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Created September 15, 2017 18:28
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How does it look перевод

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Перейти на сайт так английский ты еще не учил! How does it look. Материал готовится, пожалуйста, возвращайтесь позднее. This week we are going to discuss a specific case on exoplanet which are the transiting exoplanet. To start with, we will open the chapter which is the configuration to understand how it looks like the transiting planet. So practically amongst the many possibilities to have a planet orbiting the star you may be in a situation where the planet is just crossing the planet orbit, is just crossing the stellar disk. We have with the solar systems, very well known situation which called the transit of Venus, which is, is a historical element that has been used in the past to understand the solar systems. But give you also a nice comparison with extrasolar planets. In the case of Venus, our own planet transiting the sun, you see that there is a tiny spot spot, dark spot. And and that affects the way you see the sun. And that produced some kind of a tiny effect you have to account for when you have a transiting planet. So this is also a specific element that will be discussed and again used to probe the atmosphere of the planet. Speaking about the configuration of the transit, practically this looks like a bit the moon orbiting the earth. There is time where there is the time of the dark side facing us and the time of the of the transit when there is the dark the, the bright, the bright side of the of the planet. So when you look at the effect on the star, these would produce a flux change, the fact that you have an orbiting planet around it would produce a kind of magnification of the flux, and then you have two specific events. The time when the transit, the planet transits the star, then the shadow produced by the planet on the star, which is this event. And you have the time when the transit goes behind the star, which is called the occultation. These are two different events. That can help you to get two different kinds of informations on the planet. So a transit is a special configuration of the orbit. So, you have to see it in a very special way, otherwise there is no transit. Or how likely it is. So you practically need to have this shadow effect, so you can compute this. You have to have the planet practically aligned with the star that you see. So the way to do that is, to consider that the, there is a shadow zone, from the star. And if the planet is in the shadow zone, then you have a transit. Of course, this depends how close you are. Выбрать следующее задание Ты добавил. В вашем браузере отключен JavaScript. Пожалуйста, включите его в настройках, чтобы пользоваться сервисом Lingualeo.

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