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Created November 7, 2019 14:23
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Assignment: Load California housing data

In this assignment you're going to build an app that can load a dataset with the prices of houses in California. The data is not ready for training yet and needs a bit of processing.

The first thing you'll need is a data file with house prices. The data from the 1990 California cencus has exactly what we need. This is a CSV file with 17,000 records that looks like this:

Data File

The file contains information on 17k housing blocks all over the state of California:

  • Column 1: The longitude of the housing block
  • Column 2: The latitude of the housing block
  • Column 3: The median age of all the houses in the block
  • Column 4: The total number of rooms in all houses in the block
  • Column 5: The total number of bedrooms in all houses in the block
  • Column 6: The total number of people living in all houses in the block
  • Column 7: The total number of households in all houses in the block
  • Column 8: The median income of all people living in all houses in the block
  • Column 9: The median house value for all houses in the block

We can use this data to train an app to predict the value of any house in and outside the state of California.

Unfortunately we cannot train on this dataset directly. The data needs to be processed first to make it suitable for training. This is what you will do in this assignment.

Let's get started and install the NuGet packages we need:

Installing package Microsoft.ML..............done! Successfully added reference to package Microsoft.ML, version 1.3.1

Microsoft.ML is the Microsoft machine learning package. We will use to build all our applications in this course.

Now we're ready to add code. Let's start with a bunch of using statements:

Note the XPlot.Plotly. This is the awesome XPlot plotting library that Jupyter loads by default. We'll use it in this assignment to plot the data in our California Housing dataset.

Now we are ready to add classes. We're going to need one class to hold all the information for a single housing block:

The HouseBlockData class holds all the data for one single housing block. Note how each field is tagged with a LoadColumn attribute that will tell the CSV data loading code which column to import data from.

Now we need to load the data in memory:

This code calls the LoadFromTextFile method to load the CSV data in memory. Note the HouseBlockData type argument that tells the method which class to use to load the data.

So we have the data in memory as a data view. Now let's convert that to an enumeration of HouseBlockData instances:

This code calls CreateEnumerable to convert the data view to an enumeration of HouseDataBlock instances.

Now we can plot the median house value by latitude and longitude. Let's see what happens:

Yup, that looks like California. Notice the two high-value areas around San Francisco and Los Angeles, and how the house value gradually drops as we move further eastward.

We're now going to search for a linear relationship between the median house value and any of the other input variables. Let's start by creating a plot of the median house value as a function of median income and see what happens.

If there is a linear relationship between median house value and median income, we expect the plot to show a straight line. So let's check that now:

As the median income increases, the median house value also increases. There's a big spread in the house values but a vague 'cigar' shape is visible which suggests a linear relationship between these two variables.

But look at the horizontal line at 500,000. What's that all about?

This is what clipping looks like. The creator of this dataset has clipped all housing blocks with a median house value above $500,000 to $500,000. We see this appear in the graph as a horizontal line that disrupts the linear cigar shape.

Let's start by using data scrubbing to get rid of these clipped records:

The FilterRowsByColumn method will keep only those records with a median house value of 500,000 or less, and remove all other records from the dataset.

Let's check if that worked:

Much better! Notice how the horizontal line at $500k is gone now?

Now let's take a closer look at the CSV data:


Notice how all the columns are numbers in the range of 0..3000? The median house value column is an outlier because it contains values in a range of 0..500,000.

Remember when we talked about training data science models that we discussed having all data in a similar range?

So let's fix that now by using data scaling. We're going to divide the median house value by 1,000 to bring it down to a range more in line with the other data columns.

Let's add the following class:

and a bit more code:

Machine learning models in ML.NET are built with pipelines which are sequences of data-loading, transformation, and learning components.

This pipeline has only one component:

  • CustomMapping which takes the median house values, divides them by 1,000 and stores them in a new column called NormalizedMedianHouseValue. Note that we need the new ToMedianHouseValue class to access this new column in code.

