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Created July 17, 2018 00:14
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"cells": [
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"source": [
"# Testing QuakeML parsing.\n",
"Obspy issue [#1910]( highlights that QuakeML parsing is currently slow in Obspy for large catalogs, which is becoming a bottleneck for packages relying on Obspy for IO. Lion Krischer suggested that parsing the xml to a dictionary immediately then deserializing the dictionary might be a good way to go. This notebook serves as a proof-of-concept for an initial go at this.\n",
"First written 17/07/2018.\n",
"Tests run using Obspy 1.1.0.\n",
"First step is to get the `Unpickler` code in [here]( Note that `_extra` isn't implemented yet because I haven't settled on how to parse namespaces so I'm leaving that until that is decided.\n",
"Apologies for the length..."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 2,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from lxml import etree\n",
"from import _xml_doc_from_anything\n",
"from obspy.core.event import (Amplitude, Arrival, Axis, Catalog, Comment,\n",
" CompositeTime, ConfidenceEllipsoid, CreationInfo,\n",
" DataUsed, Event, EventDescription,\n",
" FocalMechanism, Magnitude, MomentTensor,\n",
" NodalPlane, NodalPlanes, Origin, OriginQuality,\n",
" OriginUncertainty, Pick, PrincipalAxes,\n",
" QuantityError, ResourceIdentifier,\n",
" SourceTimeFunction, StationMagnitude,\n",
" StationMagnitudeContribution, Tensor, TimeWindow,\n",
" WaveformStreamID)\n",
"from obspy.core.utcdatetime import UTCDateTime\n",
"from obspy.core.util import AttribDict, Enum\n",
"NSMAP_QUAKEML = {None: \"\",\n",
" 'q': \"\"}\n",
"def _make_dict_from_tree(element_tree):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Traverse the given XML element tree to convert it into a dictionary.\n",
" :param element_tree: An XML element tree\n",
" :type element_tree: xml.etree.ElementTree\n",
" :rtype: dict\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" def internal_iter(tree, accum):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Recursively iterate through the elements of the tree accumulating\n",
" a dictionary result.\n",
" :param tree: The XML element tree\n",
" :type tree: xml.etree.ElementTree\n",
" :param accum: Dictionary into which data is accumulated\n",
" :type accum: dict\n",
" :rtype: dict\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" if tree is None:\n",
" return accum\n",
" tag = tree.tag.lstrip(\"{\").split(\"}\")[-1]\n",
" accum[tag] = {}\n",
" if tree.getchildren():\n",
" for each in tree.getchildren():\n",
" each_tag = each.tag.lstrip(\"{\").split(\"}\")[-1]\n",
" result = internal_iter(each, {})\n",
" if each_tag == \"waveformID\":\n",
" # WaveformID is a special case...\n",
" result = {'waveformID': {\n",
" 'id': result[each_tag],\n",
" 'networkCode': each.get('networkCode'),\n",
" 'stationCode': each.get('stationCode'),\n",
" 'locationCode': each.get('locationCode'),\n",
" 'channelCode': each.get('channelCode'),\n",
" }}\n",
" if each_tag == \"nodalPlanes\":\n",
" result[each_tag].update({\n",
" \"preferredPlane\": each.get(\"preferredPlane\")})\n",
" if each_tag in accum[tag]:\n",
" if not isinstance(accum[tag][each_tag], list):\n",
" accum[tag][each_tag] = [\n",
" accum[tag][each_tag]\n",
" ]\n",
" accum[tag][each_tag].append(result[each_tag])\n",
" else:\n",
" accum[tag].update(result)\n",
" public_id = tree.get('publicID')\n",
" if public_id is not None:\n",
" accum[tag].update({'publicID': public_id})\n",
" id_value = tree.get('id')\n",
" if id_value is not None:\n",
" accum[tag].update({'id': id_value})\n",
" namespace = tree.tag.lstrip(\"{\").split(\"}\")[0]\n",
" if namespace is not None:\n",
" if id_value is not None or public_id is not None:\n",
" accum[tag].update({'namespace': namespace})\n",
" if not accum[tag]:\n",
" # If there is nothing in here, just set to the text\n",
" accum[tag] = tree.text\n",
" return accum\n",
" qml_dict = internal_iter(tree=element_tree, accum={})\n",
" return qml_dict\n",
"class DictUnpickler(object):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" De-serializes a QuakeML string to an Obspy Catalog object, via an\n",
" intermediate dictionary.\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" def __init__(self, xml_dict=None):\n",
" self.xml_dict = xml_dict\n",
" def load(self, file):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Reads QuakeML file into ObsPy catalog object.\n",
" :type file: str\n",
" :param file: File name to read.\n",
" :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog`\n",
" :returns: ObsPy Catalog object.\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" self.xml_dict = _make_dict_from_tree(\n",
" _xml_doc_from_anything(file))\n",
" self.xml_root = _xml_doc_from_anything(file)\n",
