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Created December 23, 2021 21:38
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Release date not found
  in sub parse-next-release at xbin/Releasable.p6 line 91
  in method irc-to-me at xbin/Releasable.p6 line 198
  in sub  at /home/bisectable/git/whateverable/lib/Whateverable.pm6 (Whateverable) line 55 (⚠ uncommitted)
  in block  at /home/bisectable/.rakudobrew/versions/moar-master/install/share/perl6/site/sources/39A5088DA91F1B29ECFA29323DD262ADFE8C27E7 (IRC::Client) line 294
  in method handle-event at /home/bisectable/.rakudobrew/versions/moar-master/install/share/perl6/site/sources/39A5088DA91F1B29ECFA29323DD262ADFE8C27E7 (IRC::Client) line 289
  in block  at /home/bisectable/.rakudobrew/versions/moar-master/install/share/perl6/site/sources/39A5088DA91F1B29ECFA29323DD262ADFE8C27E7 (IRC::Client) line 115
  in block  at /home/bisectable/.rakudobrew/versions/moar-master/install/share/perl6/site/sources/39A5088DA91F1B29ECFA29323DD262ADFE8C27E7 (IRC::Client) line 112
# Copyright © 2016-2017
# Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev <>
# Copyright © 2016
# Daniel Green <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
use File::Directory::Tree;
use IRC::Client::Message;
use IRC::Client;
use IRC::TextColor;
use JSON::Fast;
use Number::Denominate;
use Pastebin::Gist;
use Terminal::ANSIColor;
use Text::Diff::Sift4;
use Whateverable::Bits;
use Whateverable::Configurable;
use Whateverable::Config;
use Whateverable::Discordable;
use Whateverable::Heartbeat;
use Whateverable::Messages;
use Whateverable::Processing;
constant Message = IRC::Client::Message;
unit role Whateverable does IRC::Client::Plugin;
also does Helpful;
also does Whateverable::Configurable;
also does Whateverable::Discordable;
method TWEAK {
# wrap around everything to catch exceptions
once { # per class
self.^lookup(‘irc-to-me’).wrap: sub ($self, $msg) {
return if $msg.?channel and $ ne $CONFIG<cave>
and $msg.args[1].starts-with: ‘what:’;
# ↑ ideally this check shouldn't be here, but it's much harder otherwise
LEAVE sleep 0.02; #
try {
my $result = callsame;
return without $result;
return $result but Reply($msg) if $result !~~ Promise;
return start sub {
my $awaited = try await $result;
return handle-exception $_, $msg with $!;
return without $awaited;
return $awaited but Reply($msg);
handle-exception $!, $msg
self.^lookup(‘filter’).wrap: sub ($self, $response) {
my &filter = nextcallee;
try { return filter $self, $response }
return ‘Ow! Where's a camcorder when ya need one?’ if $response ~~ Enough;
try { return filter $self, handle-exception $!, $response.?msg }
‘Sorry kid, that's not my department.’
# TODO roles should not have TWEAK method
#↓ STDIN reset
multi method irc-to-me(Message $msg where .text ~~
#↓ Matches only one space on purpose (for whitespace-only stdin)
/:i^ [stdin] [‘ ’|‘=’] [clear|delete|reset|unset] $/) {
$CONFIG<stdin> = $CONFIG<default-stdin>;
‘STDIN is reset to the default value’
#↓ STDIN set
multi method irc-to-me(Message $msg where .text ~~ /:i^ [stdin] [‘ ’|‘=’] $<stdin>=.* $/) {
my $file = process-code ~$<stdin>, $msg;
$CONFIG<stdin> = $file.slurp;
unlink $file;
“STDIN is set to «{shorten $CONFIG<stdin>, 200}»” # TODO is 200 a good limit
#↓ Source
multi method irc-to-me(Message $ where .text ~~ /:i^ [source|url] ‘?’? \s* $/) { $CONFIG<source> }
#↓ Wiki
multi method irc-to-me(Message $ where .text ~~ /:i^ wiki ‘?’? \s* $/) { self.get-wiki-link }
#↓ Help
multi method irc-to-me(Message $msg where .text ~~ /:i^ [help|usage] ‘?’? \s* $/) {$msg) ~ “ # See wiki for more examples: {self.get-wiki-link}”
#↓ Uptime
multi method irc-to-me(Message $msg where .text ~~ /:i^ uptime \s* $/) {
use nqp;
use Telemetry;
(denominate now - $*INIT-INSTANT) ~ ‘, ’
~ T<max-rss>.fmt(‘%.2f’) ÷ 1024 ~ ‘MiB maxrss. ’
~ (with (nqp::getcomp("Raku") || nqp::getcomp("perl6")) {
“This is {.implementation} version {.config<version>} ”
~ “built on {.backend.version_string} ”
~ “implementing {.language_name} {.language_version}.”
#| You're welcome!
sub you're-welcome is export {
‘You're welcome!’
‘I'm happy to help!’
‘It's my pleasure!’
‘Thank you! You love me, you really love me!’
