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JPDevM/ Secret

Created May 14, 2021 10:35
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Workflow to create backend with NodeJS


Install NodeJS and ExpressJS

Create Folder structure.

Create too the, LICENCE & .gitignore.


Set Express.

In main file. e.g.: app.js

Definition of MVC entities.

In this example, 3 entities will be used.

  • Subscriptions.
  • Promotions.
  • Users.
MVC: Create Routes.

Express documentation:

In main file. e.g.: app.js

Test some routes:

· http://localhost:5000/ · http://localhost:5000/subscriptions · http://localhost:5000/users · http://localhost:5000/sdfg

MVC: Modularize and create routes files (entities).

A ROUTER is an "entity". BREAD: Browse, Read, Edit, Add, Delete. If preparing the backend to consume as API with the frontend, static is not defined as entity.


In main file. e.g.: app.js

In the router file. e.g.:subscriptionsRouter.js

Idem in the other routers entities. e.i.: staticRouter.js, promotionsRouter.js, usersRouter.js.

MVC: BREAD entities.

7 paths if views are rendered. 5 routes if we prepare the backend to consume it via API: 1 BROWSE - See all 3 EDIT - Edit one (edit form) (only for views) 4 EDIT - Edit one 5 ADD - Add one (creation form) (only for views) 6 ADD - Add one 7 DELETE - Delete one 2 READ - See one


In the router file. e.g.:subscriptionsRouter.js

Idem in the other routers entities. e.i.: staticRouter.js, promotionsRouter.js, usersRouter.js.

MVC: Create controllers files.


MVC: Tell routes the controller method.

In the router file. e.g.:subscriptionsRouter.js

Idem in the other routers entities. e.i.: staticRouter.js, promotionsRouter.js, usersRouter.js.

MVC: Create the controller standard methods.

In the router file. e.g.:subscriptionsControllers.js

Idem in the other routers entities. e.i.: staticRouter.js, promotionsRouter.js, usersRouter.js,

In this part of the process the control methods should show the results. The database is in charge of displaying the results.
  • [Edit the methods of the controller from the](./Edit the methods of the controller from the

  • [Edit the methods of the controller using JSON](./Edit the methods of the controller usin JSON

Another option is to send the views directly instead of the API, in this case with EJS as template engine.

  • [MVC: Tell the controller to show the views](./MVC Tell the controller to show the
Install thrid-party dependencies.


Rest API: Create a Json file in src for each entity with its data.

Rest API: Set the Json Objet.

In main file. e.g.: app.js

Rest API: Set how Express handles information in forms.

In main file. e.g.: app.js

Json Models lo utilizo porque como uso Json, saco los métodos más comunes afuera json Models I use it because as I use Json, I pull the most common methods outside

las rutas o controladores o sus métodos (no sé) ahora envian respuestas Json por que son APIs routes or controllers or their methods (I don't know) now send Json responses because they are APIs

<<<<<<< HEAD

Extraigo las variables de desarrollo en archivos de producción .env y hago la documentación .env.example

requiero lainstalo la librería

utilizo process.env para extraer las vaiables las pongo utilizo en app.js y ahora van a ser dínámicas

librería para el logueo social.

Si hago pública la API. ver el tema de los token en la API (ver ejemplo en promotionsController) (el método serch se define desde el controlador, añadirlo en el lugar que va en el Tengo que ver cuantas request pueden hacer por usuario.

Documentación e31ab6eab708556c3c99110afdac185d0a669e12

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