" return self._deserialize()\n",
" def loads(self, string):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Parses QuakeML string into ObsPy catalog object.\n",
" :type string: str\n",
" :param string: QuakeML string to parse.\n",
" :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog`\n",
" :returns: ObsPy Catalog object.\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" self.xml_dict = _make_dict_from_tree(\n",
" etree.parse(io.BytesIO(string)))\n",
" self.xml_root = etree.parse(io.BytesIO(string))\n",
" return self._deserialize()\n",
" def _deserialize(self):\n",
" try:\n",
" event_list = self.xml_dict['quakeml']['eventParameters']['event']\n",
" except KeyError:\n",
" raise Exception(\"Not a QuakeML compatible file or string\")\n",
" self._quakeml_namespaces = [\n",
" ns for ns in self.xml_root.nsmap.values()\n",
" if ns.startswith(r\"\")]\n",
" if not isinstance(event_list, list):\n",
" # Might not be a list if only one event present\n",
" event_list = [event_list]\n",
" catalog = Catalog(force_resource_id=False)\n",
" # add any custom namespace abbreviations of root element to Catalog\n",
" catalog.nsmap = self.xml_root.nsmap.copy()\n",
" catalog.description = self.xml_dict['quakeml']['eventParameters'].get(\n",
" 'description')\n",
" catalog.comments = self._comments(\n",
" self.xml_dict['quakeml']['eventParameters'])\n",
" catalog.creation_info = self._creation_info(\n",
" self.xml_dict['quakeml']['eventParameters'])\n",
" for event_dictionary in event_list:\n",
" # create new Event object\n",
" event = Event(\n",
" force_resource_id=False,\n",
" preferred_origin_id=event_dictionary.get('preferredOriginID'),\n",
" preferred_magnitude_id=event_dictionary.get(\n",
" 'preferredMagnitudeID'),\n",
" preferred_focal_mechanism_id=event_dictionary.get(\n",
" 'preferredFocalMechanismID'))\n",
" event_type = event_dictionary.get('type')\n",
" # Change for QuakeML 1.2RC4. 'null' is no longer acceptable as an\n",
" # event type. Will be replaced with 'not reported'.\n",
" if event_type == \"null\":\n",
" event_type = \"not reported\"\n",
" # USGS event types contain '_' which is not compliant with\n",
" # the QuakeML standard\n",
" if isinstance(event_type, str):\n",
" event_type = event_type.replace(\"_\", \" \")\n",
" try:\n",
" event.event_type = event_type\n",
" except ValueError:\n",
" msg = \"Event type '%s' does not comply \" % event_type\n",
" msg += \"with QuakeML standard -- event will be ignored.\"\n",
" warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning)\n",
" continue\n",
" self._set_enum('typeCertainty', event_dictionary, event,\n",
" 'event_type_certainty')\n",
" event.creation_info = self._creation_info(event_dictionary)\n",
" event.event_descriptions = self._event_description(event_dictionary)\n",
" event.comments = self._comments(event_dictionary)\n",
" # origins\n",
" = []\n",
" for origin_el in self._value_to_list('origin', event_dictionary):\n",
" # Have to be created before the origin is created to avoid a\n",
" # rare issue where a warning is read when the same event is\n",
" # read twice - the warnings does not occur if two referred\n",
" # to objects compare equal - for this the arrivals have to\n",
" # be bound to the event before the resource id is assigned.\n",
" arrivals = []\n",
" for arrival_el in self._value_to_list('arrival', origin_el):\n",
" arrival = self._arrival(arrival_el)\n",
" arrivals.append(arrival)\n",
" origin = self._origin(origin_el, arrivals=arrivals)\n",
" # append origin with arrivals\n",
" # magnitudes\n",
" event.magnitudes = []\n",
" for magnitude_el in self._value_to_list(\n",
" 'magnitude', event_dictionary):\n",
" magnitude = self._magnitude(magnitude_el)\n",
" event.magnitudes.append(magnitude)\n",
" # station magnitudes\n",
" event.station_magnitudes = []\n",
" for magnitude_el in self._value_to_list(\n",
" 'stationMagnitude', event_dictionary):\n",
" magnitude = self._station_magnitude(magnitude_el)\n",
" event.station_magnitudes.append(magnitude)\n",
" # picks\n",
" event.picks = []\n",
" for pick_el in self._value_to_list('pick', event_dictionary):\n",
" pick = self._pick(pick_el)\n",
" event.picks.append(pick)\n",
" # amplitudes\n",
" event.amplitudes = []\n",
" for el in self._value_to_list('amplitude', event_dictionary):\n",
" amp = self._amplitude(el)\n",
" event.amplitudes.append(amp)\n",
" # focal mechanisms\n",
" event.focal_mechanisms = []\n",
" for fm_el in self._value_to_list(\n",
" 'focalMechanism', event_dictionary):\n",
" fm = self._focal_mechanism(fm_el)\n",
" event.focal_mechanisms.append(fm)\n",
" # finally append newly created event to catalog\n",
" event.resource_id = event_dictionary.get('publicID')\n",
" self._extra(event_dictionary, event)\n",
" catalog.append(event)\n",
" # return catalog\n",
" catalog.resource_id = self.xml_dict['quakeml']['eventParameters']['publicID']\n",
