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Last active October 10, 2015 02:47
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Simple evaluator in Perl 6
multi ev(Pair ( :$key where 'number', :value($n) )) { $n }
multi ev(Pair ( :$key where 'add', :$value [$l, $r] )) { ev($l) + ev($r) }
multi ev(Pair ( :$key where 'multiply', :$value [$l, $r] )) { ev($l) * ev($r) }
multi ev(Pair ( :$key where 'variable', :value($name) )) { %*env{$name} }
my %*env = a => 3, b => 4, c => 5;
my $tree = :add[:variable<a>, :multiply[:number(2), :variable<b>]];
say ev($tree);
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