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Created December 15, 2012 04:47
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* FlowerChild ( has joined #minecraftforge
<FlowerChild> holy haven't banned me yet
* Lilianna ( has joined #minecraftforge
<FlowerChild> how about now?
<zephraph> 0.o
<fishtaco> Protip: Ping him
<fishtaco> But don't
<FlowerChild> what do I have to do to get banned here?
<FlowerChild> seriously guys?
<Havvy> Ping Lex, usually.
<FlowerChild> bah...that's cheating
<Havvy> Or ask basic Java questions.
<iPixeli> lool
* MagikEh ( has joined #minecraftforge
<FlowerChild> I'm all about game balance
* Warr1024 ( has joined #minecraftforge
<FlowerChild> I need to get banned under legit terms :)
* Syruse ( has joined #minecraftforge
* Noir ( has joined #minecraftforge
<Havvy> Well, remember this: There's more than one balance point in some games.
* Elusivehawk ( has joined #minecraftforge
<Noir> hmmm hehe
<casinodoug> start a discussion about poltics?
* LexManos gives channel operator status to slowpoke
<FlowerChild> deep throat testicular cancer chancre bursting?
* destin_eternel ( has joined #minecraftforge
<Syruse> Yum
* Moridrex ( has joined #minecraftforge
<Noir> heeeeeyyyyy guys
<Noir> did you know that tree farms require effort?
<MagikEh> And i thought i was excited for cookies
* Macwillis ( has joined #minecraftforge
<Vincent> yo
<fishtaco> :o
<Noir> I guess not
<FlowerChild> now guys, please don't invade
<fishtaco> You must be shitting me
<FlowerChild> I'm trying to get banned on my own
<zephraph> lol.
<slowpoke> FC, honestly we dont like each other. but as your here, i always respected your wishes, I would ask you not to carry on changing history
<slowpoke> and sorry
<Noir> yeah fishtaco
<slowpoke> your not getting banned from here
<Noir> they require effot!
<FlowerChild> uh huh...sure slow...project much?
<Noir> effort*
<Noir> it's a funny concept, isn't it?
<Havvy> FlowerChild: While you are here...I suggest reading and applying its concepts to Minecraft.
<slowpoke> honestly everything yo ever asked of me with regards to BTW
<FlowerChild> and slow, seriously man, I've always greeted you in a friendly and honest manner
<slowpoke> I did
<FlowerChild> no idea why you'd think I don't like you
<Syruse> FC, we need a song
<slowpoke> then why are you going round making accusations against me
<slowpoke> like this BWF stuff
<slowpoke> nothing to do with me
<FlowerChild> do we need to link the chat log from the other night yet again?
<zephraph> Syruse: "I'm all out of love.." xD
<slowpoke> yeah, that was aimed at you
<FlowerChild> you jumped in and defended Lex shortly after I joined here
<slowpoke> not your mod
<FlowerChild> so you defined your allegience
<slowpoke> i re-read it. i could have maybe worded it better to be sure
<FlowerChild> ok slow, let's do it
<Noir> I'm not out of love
<slowpoke> im game
<Noir> <3 syruse
<FlowerChild> restate your objection to me and I will counter
<Syruse> :3
<FlowerChild> keep it down BTW guys
<FlowerChild> let's do this legit
<slowpoke> OK
<FlowerChild> again, game balance
* Havvy thinks this should be done via forum.
<slowpoke> lets go quickly back in history
* iPixeli thinks this should be done via pm
<FlowerChild> will piss, write your bit, will respond
* RetiredNavyVet has quit (Quit: ( :: NoNameScript 4.22 :: ))
<Degraine> Seriously? You want to have a debate about /balance/?
<slowpoke> i have nothing to hide pix
* vibur doesn't think this should be done at all
<Mattredsox> agreed pixeli
* casinodoug likes waffles
* Syruse thinks everyone should just let FC be his drunk self
<slowpoke> im happy to take this to the BTW irc though
<MagikEh> Heyo turn on that mute thingy
<MagikEh> give FC vioce
<iPixeli> Its not about hiding anything... its about the fact that this whole channel doesn't need chaos every few days.