" return catalog\n",
" def _attribute_to_value(self, key, dictionary, convert_to=str):\n",
" attribute = dictionary.get(key, None)\n",
" if attribute is None:\n",
" return None\n",
" if convert_to == bool:\n",
" if attribute.lower() in [\"true\", \"1\"]:\n",
" return True\n",
" elif attribute.lower() in [\"false\", \"0\"]:\n",
" return False\n",
" return None\n",
" try:\n",
" return convert_to(attribute)\n",
" except Exception:\n",
" msg = \"Could not convert %s to type %s. Returning None.\"\n",
" warnings.warn(msg % (attribute, convert_to))\n",
" return None\n",
" def _value_to_list(self, key, dictionary):\n",
" \"\"\" Simple but repeated list checking. \"\"\"\n",
" attribute = dictionary.get(key)\n",
" if attribute is None:\n",
" return []\n",
" if not isinstance(attribute, list):\n",
" return [attribute]\n",
" return attribute\n",
" def _set_enum(self, key_in, element, obj, key_out):\n",
" obj_type = obj._property_dict[key_out]\n",
" if not isinstance(obj_type, Enum): # pragma: no cover\n",
" raise ValueError\n",
" value = element.get(key_in)\n",
" try:\n",
" setattr(obj, key_out, value)\n",
" except ValueError as e:\n",
" msg = ('%s. The attribute \"%s\" will not be set and will be missing'\n",
" ' in the resulting object.' % (e.args[0], key_out))\n",
" warnings.warn(msg)\n",
" def _comments(self, parent):\n",
" obj = []\n",
" comments = self._value_to_list('comment', parent)\n",
" for el in comments:\n",
" comment = Comment(force_resource_id=False)\n",
" comment.text = el.get('text')\n",
" comment.creation_info = self._creation_info(el)\n",
" comment.resource_id = el.get('id', None)\n",
" self._extra(el, comment)\n",
" obj.append(comment)\n",
" return obj\n",
" def _station_magnitude_contributions(self, parent):\n",
" obj = []\n",
" for el in self._value_to_list(\"stationMagnitudeContribution\", parent):\n",
" contrib = StationMagnitudeContribution()\n",
" contrib.weight = self._attribute_to_value(\"weight\", el, float)\n",
" contrib.residual = self._attribute_to_value(\"residual\", el, float)\n",
" contrib.station_magnitude_id = \\\n",
" self._attribute_to_value(\"stationMagnitudeID\", el, str)\n",
" self._extra(el, contrib)\n",
" obj.append(contrib)\n",
" return obj\n",
" def _creation_info(self, parent):\n",
" elements = self._value_to_list(\"creationInfo\", parent)\n",
" if len(elements) > 1:\n",
" raise NotImplementedError(\"Only one CreationInfo allowed.\")\n",
" elif len(elements) == 0:\n",
" return None\n",
" element = elements[0]\n",
" obj = CreationInfo()\n",
" obj.agency_uri = element.get('agencyURI')\n",
" obj.author_uri = element.get('authorURI')\n",
" obj.agency_id = element.get('agencyID')\n",
" = element.get('author')\n",
" try:\n",
" obj.creation_time = UTCDateTime(element.get('creationTime'))\n",
" except TypeError:\n",
" pass\n",
" obj.version = element.get('version')\n",
" self._extra(element, obj)\n",
" return obj\n",
" def _origin_quality(self, parent):\n",
" elements = self._value_to_list(\"quality\", parent)\n",
" if len(elements) > 1:\n",
" raise NotImplementedError(\"Only one OriginQuality allowed.\")\n",
" # Do not add an element if it is not given in the XML file.\n",
" elif len(elements) == 0:\n",
" return None\n",
" element = elements[0]\n",
" obj = OriginQuality()\n",
" obj.associated_phase_count = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'associatedPhaseCount', element, int)\n",
" obj.used_phase_count = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'usedPhaseCount', element, int)\n",
" obj.associated_station_count = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'associatedStationCount', element, int)\n",
" obj.used_station_count = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'usedStationCount', element, int)\n",
" obj.depth_phase_count = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'depthPhaseCount', element, int)\n",
" obj.standard_error = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'standardError', element, float)\n",
" obj.azimuthal_gap = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'azimuthalGap', element, float)\n",
" obj.secondary_azimuthal_gap = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'secondaryAzimuthalGap', element, float)\n",
" obj.ground_truth_level = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'groundTruthLevel', element)\n",
" obj.minimum_distance = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'minimumDistance', element, float)\n",
" obj.maximum_distance = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'maximumDistance', element, float)\n",
" obj.median_distance = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'medianDistance', element, float)\n",
" self._extra(element, obj)\n",
" return obj\n",
" def _event_description(self, parent):\n",
" out = []\n",
" descriptions = self._value_to_list('description', parent)\n",
" for el in descriptions:\n",