Let's see if the conversion worked. But first we're going to need a quick helper method to print the results of the machine learning pipeline:

This code sets up an output formatter for Jupyter that can display DataDebuggerPreview values which we get from running the machine learning pipeline.

Let's run the pipeline now, grab the first 10 results and display them:


The Fit method sets up the pipeline, creates a machine learning model and stores it in the model variable. The Transform method then runs all data through the pipeline and stores the result in transformedData. And finally the Preview method extracts a 10-row preview from the transformed data.

Notice the NormalizedMedianHouseValue column at the end? It contains house values divided by 1,000. The pipeline is working!

Now let's fix the latitude and longitude. We're reading them in directly, but remember that we discussed how Geo data should always be binned, one-hot encoded, and crossed?

Let's do that now. We'll start by adding the following classes:

We're going to use these classes in the upcoming code snippets.

Now we will extend the pipeline with extra steps to process the latitude and longitude:

Note how we're extending the data loading pipeline with extra components. The new components are:

  • A NormalizeBinning component that bins the longitude values into 10 bins
  • A NormalizeBinning component that bins the latitude values into 10 bins

Let's see if that worked:


Check out the BinnedLongitude and BinnedLatitude columns at the end. Each unique longitude and latitude value has been grouped into a set of 10 bins.

Let's plot the bins to get a feel for what just happened:

I've added a quick helper class called BinnedHouseBlockData to access the two new binned columns, and the plotting code is exactly the same as before.

Check out the result. The plot again shows median house value by latitude and longitude, but now all locations have been binned into a 10x10 grid of tiles. This helps a machine learning algorithm pick up course-grained location patterns without getting bogged down in details.

Now let's one-hot encode the binned latitude and longitude:

Note how we're extending the data loading pipeline again. The new components are:

  • An OneHotEncoding component that one-hot encodes the longitude bins
  • An OneHotEncoding component that one-hot encodes the latitude bins
  • A CustomMapping component that crosses the one-hot encoded vectors of the longitude and latitude. ML.NET has no built-in support for crossing one-hot encoded vectors, so we do it manually with a nested for loop and store the result in a new column called Location.
  • A final DropColumns component to delete all columns from the data view that we don't need anymore.

Let's see if this worked:

0155612128310154721.493666.9{ Microsoft.ML.Data.VBuffer<System.Single>: IsDense: True, Length: 100 }
1197650190111294631.8280.1{ Microsoft.ML.Data.VBuffer<System.Single>: IsDense: True, Length: 100 }
2177201743331171.650985.7{ Microsoft.ML.Data.VBuffer<System.Single>: IsDense: True, Length: 100 }
31415013375152263.191773.4{ Microsoft.ML.Data.VBuffer<System.Single>: IsDense: True, Length: 100 }
42014543266242621.92565.5{ Microsoft.ML.Data.VBuffer<System.Single>: IsDense: True, Length: 100 }
52913872366712393.343874{ Microsoft.ML.Data.VBuffer<System.Single>: IsDense: True, Length: 100 }
625290768018416332.676882.4{ Microsoft.ML.Data.VBuffer<System.Single>: IsDense: True, Length: 100 }
7418121683751581.708348.5{ Microsoft.ML.Data.VBuffer<System.Single>: IsDense: True, Length: 100 }
83447891175313410562.178258.4{ Microsoft.ML.Data.VBuffer<System.Single>: IsDense: True, Length: 100 }
94614973097872712.190848.1{ Microsoft.ML.Data.VBuffer<System.Single>: IsDense: True, Length: 100 }

Note how we now have an extra column called Location with a 100-element buffer of Single values. This is the result of our feature cross of longiture and latitude. Each vector will contain almost all zeroes with only a single 1.

Let's display the crossed vector to make sure everything is working:


That looks great. There's only a single 1 in every row, just as expected.

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