none('.', '​​..'​​))​
perl6/doc:491: ​ method dir(IO::Path:D: Mu :$test = none('.', '​​..'​​))​
perl6/doc:515: ​ # As before, but include even '.' and '​​..'​​ which are filtered out by​
perl6/doc:360: ​ say '​​..'​​ eq $*SPEC.updir; # OUTPUT: «True␤»​
perl6/doc:959: ​ say ('a'​​..'​​h').rotor(3).join('|'); # OUTPUT: «a b c|d e f␤»​
perl6/doc:960: ​ say ('a'​​..'​​h').rotor(3, :partial).join('|'); # OUTPUT: «a b c|d e f|g h␤»​
perl6/doc:966: ​ say ('a'​​..'​​h').rotor(2 => 1).join('|'); # OUTPUT: «a b|d e|g h␤»​
perl6/doc:967: ​ say ('a'​​..'​​h').rotor(3 => -1).join('|'); # OUTPUT: «a b c|c d e|e f g␤»​
perl6/doc:972: ​ say ('a'​​..'​​h').rotor(2, 3).join('|'); # OUTPUT: «a b|c d e|f g␤»​
perl6/doc:973: ​ say ('a'​​..'​​h').rotor(1 => 1, 3).join('|'); # OUTPUT: «a|c d e|f␤»​
perl6/doc:977: ​ say ('a'​​..'​​h').rotor(1 => 1, 3 => -1, :partial).join('|');​
perl6/doc:24: ​ say "Starting.​​.."​​;​
perl6/doc:129: ​ say ('a'​​..'​​d').is-int; # OUTPUT: «False␤»​
perl6/doc:228: ​ say ('a'​​..'​​d').reverse; # OUTPUT: «(d c b a)␤»​
perl6/doc:40: ​ f(); # "Use of uninitialized value $greet.​​.."​​​
perl6/doc:571: ​ $ = :(:$excludes = ['.', '​​..'​​]); # a new Array for every call​
perl6/doc:1115: ​ $str.=trans( ['a'​​..'​​y'] => ['A'​​..'​​z'] );​
perl6/doc:1119: ​ "a123b123c".trans(['a'​​..'​​z'] => 'x', :complement); # RESULT: «axxxbxxxc»​
perl6/doc:1121: ​ "aaa1123bb123c".trans('a'​​..'​​z' => 'A'​​..'​​Z', :squash); # RESULT: «A1123B123C»​
perl6/doc:1122: ​ "aaa1123bb123c".trans('a'​​..'​​z' => 'x', :complement, :squash); # RESULT: «aaaxbbxc»​
perl6/doc:23: ​BEGIN say 'Initializing .​​..'​​;​
perl6/doc:193: ​ say 'Creating html/subdirectories .​​..'​​;​
perl6/doc:201: ​ say 'Reading type graph .​​..'​​;​
perl6/doc:212: ​ say 'Composing doc registry .​​..'​​;​
perl6/doc:216: ​ say "Writing programs document for {$} .​​.."​​;​
perl6/doc:222: ​ say "Writing language document for {$} .​​.."​​;​
perl6/doc:248: ​ say "Reading doc/$dir .​​.."​​;​
perl6/doc:264: ​ say "Processing $dir Pod files .​​.."​​;​
perl6/doc:346: ​ say "Writing $what document for $podname .​​.."​​;​
perl6/doc:677: ​ say 'Writing type graph images to html/images/ .​​..'​​;​
perl6/doc:694: ​ say 'Writing specialized visualizations to html/images/ .​​..'​​;​
perl6/doc:755: ​ say 'Writing html/js/search.js .​​..'​​;​
perl6/doc:781: ​ say 'Writing disambiguation files .​​..'​​;​
perl6/doc:826: ​ say 'Writing html/index.html and html/404.html.​​..'​​;​
perl6/doc:836: ​ say 'Writing html/programs.html .​​..'​​;​
perl6/doc:846: ​ say 'Writing html/language.html .​​..'​​;​
perl6/doc:881: ​ say "Writing html/$kind.html .​​.."​​;​
perl6/doc:903: ​ say "Writing html/$kind-$category.html .​​.."​​;​
perl6/doc:919: ​ say "Writing per-$kind files .​​.."​​;​
perl6/doc:8: ​ <input placeholder="Loading.​​.."​​ id="query"​
perl6/doc:50: ​ my \exclude = none('.', '​​..'​​, $exclude.split(','));​
perl6/tap-harness6:183: ​ '1​​..'​​ <count=.num> <.sp>* [​