" desc = EventDescription()\n",
" desc.text = el.get('text')\n",
" self._set_enum('type', el, desc, 'type')\n",
" out.append(desc)\n",
" self._extra(el, out[-1])\n",
" return out\n",
" def _value(self, parent, name, quantity_type=float):\n",
" try:\n",
" el = self._value_to_list(name, parent)[0]\n",
" except IndexError:\n",
" return None, None\n",
" value = self._attribute_to_value('value', el, quantity_type)\n",
" # All errors are QuantityError.\n",
" error = QuantityError()\n",
" # Don't set the errors if they are not set.\n",
" confidence_level = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'confidenceLevel', el, float)\n",
" if confidence_level is not None:\n",
" error.confidence_level = confidence_level\n",
" if quantity_type != int:\n",
" uncertainty = self._attribute_to_value('uncertainty', el, float)\n",
" if uncertainty is not None:\n",
" error.uncertainty = uncertainty\n",
" lower_uncertainty = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'lowerUncertainty', el, float)\n",
" if lower_uncertainty is not None:\n",
" error.lower_uncertainty = lower_uncertainty\n",
" upper_uncertainty = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'upperUncertainty', el, float)\n",
" if upper_uncertainty is not None:\n",
" error.upper_uncertainty = upper_uncertainty\n",
" else:\n",
" uncertainty = self._attribute_to_value('uncertainty', el, int)\n",
" if uncertainty is not None:\n",
" error.uncertainty = uncertainty\n",
" lower_uncertainty = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'lowerUncertainty', el, int)\n",
" if lower_uncertainty is not None:\n",
" error.lower_uncertainty = lower_uncertainty\n",
" upper_uncertainty = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'upperUncertainty', el, int)\n",
" if upper_uncertainty is not None:\n",
" error.upper_uncertainty = upper_uncertainty\n",
" return value, error\n",
" def _float_value(self, element, name):\n",
" return self._value(element, name, float)\n",
" def _int_value(self, element, name):\n",
" return self._value(element, name, int)\n",
" def _time_value(self, element, name):\n",
" return self._value(element, name, UTCDateTime)\n",
" def _composite_times(self, parent):\n",
" obj = []\n",
" for el in self._value_to_list('compositeTime', parent):\n",
" ct = CompositeTime()\n",
" ct.year, ct.year_errors = self._int_value(el, 'year')\n",
" ct.month, ct.month_errors = self._int_value(el, 'month')\n",
", ct.day_errors = self._int_value(el, 'day')\n",
" ct.hour, ct.hour_errors = self._int_value(el, 'hour')\n",
" ct.minute, ct.minute_errors = self._int_value(el, 'minute')\n",
" ct.second, ct.second_errors = self._float_value(el, 'second')\n",
" self._extra(el, ct)\n",
" obj.append(ct)\n",
" return obj\n",
" def _confidence_ellipsoid(self, element):\n",
" obj = ConfidenceEllipsoid()\n",
" obj.semi_major_axis_length = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'semiMajorAxisLength', element, float)\n",
" obj.semi_minor_axis_length = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'semiMinorAxisLength', element, float)\n",
" obj.semi_intermediate_axis_length = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'semiIntermediateAxisLength', element, float)\n",
" obj.major_axis_plunge = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'majorAxisPlunge', element, float)\n",
" obj.major_axis_azimuth = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'majorAxisAzimuth', element, float)\n",
" obj.major_axis_rotation = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'majorAxisRotation', element, float)\n",
" self._extra(element, obj)\n",
" return obj\n",
" def _origin_uncertainty(self, parent):\n",
" elements = self._value_to_list(\"originUncertainty\", parent)\n",
" if len(elements) > 1:\n",
" raise NotImplementedError(\"Only one OriginUncertainty allowed.\")\n",
" # Do not add an element if it is not given in the XML file.\n",
" elif len(elements) == 0:\n",
" return None\n",
" element = elements[0]\n",
" obj = OriginUncertainty()\n",
" self._set_enum('preferredDescription', element,\n",
" obj, 'preferred_description')\n",
" obj.horizontal_uncertainty = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'horizontalUncertainty', element, float)\n",
" obj.min_horizontal_uncertainty = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'minHorizontalUncertainty', element, float)\n",
" obj.max_horizontal_uncertainty = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'maxHorizontalUncertainty', element, float)\n",
" obj.azimuth_max_horizontal_uncertainty = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'azimuthMaxHorizontalUncertainty', element, float)\n",
" obj.confidence_level = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'confidenceLevel', element, float)\n",
" ce_el = self._value_to_list('confidenceEllipsoid', element)\n",
" try:\n",
" ce_el = ce_el[0]\n",
" except IndexError:\n",
