Provides an accordion
helper and a tabs
In your Gemfile:
gem 'bootstrap-components-helpers', :git => 'git://'
/* Pin Locations */ | |
const int pinLightSensor = A1; // light sensor (analog 1) | |
const int pinThermistor = A2; // thermistor (analog 2) | |
const int pinRelayLED = 2; // relay LED (digital 2) | |
const int pinRelay = 3; // relay (digital 3) | |
const int pinMotionSensor = 5; // motion sensor (digital 5) | |
const int pinRangeSensor = 7; // range sensor (digital 7) | |
const int pinLED = 13; // LED (digital 13) | |
/* Globally scoped variables */ |
#!/bin/sh | |
# | |
# This hook does two things: | |
# | |
# 1. update the "info" files that allow the list of references to be | |
# queries over dumb transports such as http | |
# | |
# 2. if this repository looks like it is a non-bare repository, and | |
# the checked-out branch is pushed to, then update the working copy. | |
# This makes "push" function somewhat similarly to darcs and bzr. |
rack-contrib | |
rack-rewrite |
h2{color:green}. This is a title | |
h3. This is a subhead | |
p{color:red}. This is some text of dubious character. Isn't the use of "quotes" just lazy writing -- and theft of 'intellectual property' besides? I think the time has come to see a block quote. | |
bq[fr]. This is a block quote. I'll admit it's not the most exciting block quote ever devised. | |
Simple list: |
module PdfHelper | |
require 'wicked_pdf' | |
def self.included(base) | |
base.class_eval do | |
alias_method_chain :render, :wicked_pdf | |
end | |
end | |
def render_with_wicked_pdf(options = nil, *args, &block) |
desc 'Create YAML test fixtures from data in an existing database. | |
Defaults to development database. Set RAILS_ENV to override.' | |
task :extract_fixtures => :environment do | |
sql = "SELECT * FROM %s" | |
skip_tables = ["schema_info"] | |
ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection | |
(ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables - skip_tables).each do |table_name| | |
i = "000" | |"#{Rails.root}/test/fixtures/#{table_name}.yml", 'w') do |file| |
# see - | |
# get latest from master | |
git pull origin master | |
# set "current feature" variable and create feature branch | |
export CURRENT_FEATURE=1234567-feature-name | |
git checkout -b $CURRENT_FEATURE | |
# or use the following to get the current branch name |
CURRENT_FEATURE=$(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD) | |
Resque.workers.each {|w| w.unregister_worker } |