<slowpoke> if you dont want it here
* Noir thinks you should grow some brass ones and take it like a lex
<MagikEh> this should be civil, and no need for interferance
<slowpoke> there is no chaos here, just a debate
<Havvy> Degraine: You haven't seen the debates on balance I've been in. :P
<Havvy> The debates that spawned that document I linked a few minutes ago...
<Noir> In any case, to be frank, the issue of balance is a null point from where I stand in a lot of forge mods.
<Degraine> Yeah I've had enough of them on my own to know it's fruitless, and utterly pointless.
<Noir> What I've seen is that you have various mods where you get what would be referred to as a "win button"
<Noir> E.G. quantum or whatever
<Degraine> Minecraft is a /sandbox game/.
<zephraph> ^
* Ujimar ( has joined #minecraftforge
<Syruse> But what does that mean?
<Degraine> There is no wrong way to play Minecraft.
<Degraine> Only differences of opinion on how to do so.
<Noir> That's correct
* rada2x (webchat@ has joined #minecraftforge
<Noir> Do you throw sand around in a sandbox or build sandcastles?
* Raine1 plays minecraft on a toaster
<Noir> I personally enjoy building sandcastles
<maxxflame> yea there is a wrong way to play
<Degraine> Don't matter! Do what you like.
<FlowerChild> nah Slow, let's do it here...I'm game
<maxxflame> mc
<Nibato> raine1, a nokia ngage then?
* RedefinedClank ( has joined #minecraftforge
<maxxflame> u can cheat
<casinodoug> noir i like melting the sand
<maxxflame> cheateing is wrong
<Havvy> How about #minecraftbalance ?
<Syruse> You guys dont understand the concept of design vision :P
<Degraine> Sounds great.
<Degraine> Go have the argument there.
<slowpoke> OK
<slowpoke> but SlowPoke was trying to court me to allow distribution of BTW within a BTW version of FTB a few weeks ago, and I assume that was within the context of an overall attempt to court me back into the Forge community.
<slowpoke> I don't think it's coincidental that after my refusal, this pops up a few weeks later, nor do I think it coincidental that SlowPoke himself popped up so rapidly once I joined the Forge channel the other night. I think it's fairly obvious that he's involved in this as well.
<Noir> Is #minecraftbalance for fc and slow only?
<FlowerChild> guys...seriously...please pipe down and let's talk about it
<slowpoke> this is what I have issue with
* jadedcat ( has joined #minecraftforge
<Raine1> no one of those old toasters with levers and stuff
<Noir> Alright FC if you want, I'll just stay out of it.
<Degraine> No, I have no interest in awarding you attention, FC.
<FlowerChild> I doubt you actually dispute it slow, as much as you dispute it in terms of what it does to your public image
<FlowerChild> is it incorrect?
<slowpoke> yes it absolutely is
<FlowerChild> what have i said that's innacurate?
* LexManos gives voice to FlowerChild
<Noir> ....
<slowpoke> that I am involved, I assume your talking about BWF
<FlowerChild> you may not agree with my assement of what it means, but I clearly stated that as opinion
<Noir> and with that I'm leaving before I say something I regret
* WarrTab ( has joined #minecraftforge
* Noir ( has left #minecraftforge
* RebelKeithy ( has joined #minecraftforge
<slowpoke> that you have made it clear that you thought I stopped BWF from being part of FTB after the fact cause I am worried about our reputation
* x3n0ph0b3 ( has joined #minecraftforge
<FlowerChild> is that not true?
<Ujimar> sup x3n0 :D
<x3n0ph0b3> sup Ujimar
<maxxflame> whats this?
* AbrarSyed has quit (Quit: A day without sunshine is like .... night)
<jadedcat> hi x3n0
* Gebrant ( has joined #minecraftforge
* LexManos gives channel operator status to Tahg
<Ujimar> you got popcorn bud?