" obj.confidence_ellipsoid = ConfidenceEllipsoid()\n",
" else:\n",
" obj.confidence_ellipsoid = self._confidence_ellipsoid(ce_el)\n",
" self._extra(element, obj)\n",
" return obj\n",
" def _waveform_ids(self, parent):\n",
" objs = []\n",
" for wid_el in self._value_to_list('waveformID', parent):\n",
" obj = WaveformStreamID()\n",
" obj.network_code = wid_el.get('networkCode')\n",
" obj.station_code = wid_el.get('stationCode')\n",
" obj.location_code = wid_el.get('locationCode')\n",
" obj.channel_code = wid_el.get('channelCode')\n",
" obj.resource_uri = wid_el.get('id')\n",
" objs.append(obj)\n",
" return objs\n",
" def _waveform_id(self, parent):\n",
" try:\n",
" return self._waveform_ids(parent)[0]\n",
" except IndexError:\n",
" return None\n",
" def _arrival(self, element):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Converts an etree.Element into an Arrival object.\n",
" :type element: etree.Element\n",
" :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Arrival`\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" obj = Arrival(force_resource_id=False)\n",
" # required parameter\n",
" obj.pick_id = element.get('pickID', '')\n",
" obj.phase = element.get('phase', '')\n",
" # optional parameter\n",
" obj.time_correction = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'timeCorrection', element, float)\n",
" obj.azimuth = self._attribute_to_value('azimuth', element, float)\n",
" obj.distance = self._attribute_to_value('distance', element, float)\n",
" obj.takeoff_angle, obj.takeoff_angle_errors = self._float_value(\n",
" element, 'takeoffAngle')\n",
" obj.time_residual = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'timeResidual', element, float)\n",
" obj.horizontal_slowness_residual = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'horizontalSlownessResidual', element, float)\n",
" obj.backazimuth_residual = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'backazimuthResidual', element, float)\n",
" obj.time_weight = self._attribute_to_value('timeWeight', element, float)\n",
" obj.horizontal_slowness_weight = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'horizontalSlownessWeight', element, float)\n",
" obj.backazimuth_weight = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'backazimuthWeight', element, float)\n",
" obj.earth_model_id = self._attribute_to_value('earthModelID', element)\n",
" obj.comments = self._comments(element)\n",
" obj.creation_info = self._creation_info(element)\n",
" obj.resource_id = element.get('publicID')\n",
" self._extra(element, obj)\n",
" return obj\n",
" def _pick(self, element):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Converts an etree.Element into a Pick object.\n",
" :type element: etree.Element\n",
" :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Pick`\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" obj = Pick(force_resource_id=False)\n",
" # required parameter\n",
" obj.time, obj.time_errors = self._time_value(element, 'time')\n",
" obj.waveform_id = self._waveform_id(element)\n",
" # optional parameter\n",
" obj.filter_id = element.get('filterID')\n",
" obj.method_id = element.get('methodID')\n",
" obj.horizontal_slowness, obj.horizontal_slowness_errors = \\\n",
" self._float_value(element, 'horizontalSlowness')\n",
" obj.backazimuth, obj.backazimuth_errors = \\\n",
" self._float_value(element, 'backazimuth')\n",
" obj.slowness_method_id = element.get('slownessMethodID')\n",
" self._set_enum('onset', element, obj, 'onset')\n",
" obj.phase_hint = element.get('phaseHint')\n",
" self._set_enum('polarity', element, obj, 'polarity')\n",
" self._set_enum('evaluationMode', element, obj, 'evaluation_mode')\n",
" self._set_enum('evaluationStatus', element, obj, 'evaluation_status')\n",
" obj.comments = self._comments(element)\n",
" obj.creation_info = self._creation_info(element)\n",
" obj.resource_id = element.get('publicID')\n",
" self._extra(element, obj)\n",
" return obj\n",
" def _time_window(self, element):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Converts an etree.Element into a TimeWindow object.\n",
" :type element: etree.Element\n",
" :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.TimeWindow`\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" obj = TimeWindow(force_resource_id=False)\n",
" # required parameter\n",
" obj.begin = self._attribute_to_value('begin', element, convert_to=float)\n",
" obj.end = self._attribute_to_value('end', element, convert_to=float)\n",
" obj.reference = self._attribute_to_value('reference', element,\n",
" convert_to=UTCDateTime)\n",
" self._extra(element, obj)\n",
" return obj\n",
" def _amplitude(self, element):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Converts an etree.Element into a Amplitude object.\n",
" :type element: etree.Element\n",