perl6/tap-harness6:211: ​ [ ^^ <.indent($indent)> ' ' $<yaml-line>=[<!before '.​​..'​​> \N* \n] ]*​
perl6/tap-harness6:212: ​ <.indent($indent)> ' .​​..'​​​
perl6/tap-harness6:267: ​ my $deserialized = try (require YAMLish) ?? YAMLish::load-yaml("---\n$serialized.​​.."​​) !! Any;​
perlpilot/p6-File-Temp:6: ​my @filechars = flat('a'​​..'​​z', 'A'​​..'​​Z', 0..9, '_');​
rakudo-p5/v5:2671: ​ if $btxt.match(/^ \s* ['.​​..'​​|'???'|'!!!'] \s* $/) {​
rakudo-p5/v5:3907: ​ '​​..'​​ => '&infix:<P5..>',​
rakudo-p5/v5:3908: ​ '.​​..'​​ => '&infix:<P5...>',​
rakudo-p5/v5:1829: ​ # may override this, e.g. is repr('.​​..'​​)).​
rakudo-p5/v5:1939: ​ if $startsym eq '.​​..'​​ || $startsym eq '!!!' || $startsym eq '???' {​
rakudo-p5/v5:1291: ​ gather for $s.comb(/ (\w) '​​..'​​ (\w) | . /, :match) {​
rakudo-p5/v5:40: ​say "1​​.."​​ . $n;​
raydiak/Image-PNG-Portable:27: ​ say 'Rendering.​​..'​​ unless $quiet;​
raydiak/Inline-Lua:50: ​say "lua.​​.."​​;​
raydiak/Inline-Lua:55: ​say "perlint.​​.."​​;​
raydiak/Inline-Lua:60: ​say "perlnum.​​.."​​;​
raydiak/Inline-Lua:65: ​say "perlnum64.​​.."​​;​
raydiak/Math--ThreeD:275: ​ print "Writing $filename.​​.."​​;​
retupmoca/P6-Compress-Zlib-Raw:33: ​is $orig-size[0], 4, 'Got correct original data size.​​..'​​;​
retupmoca/P6-Net-AMQP:43: ​ fail ".​​.."​​;​
retupmoca/P6-Net-DNS:17: ​ok ($response = $resolver.lookup("A", "")), "Lookup A record for​​.."​​;​
retupmoca/P6-Net-DNS:20: ​ok ($response = $resolver.lookup("A", "")), "Lookup A record for (with trailing dot).​​.."​​;​
retupmoca/p6-Email-MIME:516: ​my @chars = ('A'​​..'​​F','a'​​..'​​f',0..9).flat;​
retupmoca/p6-Email-MIME:10: ​is $result<type>, 'text', "Default content type parses <type>(text).​​.."​​;​
retupmoca/p6-Email-MIME:11: ​is $result<subtype>, 'plain', "...and <subtype>(plain).​​.."​​;​
retupmoca/p6-Email-MIME:15: ​is $result<type>, 'text', "Passed content type parses <type>(text).​​.."​​;​
retupmoca/p6-Email-MIME:16: ​is $result<subtype>, 'html', "...and <subtype>(plain).​​.."​​;​
retupmoca/p6-Email-MIME:21: ​is $result<type>, 'multipart', "Complex content type parses <type>.​​.."​​;​
retupmoca/p6-Email-MIME:22: ​is $result<subtype>, 'mixed', "...and <subtype>.​​.."​​;​
retupmoca/p6-Email-MIME:23: ​is $result<attributes><charset>, 'us-ascii', "...and charset attribute.​​.."​​;​
retupmoca/p6-Email-MIME:28: ​is $result<type>, 'multipart', "Complex with newline content type parses <type>.​​.."​​;​
retupmoca/p6-Email-MIME:29: ​is $result<subtype>, 'mixed', "...and <subtype>.​​.."​​;​
retupmoca/p6-Email-MIME:30: ​is $result<attributes><charset>, 'us-ascii', "...and charset attribute.​​.."​​;​
retupmoca/p6-Email-Simple:39: ​is $mail.header('Previously-Unknown'), 'wonderful species', "We can add new headers.​​.."​​;​
salortiz/DBDish-ODBC:67: ​diag "Continuará.​​.."​​;​
salortiz/p6-LMDB:158: ​ diag 'To be continued.​​..'​​;​
samcns/uzu:288: ​ return "Invalid path" if $file.match('​​..'​​);​