* Tahg sets mode +m #minecraftforge
<slowpoke> I even came into your IRC and I understand you got the message that I had made it very clear BWF was not allowed on FTB
<slowpoke> that has nothing to do with our rep
* LexManos gives voice to jadedcat
* Ecu|Streaming ( has joined #minecraftforge
<FlowerChild> well, slow, the other night, you painted a very different picture
* Hugsim (Hugsim@ has joined #minecraftforge
* maxxflame ( has left #minecraftforge
<FlowerChild> shortly after I joined this channel you started denying Lex had anything to do with BWF, which I think we can all acknowledge is total bullshit
<slowpoke> or it has only so much as that FTB respects all mod developers, whether or not they are paranoid people filled with hatred, or would you like to deny thats what you are?
<FlowerChild> honestly, I'm surprised you guys even bothered taking that line
<FlowerChild> as you have 7 hours of video posted indicating the contrary
<FlowerChild> which I thank you for :)
<slowpoke> sorry FC, to the very best of my knowledge, Lex is not involved in BWF unless you have evidence to the contrary?
<FlowerChild> have you watched the stream?
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<slowpoke> i dont deny him playing the mod
<slowpoke> however there is nothing wrong with that
* Kobata ( has joined #minecraftforge
* DominarQuintus ( has joined #minecraftforge
<FlowerChild> no man, it's not playinhg
<slowpoke> I am saying if he has ANY involvement with the actual code, then he has kept that from everyone
<FlowerChild> here's the link for you:
* Noir ( has joined #minecraftforge
<FlowerChild> he acts as the public face for BWF, he displays intimate knowledge of its inner workings, and he goes on at length in support of it
* Miniboxer ( has joined #minecraftforge
<slowpoke> FC as your in a reasonable mood, could you clarify something for me?
<FlowerChild> denying involvement is simply him lacking the courage of his convictions
<slowpoke> I want to check I remember something right
<FlowerChild> sure slow
<slowpoke> thank
<FlowerChild> again man, we've always discussed things in a friendly manner, except once ;)
* Dashkal ( has joined #minecraftforge
<slowpoke> so if i remember in our discussions your principle objection at the time to rejoining forge was it would remove control for things like updating from you
<FlowerChild> errr...not exactly, but we seem to be going off topic
<slowpoke> not really
<slowpoke> ill be bringing it back in a sec
<FlowerChild> I think we are, but I'm willing to entertain it, so shoot
<slowpoke> so ignoring the hatred stuff
<slowpoke> whats the reason
<FlowerChild> you're familar with my video interview on leaving forge right?
<slowpoke> yes
<FlowerChild> then you have your answer
<slowpoke> we had this all out before remember
<slowpoke> and during that 2-3 hour talk
<FlowerChild> forge was becoming overly competitive on an internal level, and I decided I wanted no part of it
<FlowerChild> that's the main reason
<slowpoke> where I even agreed with you, you had a totally valid point for leaving forge
<FlowerChild> everything else is secondary
<FlowerChild> that's still while I'm not part of it really
* Benanov ( has joined #minecraftforge
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<slowpoke> we then talked about stuff like FTB maps for BTW
<FlowerChild> other points have come up along the way, but that's the main once
<FlowerChild> "one" :)
<slowpoke> and I was invloved in the youtube series etc
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<FlowerChild> yup, we talked at length, and again, I *like* you
* Dranik ( has joined #minecraftforge
* Andrew2448 ( has joined #minecraftforge
<FlowerChild> there's no hostility between you and I...outside of the other night ;)
* ezekielelin ( has joined #minecraftforge
<FlowerChild> as I said then, I always had the impression you were trying to get into my pants (metaphorically), but I still liked you
* X-wing9 (webchat@ has joined #minecraftforge
* Coffeene ( has joined #minecraftforge
* bribot0094 ( has joined #minecraftforge
* Shawn413 ( has joined #minecraftforge
<slowpoke> you specifically stated that the main reason for no coming back was it would force you onto Forges timetable, hell I even remember going and asking about adding stuff into forge that would limit the ability to use other mods alongside BTW
* tekwarrior_ ( has joined #minecraftforge
* TJzilla ( has joined #minecraftforge
* Moumix (~IceChat77@ has joined #minecraftforge
<FlowerChild> I may have mentioned that as one of the reasons yes, and it's certainly part of them, but not all of them
* Freddo ( has joined #minecraftforge
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* CovertJaguar (~you@ has joined #minecraftforge
* ChanServ gives voice to CovertJaguar
<FlowerChild> and again: more than two weeks to update to 1.3, and just two days less than to update my entire mod
<FlowerChild> Lex mentions in that stream taking "on average" less than 30 mins to update the past few releases
<FlowerChild> which tells me he doesn't understand what "average" means, given those two weeks
<slowpoke> this is all besides the point. this all leads down to. BWF why do you even care. you dont get the tech support headache that you aways claimed would be an issue, this 'port' means you still work to your own schedule. you already stated on the MCF that BWF is totally legal (if morally wrong) and its not like you have never copied anything yourself.