" :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Amplitude`\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" obj = Amplitude(force_resource_id=False)\n",
" # required parameter\n",
" obj.generic_amplitude, obj.generic_amplitude_errors = \\\n",
" self._float_value(element, 'genericAmplitude')\n",
" # optional parameter\n",
" obj.type = element.get('type')\n",
" self._set_enum('category', element, obj, 'category')\n",
" self._set_enum('unit', element, obj, 'unit')\n",
" obj.method_id = element.get('methodID')\n",
" obj.period, obj.period_errors = self._float_value(element, 'period')\n",
" obj.snr = element.get('snr')\n",
" time_window_el = self._value_to_list('timeWindow', element) or None\n",
" if time_window_el is not None:\n",
" obj.time_window = self._time_window(time_window_el[0])\n",
" obj.pick_id = element.get('pickID')\n",
" obj.waveform_id = self._waveform_id(element)\n",
" obj.filter_id = element.get('filterID')\n",
" obj.scaling_time, obj.scaling_time_errors = \\\n",
" self._time_value(element, 'scalingTime')\n",
" obj.magnitude_hint = element.get('magnitudeHint')\n",
" self._set_enum('evaluationMode', element, obj, 'evaluation_mode')\n",
" self._set_enum('evaluationStatus', element, obj, 'evaluation_status')\n",
" obj.comments = self._comments(element)\n",
" obj.creation_info = self._creation_info(element)\n",
" obj.resource_id = element.get('publicID')\n",
" self._extra(element, obj)\n",
" return obj\n",
" def _origin(self, element, arrivals):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Converts an etree.Element into an Origin object.\n",
" :type element: etree.Element\n",
" :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Origin`\n",
" .. rubric:: Example\n",
" >>> from lxml import etree\n",
" >>> XML = b'''<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n",
" ... <origin>\n",
" ... <latitude><value>34.23</value></latitude>\n",
" ... </origin>'''\n",
" >>> xml_doc = etree.fromstring(XML)\n",
" >>> unpickler = Unpickler(xml_doc)\n",
" >>> origin = unpickler._origin(xml_doc, arrivals=[])\n",
" >>> print(origin.latitude)\n",
" 34.23\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" obj = Origin(force_resource_id=False)\n",
" # required parameter\n",
" obj.time, obj.time_errors = self._time_value(element, 'time')\n",
" obj.latitude, obj.latitude_errors = self._float_value(\n",
" element, 'latitude')\n",
" obj.longitude, obj.longitude_errors = self._float_value(\n",
" element, 'longitude')\n",
" # optional parameter\n",
" obj.depth, obj.depth_errors = self._float_value(element, 'depth')\n",
" self._set_enum('depthType', element, obj, 'depth_type')\n",
" obj.time_fixed = self._attribute_to_value('timeFixed', element, bool)\n",
" obj.epicenter_fixed = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'epicenterFixed', element, bool)\n",
" obj.reference_system_id = element.get('referenceSystemID')\n",
" obj.method_id = element.get('methodID')\n",
" obj.earth_model_id = element.get('earthModelID')\n",
" obj.composite_times = self._composite_times(element)\n",
" obj.quality = self._origin_quality(element)\n",
" self._set_enum('type', element, obj, 'origin_type')\n",
" obj.region = element.get('region')\n",
" self._set_enum('evaluationMode', element, obj, 'evaluation_mode')\n",
" self._set_enum('evaluationStatus', element, obj, 'evaluation_status')\n",
" obj.creation_info = self._creation_info(element)\n",
" obj.comments = self._comments(element)\n",
" obj.origin_uncertainty = self._origin_uncertainty(element)\n",
" obj.arrivals = arrivals\n",
" obj.resource_id = element.get('publicID')\n",
" self._extra(element, obj)\n",
" return obj\n",
" def _magnitude(self, element):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Converts an etree.Element into a Magnitude object.\n",
" :type element: etree.Element\n",
" :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Magnitude`\n",
" .. rubric:: Example\n",
" >>> from lxml import etree\n",
" >>> XML = b'''<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n",
" ... <magnitude>\n",
" ... <mag><value>3.2</value></mag>\n",
" ... </magnitude>'''\n",
" >>> xml_doc = etree.fromstring(XML)\n",
" >>> unpickler = Unpickler(xml_doc)\n",
" >>> magnitude = unpickler._magnitude(xml_doc)\n",
" >>> print(magnitude.mag)\n",
" 3.2\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" obj = Magnitude(force_resource_id=False)\n",
" # required parameter\n",
" obj.mag, obj.mag_errors = self._float_value(element, 'mag')\n",
" # optional parameter\n",
" obj.magnitude_type = element.get('type')\n",
" obj.origin_id = element.get('originID')\n",
" obj.method_id = element.get('methodID')\n",
" obj.station_count = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'stationCount', element, int)\n",
" obj.azimuthal_gap = self._attribute_to_value(\n",
" 'azimuthalGap', element, float)\n",
" self._set_enum('evaluationMode', element, obj, 'evaluation_mode')\n",