#| Replying to thanks
multi method irc-to-me(Message $msg where .text ~~ /:i^ [‘thank you’|‘thanks’] \s* /) {
#| Replying to thanks
multi method irc-privmsg-channel($msg where .text ~~ /:i [‘thank you’|‘thanks’] .* $($msg.server.current-nick) /) {
#↓ Notices
multi method irc-notice-me( $ --> Nil) {} # Issue #321
#↓ Private messages
method private-messages-allowed() { False }
multi method irc-privmsg-me($ where not $.private-messages-allowed) { # TODO issue #16
‘Sorry, it is too private here. You can join #whateverable channel instead’
#↓ Fallback
multi method irc-to-me($) {
‘I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: ’ ~ self.get-wiki-link
#↓ Notify watchdog on any event
multi method irc-all($) {
method get-wiki-link { $CONFIG<wiki> ~ self.^name }
#↓ Gistable output
multi method filter($response where
(.encode.elems > $CONFIG<message-limit>
or (!~$_ and # non-empty are not gisted unless huge
(?.?additional-files or $_ ~~ ProperStr)))) {
# Here $response is a Str with a lot of stuff mixed in (possibly)
my $description = ‘Whateverable’;
my $text = colorstrip $response.?long-str // ~$response;
my %files;
%files<result> = $text if $text;
%files.push: $_ with $response.?additional-files;
if $response ~~ Reply {
$description = $response.msg.server.current-nick;
%files<query> = $_ with $response.?msg.?text;
%files<query>:delete unless %files<query>;
my $url = upload %files, public => !%*ENV<DEBUGGABLE>, :$description;
$url = $$url) if $response ~~ PrettyLink;
#↓ Regular response (not a gist)
multi method filter($text is copy) {
.trans([“\r\n”] => [‘␍␤’])
“\n” => ‘␤’,
3.chr => 3.chr, 0xF.chr => 0xF.chr, # keep these for IRC colors
|((^32)».chr Z=> (0x2400..*).map(*.chr)), # convert all unreadable ASCII crap
127.chr => ‘␡’, /<:Cc>/ => ‘␦’
#↓ Gists %files and returns a link
sub upload(%files is copy, :$description = ‘’, Bool :$public = True) is export {
my $gists-path = %*ENV<TESTABLE_GISTS>;
rmtree $gists-path if $gists-path.IO ~~ :d;
mkdir $gists-path;
spurt “$gists-path/{.key}”, .value for %files;
return ‘’;
%files = { .key => %( ‘content’ => .value ) }; # github format
my $gist = => $CONFIG<github><access_token> || Nil);
return $gist.paste: %files, desc => $description, public => $public
#↓ Sets things up and starts an IRC client
method selfrun($nick is copy, @alias?) {
use Whateverable::Builds;
sleep rand × $CONFIG<join-delay> if none %*ENV<DEBUGGABLE TESTABLE>;
$nick ~= ‘test’ if %*ENV<DEBUGGABLE>;
.run with
:username($nick.substr(0, 3) ~ ‘-able’)
:password(?%*ENV<TESTABLE> ?? ‘’ !! $CONFIG<irc><login password>.join: ‘:’)
# IPv4 address of is hardcoded so that we can double the limit ↓
:host(%*ENV<TESTABLE> ?? ‘’ !! <>.pick)
:port(%*ENV<TESTABLE> ?? %*ENV<TESTABLE_PORT> !! 6667)
?? $CONFIG<cave>
?? “#whateverable_$nick”
!! (|$CONFIG<channels>, $CONFIG<cave>) )
:filters( -> |c { self.filter(|c) } )
# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4 ft=perl6
diff --git a/lib/Whateverable.pm6 b/lib/Whateverable.pm6
index 1dd7d80..e61451a 100644
--- a/lib/Whateverable.pm6
+++ b/lib/Whateverable.pm6
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ method selfrun($nick is copy, @alias?) {
:password(?%*ENV<TESTABLE> ?? ‘’ !! $CONFIG<irc><login password>.join: ‘:’)
# IPv4 address of is hardcoded so that we can double the limit ↓
- :host(%*ENV<TESTABLE> ?? ‘’ !! <>.pick)
+ :host(%*ENV<TESTABLE> ?? ‘’ !! <>.pick)
:port(%*ENV<TESTABLE> ?? %*ENV<TESTABLE_PORT> !! 6667)
?? $CONFIG<cave>
diff --git a/maintenance/long-term-storage.p6 b/maintenance/long-term-storage.p6
index 4dc2351..e78e30f 100755
--- a/maintenance/long-term-storage.p6
+++ b/maintenance/long-term-storage.p6
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ my \DIR-BASE =;
my \BUILDS-LOCATION = “/tmp/whateverable/{DIR-BASE}”;
my \REPO-LATEST = “/tmp/whateverable/{DIR-BASE}-repo”;
-my \CUTOFF-DATE = PROJECT == MoarVM ?? ‘2018-10-01’ !! ‘2018-02-01’;
+my \CUTOFF-DATE = PROJECT == MoarVM ?? ‘2020-08-20’ !! ‘2020-08-20’;
my \TAGS-SINCE = ‘2014-01-01’;
my @git-latest = ‘git’, ‘--git-dir’, “{REPO-LATEST}/.git”, ‘--work-tree’, REPO-LATEST;
diff --git a/sandbox/answer b/sandbox/answer
deleted file mode 100644
index d81cc07..0000000
--- a/sandbox/answer
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
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