<FlowerChild> I care based on principle, and given the intent
<slowpoke> screw the intent
<iPixeli> FlowerChild, not everyone knows of what has even happened, (Like myself), care to quickly mention all the reasons why you'd rather not use forge?
<FlowerChild> no, I prefer not to :)
<FlowerChild> let's look at it this way slow
<slowpoke> we both know, nothing you can do, can prevent this from happening.
<FlowerChild> can you ever see me making BTW dependent on Lex after what he has done?
<FlowerChild> would you do that?
<slowpoke> honestly
<slowpoke> and I know you will dislike this
<slowpoke> but this is how i truely see you
<FlowerChild> actually, there is plenty I can do, as I am demonstrating now
<FlowerChild> where do you think this will stop?
<FlowerChild> I told Lex war was coming, and I've demonstrated that's exactly what is happening
<FlowerChild> he simply can not compete with me on this level
* Balancept ( has joined #minecraftforge
* Soaryn|Code ( has joined #minecraftforge
<slowpoke> you are a man fueled by hatred surrounded by sycophants that like to encourage that hatred. I think you really need to learn to not worry about what other people do and start worrying more about things that are important
* eph3 (~eph3@ has joined #minecraftforge
<FlowerChild> those are some very pretty terms you've got at your disposal Lex
<FlowerChild> but I think you know very well that the people that are backing me are far more intelligent and informed than the 14 year olds backing you right now
<slowpoke> um no FC I dont
<FlowerChild> all I've done is make honest statements since this began
* guest73 (webchat@ has joined #minecraftforge
<slowpoke> what 14 year olds are these
<slowpoke> ahhh honesty
<FlowerChild> while Lex has spouted laughable denials throughout
<FlowerChild> I think it's very clear which way this is going
<slowpoke> you want to be honest?
<FlowerChild> shoot
<FlowerChild> and always
* KART35|desktop ( has joined #minecraftforge
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* Avidavi (Mibbit@ has joined #minecraftforge
<slowpoke> so would you like to repeat to eveyone here exactly what you said about Eloraam?
<slowpoke> both on the stream and in your little room on your forums
* fabricator77 (~not@ has joined #minecraftforge
<FlowerChild> absolutely, it's a matter of the public record, and one you've already distorted to your own ends
<slowpoke> the one that was so hateful even one of your own made it public
<FlowerChild> I'd be happy to debate it
<FlowerChild> lol...go man go...please
<slowpoke> your mission to 'destroy eloraam' and 'drive her from the community' because she took some of your ideas?
<slowpoke> you think thats ok yes
<FlowerChild>, what I think is ok is venting in private...just as anyone else did
* Cheap ( has joined #minecraftforge
<FlowerChild> I believe what I said at the time was "if I had a chance to drive Eloraam out of modding...I would"
<slowpoke> um no
<FlowerChild> now, what you seem to have neglected there, is that I'm also a moral individual
<FlowerChild> ok...sure, explain further
* E1337Recon ( has joined #minecraftforge
<slowpoke> you said it was your intent to literally destroy eloraam
<slowpoke> your words
<FlowerChild> ok, and I will say now that I intend to fuck you up the ass
<FlowerChild> how do you take that?