" self._set_enum('evaluationStatus', element, obj, 'evaluation_status')\n",
" obj.creation_info = self._creation_info(element)\n",
" obj.station_magnitude_contributions = \\\n",
" self._station_magnitude_contributions(element)\n",
" obj.comments = self._comments(element)\n",
" obj.resource_id = element.get('publicID')\n",
" self._extra(element, obj)\n",
" return obj\n",
" def _station_magnitude(self, element):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Converts an etree.Element into a StationMagnitude object.\n",
" :type element: etree.Element\n",
" :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.StationMagnitude`\n",
" .. rubric:: Example\n",
" >>> from lxml import etree\n",
" >>> XML = b'''<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n",
" ... <stationMagnitude>\n",
" ... <mag><value>3.2</value></mag>\n",
" ... </stationMagnitude>'''\n",
" >>> xml_doc = etree.fromstring(XML)\n",
" >>> unpickler = Unpickler(xml_doc)\n",
" >>> station_mag = unpickler._station_magnitude(xml_doc)\n",
" >>> print(station_mag.mag)\n",
" 3.2\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" obj = StationMagnitude(force_resource_id=False)\n",
" # required parameter\n",
" obj.origin_id = element.get('originID', '')\n",
" obj.mag, obj.mag_errors = self._float_value(element, 'mag')\n",
" # optional parameter\n",
" obj.station_magnitude_type = element.get('type')\n",
" obj.amplitude_id = element.get('amplitudeID')\n",
" obj.method_id = element.get('methodID')\n",
" obj.waveform_id = self._waveform_id(element)\n",
" obj.creation_info = self._creation_info(element)\n",
" obj.comments = self._comments(element)\n",
" obj.resource_id = element.get('publicID')\n",
" self._extra(element, obj)\n",
" return obj\n",
" def _axis(self, parent, name):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Converts an etree.Element into an Axis object.\n",
" :type parent: etree.Element\n",
" :type name: str\n",
" :param name: tag name of axis\n",
" :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Axis`\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" obj = Axis()\n",
" try:\n",
" sub_el = self._value_to_list(name, parent)[0]\n",
" except IndexError:\n",
" return obj\n",
" # required parameter\n",
" obj.azimuth, obj.azimuth_errors = self._float_value(sub_el, 'azimuth')\n",
" obj.plunge, obj.plunge_errors = self._float_value(sub_el, 'plunge')\n",
" obj.length, obj.length_errors = self._float_value(sub_el, 'length')\n",
" self._extra(sub_el, obj)\n",
" return obj\n",
" def _principal_axes(self, parent):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Converts an etree.Element into an PrincipalAxes object.\n",
" :type parent: etree.Element\n",
" :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.PrincipalAxes`\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" try:\n",
" sub_el = self._value_to_list('principalAxes', parent)[0]\n",
" except IndexError:\n",
" return None\n",
" obj = PrincipalAxes()\n",
" # required parameter\n",
" obj.t_axis = self._axis(sub_el, 'tAxis')\n",
" obj.p_axis = self._axis(sub_el, 'pAxis')\n",
" # optional parameter\n",
" obj.n_axis = self._axis(sub_el, 'nAxis')\n",
" self._extra(sub_el, obj)\n",
" return obj\n",
" def _nodal_plane(self, parent, name):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Converts an etree.Element into an NodalPlane object.\n",
" :type parent: etree.Element\n",
" :type name: str\n",
" :param name: tag name of sub nodal plane\n",
" :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.NodalPlane`\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" try:\n",
" sub_el = self._value_to_list(name, parent)[0]\n",
" except IndexError:\n",
" return None\n",
" obj = NodalPlane()\n",
" # required parameter\n",
" obj.strike, obj.strike_errors = self._float_value(sub_el, 'strike')\n",
" obj.dip, obj.dip_errors = self._float_value(sub_el, 'dip')\n",
" obj.rake, obj.rake_errors = self._float_value(sub_el, 'rake')\n",
" self._extra(sub_el, obj)\n",
" return obj\n",
" def _nodal_planes(self, parent):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Converts an etree.Element into an NodalPlanes object.\n",
" :type parent: etree.Element\n",
" :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.NodalPlanes`\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" try:\n",
" sub_el = self._value_to_list('nodalPlanes', parent)[0]\n",
" except IndexError:\n",
" return None\n",
" obj = NodalPlanes()\n",
" # optional parameter\n",
" obj.nodal_plane_1 = self._nodal_plane(sub_el, 'nodalPlane1')\n",
" obj.nodal_plane_2 = self._nodal_plane(sub_el, 'nodalPlane2')\n",
" # optional attribute\n",
" try:\n",
" obj.preferred_plane = int(sub_el.get('preferredPlane'))\n",
" except Exception:\n",
" obj.preferred_plane = None\n",
" self._extra(sub_el, obj)\n",
" return obj\n",
