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@interface NSURLCacheEx : NSURLCache {
+ (NSURLCacheEx *)sharedURLCache;
- (void)setMemoryCapacity:(NSUInteger)memCap;
- (int)memoryCapacity;
@implementation NSURLCacheEx
+ (NSURLCacheEx *)sharedURLCache
+ (oic-verify)Special flow used to find necessary user interactions - OK
+ (oic-discovery)Provider configuration discovery - OK
+ (mj-00)Client registration Request - OK
+ (mj-01)Request with response_type=code - OK
+ (mj-02)Request with response_type=token - OK
X (mj-51)Login no nonce - CRITICAL (str: Missing required attribute 'error')
+ (oic-token-userinfo)Implicit flow and Userinfo request - OK
+ (oic-token-userinfo_bb)Implicit flow, UserInfo request using POST and bearer body
authentication - OK
+ (mj-03)Request with response_type=id_token - OK
nov@tov:op_config (master)$ nov_local
+ (oic-verify)Special flow used to find necessary user interactions - OK
+ (oic-discovery)Provider configuration discovery - OK
+ (mj-00)Client registration Request - OK
+ (mj-01)Request with response_type=code - OK
+ (mj-02)Request with response_type=token - OK
X (mj-51)Login no nonce - CRITICAL ([u"Didn't get a response of the type I expected:", u" 'ErrorResponse' instead of 'AuthorizationErrorResponse', content:'state=STATE0&error_description=nonce+required&error=invalid_request'"])
+ (oic-token-userinfo)Implicit flow and Userinfo request - OK
+ (oic-token-userinfo_bb)Implicit flow, UserInfo request using POST and bearer body
authentication - OK