<FlowerChild> am I serious?
<slowpoke> i take that as you trying to justify something that you seriously meant
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<slowpoke> by hiding it
<FlowerChild> am I making an inflated statement basedon the situation?
<slowpoke> ahhh
* SoundLogic ( has joined #minecraftforge
<FlowerChild> am I spouting bravado nonsense?
<slowpoke> so you have no intentions along that line then
<FlowerChild> what does it mean?
* PCMaster160 ( has joined #minecraftforge
<FlowerChild> will I fuck with Eloraam as much as possible within *my own moral boundaries*?
<FlowerChild> absofuckinglutely
<slowpoke> ahh
<FlowerChild> and will I fuck you up the ass? Maybe :)
* enki ( has joined #minecraftforge
<slowpoke> so its ok for you to fuck with someone else
<slowpoke> but when your the one getting fucked
<slowpoke> you cry
<FlowerChild> clarify please
<FlowerChild> oh you're going troll. That's ok, I can do that too :)
* soccer16x_ (~soccer16x@ has joined #minecraftforge
<slowpoke> wheres the troll
<slowpoke> its a statement
<FlowerChild> "you cry"?
<FlowerChild> really now :)
* soccer16x_ (~soccer16x@ has left #minecraftforge
* techno65535 (~chatzilla@ has joined #minecraftforge
<FlowerChild> again man, escalate if you want...I am more than capable
* soccer16x_ (~soccer16x@ has joined #minecraftforge
<slowpoke> you want to destroy eloraam
<slowpoke> thats ok
<slowpoke> someone copying your mod not OK
<FlowerChild> what it looks like to me is that you're on the losing end here, so you go into ad hominem to disguise that
<slowpoke> I fail to see the difference
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* DarkSnake ( has joined #minecraftforge
<FlowerChild> and I entirely welcome you doing so given it aligns you with the aforementioned 14 year olds :)
<slowpoke> i think your the only person here who thinks i am losing
<slowpoke> i think your evading questions
<FlowerChild> hehe...hardly my friend. Give me a straight question, and I'll give you an honest answer
<slowpoke> OK straight question
<slowpoke> 2 secs, brb
<FlowerChild> although, given your standard for honesty is "I DIDN'T DO IT!!!!", I doubt this will be interesting
* Geecko (~Black@ has joined #minecraftforge
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<FlowerChild> mind if I grab a smoke break at the same time?
* Shiny|PB2 ( has joined #minecraftforge
<FlowerChild> well, fuck it...brb :)
* maxxflame ( has joined #minecraftforge
* Balancept ( has left #minecraftforge
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<slowpoke> My question is this, you deliberately, intentionally decided to take actions that you hoped would have the end result of driving eloraam from the community and stop Red Power 2 from being updated. You even stated that you have been waiting a long time for the opportunity to come along where you could do this. Now someone else is taking actions that go against your mod. my question
<slowpoke> is where is the difference
* IceDude62 ( has joined #minecraftforge
<FlowerChild> back...and ready :)
* Tyskland (~lel@ has joined #minecraftforge
<slowpoke> oh and as to honesty I would like you to point out a single thing I have said or done that could be classed as dishonest.
<FlowerChild> just standing here waiting to confront the finest politician of the Forge community while I stand alone I might add
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<FlowerChild> I don't accuse you of dishonesty, I accuse Lex
<FlowerChild> I accuse you of being an opporunist and politician
* Frizfox ( has joined #minecraftforge
<slowpoke> opportunistic
<slowpoke> how so lol
* BrendanP123 ( has joined #minecraftforge
<slowpoke> politician I hope not, thats pretty much as good as calling me dishonest
<FlowerChild> I think you play both sides in any conflict, as the Technic commnity will attest
<slowpoke> um
<slowpoke> play both sides?
