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Created September 18, 2010 18:52
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庫拉斯溪谷(新手) = Novice Kulas Ravine
阿格利亞山谷 = Agria Valley
426區殖民地 = Colony 426
叢林盆地 = Jungle Basin
大都會(新手) = Novice Metalopolis
夢靨 = Nightmare
沙漠綠洲 = Desert Oasis
太空總站(新手) = Novice Scrap Station --- Not 100%
極熱沙漠(新手) = Novice Blistering Sands
交叉火力 = Crossfire
無盡深淵 = Abyss --- Not 100%
死亡墓園 = Burial Grounds
廢料處理站 = Scrap Station
庫拉斯溪谷 = Kulas Ravine
戰爭平原 = Steppes of War
薩爾納加洞穴 = Xel'Naga Caverns
極熱沙漠 = Blistering Sands
失落神廟 = Lost Temple
戰爭平原(新手) = Novice Steppes of War
第四象限 = Delta Quadrant
沙漠綠洲(新手) = Novice Desert Oasis
大都會 = Metalopolis
戰爭特區 = War Zone
高軌道區 = High Orbit
暮光堡壘 = Twilight Fortress
塔桑尼斯突擊戰 = Tarsonis Assault
大風暴 = Tempest
海文焦土 = Scorched Haven
紛爭 IV = Discord IV
蒙利斯山脈 = Monlyth Ridge
不毛荒地 = Arid Wastes
紛爭 IV(新手) = Novice Discord IV
蒙利斯山脈(新手) = Novice Monlyth Ridge
暮光堡壘(新手) = Novice Twilight Fortress
鈦風 = Tectonic Rift
生物實驗室 = The Bio Lab
阿洛坎要塞 = Arakan Citadel
挖掘場 = Dig Site
流沙 = Quicksand
邊疆地帶 = Frontier
季風雨林 = Monsoon
烏蘭深穴 = Ulaan Deeps
塵沙峽谷 = Sand Canyon
滅絕 = Extinction
哨站 = Outpost
梅迦鎮 = Megaton
毒窟 = Toxic Slums
高地 = High Ground
熔漿岩地 = Lava Flow
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