samcns/uzu:547: ​ my Str $config_yaml = S:g /'.​​..'​​// given save-yaml($config);​
samgwise/p6-algorithm-genetic:19: ​ # our @options = (|('A'​​..'​​Z'), |('a'​​..'​​z'));​
sergot/bamboo:38: ​ say "===> Installing.​​.."​​;​
sergot/http-useragent:7: ​ say "Saving to '$file'.​​.."​​;​
sergot/http-useragent:9: ​ say "{$content.substr(0, 800)}.​​.."​​;​
sergot/openssl:13: ​ diag 'Got a redirect, following.​​..'​​;​
skaji/mi6:4: ​my $base = $*SPEC.catdir($?FILE.IO.dirname, "​​.."​​);​
skids/perl6sum:18: ​is $s.partials("....​​.."​​)».Int, (0xf3009ba116623fd5, 0xb28753d8b488ae38, 0xfedd16cd7a81b334, 0x17241487941ee6da, 0xdc73124438fcb94d, 0x4c80530e3ead0ad7), "partials yields expected values across a w boundary";​
softmoth/p6-Template-Mustache:241: ​ #note "** \@ .​​.."​​;​
spebern/Parser-FreeXL-Native:76: ​source code in the directory that `configure' is in and in `​​..'​​.​
spebern/Parser-FreeXL-Native:216: ​ if test "$$first" = "​​.."​​; then \​
spebern/Parser-FreeXL-Native:69: ​# '$srcdir', '$srcdir/​​..'​​, or '$srcdir/../​​..'​​.​
spebern/Parser-FreeXL-Native:1298: ​ test "$ac_srcdir_defaulted" = yes && srcdir="$ac_confdir or ​​.."​​​
spebern/Parser-FreeXL-Native:1343: ​ -q, --quiet, --silent do not print \`checking .​​..'​​ messages​
spebern/Parser-FreeXL-Native:1347: ​ --srcdir=DIR find the sources in DIR [configure dir or \`​​..'​​]​
spebern/Parser-FreeXL-Native:1465: ​ # A "​​.."​​ for each directory in $ac_dir_suffix.​
spebern/Parser-FreeXL-Native:2837: ​# GNU make sometimes prints "make[1]: Entering .​​.."​​, which would confuse us.​
spebern/Parser-FreeXL-Native:5815: ​# GNU make sometimes prints "make[1]: Entering .​​.."​​, which would confuse us.​
spebern/Parser-FreeXL-Native:11786: ​ if ($lt_i == "​​.."​​) {​
spebern/Parser-FreeXL-Native:18809: ​ # A "​​.."​​ for each directory in $ac_dir_suffix.​
spebern/Parser-FreeXL-Native:352: ​ # effect. `cc -MD -o foo.o .​​..'​​ puts the dependencies into `foo.o.d'.​
spebern/Parser-FreeXL-Native:240: ​# and cancel out any "​​.."​​ path components in PATH after making​
spebern/Parser-FreeXL-Native:284: ​ # If we ascended to the root using "​​.."​​ the result may be empty now.​
spebern/Parser-FreeXL-Native:1373: ​# arg is usually of the form 'gcc .​​..'​​​
spebern/Parser-FreeXL-Native:4951: ​ delimiters if they are surrounded by double quotes: ".​​.."​​.​
spebern/Parser-FreeXL-Native:8189: ​ func_verbose "using reloadable object file for export list.​​.."​​​
spebern/Parser-FreeXL-Native:8353: ​ func_verbose "creating reloadable object files.​​.."​​​
spebern/Parser-FreeXL-Native:9123: ​ echo "copying selected object files to avoid basename conflicts.​​.."​​​
spebern/Parser-FreeXL-Native:9162: ​ func_verbose "using command file archive linking.​​.."​​​
spebern/Parser-FreeXL-Native:9173: ​ func_verbose "using piecewise archive linking.​​.."​​​
spebern/Parser-FreeXL-Native:2142: ​ if ($lt_i == "​​.."​​) {​