<FlowerChild> I think you convinced Morv and Jaded to join your cause under false pretenses
<slowpoke> hahahahaha
<slowpoke> you really do NOT have a clue
<FlowerChild> I think you were coming after me to join Forge and *used* them in the process
<slowpoke> seriously
<FlowerChild> then please....inform me
<FlowerChild> yes, seriously
<FlowerChild> I am calling you out slow
<FlowerChild> go for it
<slowpoke> um I had nothing to do with bringing jaded and Morv into the forge community
<slowpoke> that would be Pahimar
<jadedcat> ?
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<slowpoke> Morv watch a few of his streams as he was coding
<FlowerChild> ah, so you would point your finger elsewhere instead of owning up to your own invovlement
<FlowerChild> interesting
<slowpoke> he made her an op
<slowpoke> Morv came onto our teamspeak
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<FlowerChild> again man...I'm here on my own
<slowpoke> jaded and a few others came along
<FlowerChild> I've asked others from my community to back off
<slowpoke> i became friends with both of them
<FlowerChild> go for it
<slowpoke> they introduced me to BTW
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<slowpoke> I liked the mod
<FlowerChild> that's a touching story man...why?
<slowpoke> we started talking about making a FTB map
<slowpoke> I approached you
<slowpoke> 1 night you agreed
* LegendaryKoala ( has joined #minecraftforge
<FlowerChild> yes, I accept that as truth
<slowpoke> the next thing I knew, a week later through a 3rd party you have decided that you dont want me to touch BTW because in a thread that I directed you to, you saw me mention I was friends with someone you didnt like
* NeverCast (~NeverCast@ has joined #minecraftforge
<slowpoke> so i straight away dropped out of the youtube series
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<slowpoke> and cancelled the map
<FlowerChild> I'm cool with that...yes
<FlowerChild> your point being?
<slowpoke> how in any of this, did I do anything to dis you
* Mike190 ( has joined #minecraftforge
<FlowerChild> you didn't... I remained friendly with you
<slowpoke> how am I being opportunistic
<slowpoke> and 'I think you convinced Morv and Jaded to join your cause under false pretenses' what false pretenses?
<FlowerChild> well, how does that turn into what you said in the much repeated IRC the other night?
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<FlowerChild> as to the above Slow, that you were interested in befriending them as opposed to getting an "in" with BTW
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<FlowerChild> and honestly, that's neither here nor there, you're an opportunistic bastard, and I accept that about you
* WillEz (webchat@ has joined #minecraftforge
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<slowpoke> like I said, maybe I could have worded stuff better, my issue is not with your mod. It is with you as a person. but despite the fact that I find your actions to be distastful. I do not get to pick and choose which devs wishes I respect. hence me joining your IRC and making it clear that BWF would not be in FTB
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<FlowerChild> which, is why I called you a politician
* maxxflame ( has left #minecraftforge
<FlowerChild> because, you popped up here and quite obviously voiced your support for BWF, and then withdrew when the pressure began to mount
* Elusivehawk ( has joined #minecraftforge
<FlowerChild> which tells me you're an opportunist, or a politician
<slowpoke> OK not sure how you define the meaning of the word politician, but here, thats used to descibe someone who is basically dishonest
* electrose (webchat@ has joined #minecraftforge
<FlowerChild> again man...I've been honest throughout this, and I challenge you to prove otherwise
<FlowerChild> if the shoe fits I suppose
* Diamondeye83 ( has joined #minecraftforge
<slowpoke> i just think you view history a bit differently to everyone else
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<FlowerChild> I will say directly that Lex is a lying sack of shit, but with you, I am not certain
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<slowpoke> so i took you off the question
<slowpoke> why is what you have been doing OK
<slowpoke> but BWF not ok
<FlowerChild> and the question is?
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* Balancept ( has joined #minecraftforge
<FlowerChild> ah, because it's largely a matter of context and degree
<slowpoke> yeah
* Moridrex ( has left #minecraftforge
<slowpoke> what you did was a lot worse
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