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ca057 /
Last active May 7, 2022 16:37
Extracting EXIF data into JSON

command line tools for working with images to json

Extract all exif data as list into a json file:

exiftool -j -q dir > data.json

Sort the exif data by the original creation time:

jq 'sort_by(.DateTimeOriginal)' data.json
ca057 /
Last active June 16, 2022 14:33
Commands for RN development

iOS / Mac

List all devices & simulators available on your Mac:

xcrun simctl list devices available
ca057 / withClearStateOnAction.ts
Created September 8, 2020 08:57
higher-order reducer to clear redux state on specific action
import { combineReducers, Action } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
const withClearStateOnAction = <S = any>(clearStateAction: Action) => (
reducer: Reducer<S | undefined, Action>,
) => (state: S, action: Action) => {
if (clearStateAction.type === action.type) {
return reducer(undefined, clearStateAction);
return reducer(state, action);
ca057 /
Last active April 25, 2021 10:36
Develop React Native on Macbook Pro M1

What helped me to get everything running on my Apple Macbook with the M1 chip:

import React from 'react';
import { NavigationStackScreenProps } from 'react-navigation-stack';
interface Props extends NavigationStackScreenProps {
foo: string;
const TestScreen = ({ navigation, foo }: Props) => {
const barDirectly = navigation.getParam('bar');
return <Text>bar from navigation: {barDirectly} bar as foo from HOC: {foo}</Text>;
const padArrayEnd = <T>(arr: T[], targetLength: number, val: T): T[] => {
if (arr.length >= targetLength) return [...arr]
return arr.concat(Array(targetLength - arr.length).fill(val))
console.log(padArrayEnd(["0", "1"], 3, ""))
console.log(padArrayEnd(["0", "1", "2"], 3, ""))
console.log(padArrayEnd(["0", "1", "2", "3"], 3, ""))

RN Coding Snippets / stuff one might need one day


Reading from the default shared preferences file

// requires access to the activity
val sharedPreferencesFile = activity?.get()?.let {
 it.getSharedPreferences("${it.packageName}_preferences", Context.MODE_PRIVATE)