spebern/Parser-FreeXL-Native:68: ​Handle \`PROGRAM [ARGUMENT].​​..'​​ for when PROGRAM is missing, or return an​
spitsh/spitsh:119: ​ default { "well I'm not sure​​.."​​ }​
spitsh/spitsh:48: ​ note "$name contextualzing​​.."​​ if $debug;​
spitsh/spitsh:59: ​ note "$name composing​​.."​​ if $debug;​
spitsh/spitsh:72: ​ note "$name compiling​​.."​​ if $debug;​
spitsh/spitsh:22: ​ '​​..'​​ => $('n=',LEFT),​
spitsh/spitsh:67: ​ '.​​..'​​​
spitsh/spitsh:443: ​ note "writing output to docker​​.."​​ if $*debug;​
spitsh/spitsh:106: ​ default { "well I'm not sure​​.."​​ }​
spitsh/spitsh:74: ​ # "${a:='.​​..'​​}" it will include the single quotes in a but if​
spitsh/spitsh:42: ​ is $str, 'fee', '$str .= .​​..'​​;​
supernovus/flower:51: ​ $substr ~= '.​​..'​​;​
supernovus/flower:20: ​is ~$tal.parse($template, :items(['a'​​..'​​d'])), $xml~'<table><tr><td>a</td><td>b</td></tr><tr><td>c</td><td>d</td></tr></table>', 'group: modifier';​
supernovus/perl6-http-client:50: ​ :type("text/plain"), :content("hello world.​​.."​​)​
supernovus/perl6-http-client:109: ​ ## See RFC2616, 3.6.1 -- e.g. '5f32; xxx=.​​..'​​​
supernovus/perl6-timezone:614: ​# at 2am (or 02:00) local time.​​.."​​​
supernovus/perl6-timezone:641: ​# Communication Minister and Gov ernment Spokesman, Khalid Naciri..​​.."​​​
supernovus/perl6-timezone:1228: ​# coincided with the month of Ramadan.​​.."​​​
supernovus/perl6-timezone:235: ​# Minister's Office last night.​​.."​​​
supernovus/perl6-timezone:1874: ​# ..​​.."​​​
supernovus/perl6-timezone:2257: ​# the Muslim feast of Id al-Fitr, which begins on Tuesday.​​.."​​​
supernovus/perl6-timezone:1135: ​# 'Sunday the CPR went back to the old system of time.​​..'​​​
supernovus/perl6-timezone:2251: ​# the rest of the country.​​.."​​ In particular, Lopez Obrador would abolish​
supernovus/perl6-timezone:2466: ​# zone .​​.."​​​
sylvarant/Compress-Brotli:18: ​my $large = (map { (roll 10, "0"​​.."​​z") } ,^1000).join(" ");​
szabgab/Perl6-Maven:81: ​ loadingText: 'loading.​​..'​​​
szabgab/Perl6-Maven:228: ​ loadingText: 'loading.​​..'​​​
szabgab/Perl6-Maven:6: ​!function(a){a(function(){"use strict",{var a=function(){var a=document.createElement("bootstrap"),b={WebkitTransition…​
tadzik/Grammar-BNF:319: ​ $repeat = '**' ~ $min ~ "​​.."​​ ~ $max;​
tadzik/Test-Harness:13: ​ if $line ~~ /^ '1​​..'​​ $<plan>=[\d+] $/ {​
thundergnat/Sort-Naturally:39: ​is(('☀'​​..'​​☏').pick(*).sort( { .&naturally } ), '☀'​​..'​​☏',​
titsuki/p6-Algorithm-TernarySearchTree:13: ​ is $tst.partial-match("​​.."​​),set("up"), "It should match any strings with length 2";​
titsuki/p6-Algorithm-TernarySearchTree:14: ​ is $tst.partial-match(".​​.."​​),set("cat","bug"), "It should match any strings with length 3";​
titsuki/p6-Algorithm-TernarySearchTree:15: ​ is $tst.partial-match("..​​.."​​),set("cats"), "It should match any strings with length 4";​
titsuki/p6-Algorithm-TernarySearchTree:16: ​ is $tst.partial-match("...​​.."​​),set(), "It should match any strings with length 5";​
tokuhirom/p6-Crust:63: ​ $files ~= sprintf($dir_file, '​​..'​​, '​​..'​​, '', '', '');​
tokuhirom/p6-Getopt-Tiny:311: ​ ?? '-e ".​​.."​​'​
tokuhirom/p6-HTTP-Server-Tiny:41: ​ my sub nonce () { return (".{$*PID}." ~ flat('a'​​..'​​z', 'A'​​..'​​Z', 0..9, '_').roll(10).join) }​
tony-o/perl6-bench:148: ​ say '.​​..'​​;​
tony-o/perl6-data-dump:28: ​ return '.​​..'​​ if $max-recursion == $ilevel;​
tony-o/perl6-db-orm-quicky:22: ​$username = [~] ("a"​​.."​​z").roll(10);​
tony-o/perl6-db-orm-quicky:22: ​$username = [~] ("a"​​.."​​z").roll(10);​
tony-o/perl6-db-orm-quicky:18: ​$username = [~] ("a"​​.."​​z").roll(10);​
tony-o/perl6-db-orm-quicky:34: ​$username = [~] ("a"​​.."​​z").roll(10);​
tony-o/perl6-db-orm-quicky:80: ​ $username = [~] ("a"​​.."​​z").roll(10);​
tony-o/perl6-db-orm-quicky:34: ​$username = [~] ("a"​​.."​​z").roll(10);​
tony-o/perl6-db-orm-quicky:80: ​ $username = [~] ("a"​​.."​​z").roll(10);​
tony-o/perl6-flow:14: ​ if $lines ~~ /^ $<begin>=\d+ '​​..'​​ $<end>=\d+ $/ {​
tony-o/perl6-hiker:81: ​ "==> Binding {$module.perl} .​​.."​​.say;​
tony-o/perl6-hiker:35: ​chdir '​​..'​​;​
tony-o/perl6-html-parser-xml:180: ​As they say, "Give a man a fire.​​.."​​ Hold that thought, some breaking news...​
tony-o/perl6-slang-sql:36: ​ values (?, ?); with ($_, ('A'​​..'​​Z').pick(16).join);​
tony-o/perl6-slang-sql:78: ​ values (?, ?); with ($_, ('A'​​..'​​Z').pick(16).join);​
tony-o/perl6-slang-sql:103: ​ values(?,?);', ($_, ('A'​​..'​​Z').pick(16).join));​
ufobat/p6-XML-XPath:17: ​my $xpath = => '... xml .​​..'​​);​
ufobat/p6-XML-XPath:236: ​ axis => $/<AbbreviatedStep>.Str eq '​​..'​​ ?? 'parent' !! 'self',​
ufobat/p6-XML-XPath:74: ​ token AbbreviatedStep { '.' | '​​..'​​ }​
ufobat/p6-XML-XPath:16: ​my $doc = $x.find('/​​..'​​);​
ugexe/Perl6-Base64:3: ​my Str @chars64base = flat 'A'​​..'​​Z','a'​​..'​​z','0'​​..'​​9';​
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP:18: ​ for "a"​​.."​​z" -> $letter {​
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP:26: ​ for "A"​​.."​​Z" -> $letter {​
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP:63: ​ for "\x[01]"​​.."​​\x[7F]" -> $char {​
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP:89: ​ for ("\x[00]"​​.."​​\x[1F]", "\x[7F]").flat -> $control_char {​
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP:106: ​ for ("a"​​.."​​z", "A"​​.."​​Z").flat -> $letter {​
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP:140: ​ for "A"​​.."​​F" -> $char {​
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP:144: ​ for "a"​​.."​​f" -> $char {​
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP:183: ​ for "\x[00]"​​.."​​\x[FF]" -> $octet {​
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP:218: ​ for "\x[21]"​​.."​​\x[7E]" -> $char {​
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP:148: ​ for flat ("\x[20]"​​.."​​\x[21]", "\x[23]"​​.."​​\x7E") -> $char {​
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP:218: ​ for "\x[20]"​​.."​​\x[3D]" -> $string {​
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP:222: ​ for "\x[3f]"​​.."​​\x[7E]" -> $string {​
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP:18: ​ for "a"​​.."​​z" -> $letter {​
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP:26: ​ for "A"​​.."​​Z" -> $letter {​
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP:63: ​ for "\x[01]"​​.."​​\x[7F]" -> $char {​
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP:89: ​ for ("\x[00]"​​.."​​\x[1F]", "\x[7F]").flat -> $control_char {​
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP:106: ​ for ("a"​​.."​​z", "A"​​.."​​Z").flat -> $letter {​
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP:140: ​ for "A"​​.."​​F" -> $char {​
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP:144: ​ for "a"​​.."​​f" -> $char {​
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP:183: ​ for "\x[00]"​​.."​​\x[FF]" -> $octet {​
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP:218: ​ for "\x[21]"​​.."​​\x[7E]" -> $char {​
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP:148: ​ for flat ("\x[20]"​​.."​​\x[21]", "\x[23]"​​.."​​\x7E") -> $char {​
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP:218: ​ for "\x[20]"​​.."​​\x[3D]" -> $string {​
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP:222: ​ for "\x[3f]"​​.."​​\x[7E]" -> $string {​
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP:16: ​ for flat ("\x[20]"​​.."​​\x[21]", "\x[23]"​​.."​​\x7E") -> $char {​
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP:15: ​ for flat ('a'​​..'​​z', 'A'​​..'​​Z') -> $char {​
ugexe/Perl6-PathTools:46: ​which internally defaults to C<none('.','​​..'​​)> and is documented further ​
ugexe/Perl6-Text--Levenshtein--Damerau:37: ​ say "Lets search for a 'John' but mistyped.​​.."​​;​
ugexe/Perl6-Text--Levenshtein--Damerau:12: ​say "Lets search for a 'John' but mistyped.​​.."​​;​
ugexe/Perl6-Text--Levenshtein--Damerau:18: ​ say "Lets search for a 'John' but mistyped.​​.."​​;​
ugexe/zef:349: ​First, and the most precise way, is to specify the config file by passing C<--config-path=".​​.."​​> to any zef command.​
ugexe/zef:407: ​=item * B<DefaultCUR> - This sets the default value for C<--install-to=".​​.."​​>. The default value of C<auto> means it will first try install…​
ugexe/zef:450: ​ say "===> Smoke testing with {+@identities} distributions.​​.."​​;​
ugexe/zef:498: ​ next() R, say "$dir does not exist. Skipping.​​.."​​ unless $dir.IO.e;​
ugexe/zef:501: ​ when any(<n N>) { say "Skipping.​​.."​​ }​
ugexe/zef:743: ​ return ($cutoff.substr(0,*-3) ~ '.​​..'​​) if $cutoff.substr(*-3,3) ~~ /\S\S\S/;​
ugexe/zef:744: ​ return ($cutoff.substr(0,*-2) ~ '​​..'​​) if $cutoff.substr(*-2,2) ~~ /\S\S/;​
ugexe/zef:61: ​ $stderr.emit("`build-depends` is missing entries. Attemping to workaround via source mangling.​​.."​​) if $DEBUG;​
viklund/november:15: ​* [November 28, 2008 -- "...take thee, Annam Whatley.​​.."​​](​
viklund/november:828: ​ @articles = grep { $_ ne '.' && $_ ne '​​..'​​ } readdir($content_dir);​
viklund/november:5: ​That\'s ok, there are other not yet created pages.​​..'​​​
viklund/november:5: ​That\'s ok, there are other not yet created pages... Though maybe none as beutiful as this was... wasn\'t.​​..'​​​
yaml/yaml-libyaml-perl6:34: ​ my $object = load-yaml("...YAML.​​.."​​);​
yaml/yaml-libyaml-perl6:48: ​ my $object = $parser.parse-string("...YAML.​​.."​​);​
yaml/yaml-libyaml-perl6:29: ​ $ev ~= " .​​.."​​;​
zengargoyle/p6-Algorithm-Trie-libdatrie:13: ​ my Trie $t .= new: 'a'​​..'​​z', 'A'​​..'​​Z';​
zengargoyle/p6-Algorithm-Trie-libdatrie:63: ​ my Trie $t .= new: 'a'​​..'​​z', 'A'​​..'​​Z', '0'​​..'​​9';​
zengargoyle/p6-Algorithm-Trie-libdatrie:13: ​ my Trie $t .= new: 'a'​​..'​​z', 'A'​​..'​​Z';​
zengargoyle/p6-Algorithm-Trie-libdatrie:72: ​ my Trie $t .= new: 'a'​​..'​​z', 'A'​​..'​​Z', '0'​​..'​​9';​
zengargoyle/p6-Algorithm-Trie-libdatrie:13: ​$t .= new: 'a'​​..'​​z';​
zengargoyle/p6-Algorithm-Trie-libdatrie:16: ​$t .= new: 'a'​​..'​​z';​
zengargoyle/p6-Algorithm-Trie-libdatrie:13: ​$t .= new: 'a'​​..'​​z';​
zoffixznet/perl6-IRC-Client:134: ​ '.send() called for an unconnected server. Skipping.​​..'​​​
zoffixznet/perl6-IRC-Client:33: ​diag 'Waiting for things to happen.​​..'​​;​
zoffixznet/perl6-IRC-Client:39: ​diag 'Waiting for things to happen.​​..'​​;​
zoffixznet/perl6-Pastebin-Gist:8: ​say "Pasting test content.​​.."​​;​
zoffixznet/perl6-Pastebin-Gist:18: ​say "Retrieiving paste content.​​.."​​;​
zoffixznet/perl6-Pastebin-Shadowcat:6: ​say "Pasting test content.​​.."​​;​
zoffixznet/perl6-Pastebin-Shadowcat:10: ​say "Retrieiving paste content.​​.."​​;​
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:41: ​my @stuff = 'a'​​..'​​z';​
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:8: ​my @stuff = 'a'​​..'​​z';​
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:9: ​my @l = 'a'​​..'​​z';​
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:10: ​my @l = 'a'​​..'​​z';​
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:10: ​my @l = 'a'​​..'​​z';​
zostay/Template-Anti:17: ​ '<html><head><title>Hello World</title>.​​..'​​​
zostay/Template-Anti:15: ​ my $tmpl = Template::Anti.load('<html><head><title>Hello World</title>.​​..'​​);​
zostay/p6-Hash-MultiValue:449: ​ when 101 { '.​​..'​​ }​
zostay/perl6-ArrayHash:725: ​ when 101 { '.​​..'​​ }​
zostay/perl6-IO-Glob:26: ​ is @files[1], "t/fixtures/​​.."​​.IO;​
zostay/perl6-IO-Glob:26: ​ is @files[1], "t/fixtures/​​.."​​.IO;​
zostay/perl6-IO-Glob:21: ​ok '​​..'​​ !~~ $dqs;​
zostay/perl6-IO-Glob:22: ​ok '.​​..'​​ ~~ $dqs;​
zostay/perl6-IO-Glob:27: ​ok '​​..'​​ ~~ $star;​
zostay/perl6-IO-Glob:19: ​ok '​​..'​​ !~~ $dqs;​
zostay/perl6-IO-Glob:20: ​ok '.​​..'​​ ~~ $dqs;​
zostay/perl6-IO-Glob:25: ​ok '​​..'​​ ~~ $star;​

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