" def _source_time_function(self, parent):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Converts an etree.Element into an SourceTimeFunction object.\n",
" :type parent: etree.Element\n",
" :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.SourceTimeFunction`\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" try:\n",
" sub_el = self._value_to_list('sourceTimeFunction', parent)[0]\n",
" except IndexError:\n",
" return None\n",
" obj = SourceTimeFunction()\n",
" # required parameters\n",
" self._set_enum('type', sub_el, obj, 'type')\n",
" obj.duration = self._attribute_to_value('duration', sub_el, float)\n",
" # optional parameter\n",
" obj.rise_time = self._attribute_to_value('riseTime', sub_el, float)\n",
" obj.decay_time = self._attribute_to_value('decayTime', sub_el, float)\n",
" self._extra(sub_el, obj)\n",
" return obj\n",
" def _tensor(self, parent):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Converts an etree.Element into an Tensor object.\n",
" :type parent: etree.Element\n",
" :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Tensor`\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" try:\n",
" sub_el = self._value_to_list('tensor', parent)[0]\n",
" except IndexError:\n",
" return None\n",
" obj = Tensor()\n",
" # required parameters\n",
" obj.m_rr, obj.m_rr_errors = self._float_value(sub_el, 'Mrr')\n",
" obj.m_tt, obj.m_tt_errors = self._float_value(sub_el, 'Mtt')\n",
" obj.m_pp, obj.m_pp_errors = self._float_value(sub_el, 'Mpp')\n",
" obj.m_rt, obj.m_rt_errors = self._float_value(sub_el, 'Mrt')\n",
" obj.m_rp, obj.m_rp_errors = self._float_value(sub_el, 'Mrp')\n",
" obj.m_tp, obj.m_tp_errors = self._float_value(sub_el, 'Mtp')\n",
" self._extra(sub_el, obj)\n",
" return obj\n",
" def _data_used(self, parent):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Converts an etree.Element into a list of DataUsed objects.\n",
" :type parent: etree.Element\n",
" :rtype: list of :class:`~obspy.core.event.DataUsed`\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" obj = []\n",
" for el in self._value_to_list('dataUsed', parent):\n",
" data_used = DataUsed()\n",
" # required parameters\n",
" self._set_enum('waveType', el, data_used, 'wave_type')\n",
" # optional parameter\n",
" data_used.station_count = \\\n",
" self._attribute_to_value('stationCount', el, int)\n",
" data_used.component_count = \\\n",
" self._attribute_to_value('componentCount', el, int)\n",
" data_used.shortest_period = \\\n",
" self._attribute_to_value('shortestPeriod', el, float)\n",
" data_used.longest_period = \\\n",
" self._attribute_to_value('longestPeriod', el, float)\n",
" self._extra(el, data_used)\n",
" obj.append(data_used)\n",
" return obj\n",
" def _moment_tensor(self, parent):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Converts an etree.Element into an MomentTensor object.\n",
" :type parent: etree.Element\n",
" :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.MomentTensor`\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" try:\n",
" mt_el = self._value_to_list('momentTensor', parent)[0]\n",
" except IndexError:\n",
" return None\n",
" obj = MomentTensor(force_resource_id=False)\n",
" # required parameters\n",
" obj.derived_origin_id = mt_el.get('derivedOriginID')\n",
" # optional parameter\n",
" obj.moment_magnitude_id = mt_el.get('momentMagnitudeID')\n",
" obj.scalar_moment, obj.scalar_moment_errors = \\\n",
" self._float_value(mt_el, 'scalarMoment')\n",
" obj.tensor = self._tensor(mt_el)\n",
" obj.variance = self._attribute_to_value('variance', mt_el, float)\n",
" obj.variance_reduction = \\\n",
" self._attribute_to_value('varianceReduction', mt_el, float)\n",
" obj.double_couple = self._attribute_to_value('doubleCouple', mt_el, float)\n",
" obj.clvd = self._attribute_to_value('clvd', mt_el, float)\n",
" obj.iso = self._attribute_to_value('iso', mt_el, float)\n",
" obj.greens_function_id = mt_el.get('greensFunctionID')\n",
" obj.filter_id = mt_el.get('filterID')\n",
" obj.source_time_function = self._source_time_function(mt_el)\n",
" obj.data_used = self._data_used(mt_el)\n",
" obj.method_id = mt_el.get('methodID')\n",
" self._set_enum('category', mt_el, obj, 'category')\n",
" self._set_enum('inversionType', mt_el, obj, 'inversion_type')\n",
" obj.creation_info = self._creation_info(mt_el)\n",
" obj.comments = self._comments(mt_el)\n",
" obj.resource_id = mt_el.get('publicID')\n",
" self._extra(mt_el, obj)\n",
" return obj\n",
" def _focal_mechanism(self, element):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Converts an etree.Element into a FocalMechanism object.\n",
" :type element: etree.Element\n",
" :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.FocalMechanism`\n",
" .. rubric:: Example\n",
" >>> from lxml import etree\n",
" >>> XML = b'''<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n",
" ... <focalMechanism>\n",
" ... <methodID>smi:ISC/methodID=Best_double_couple</methodID>\n",
" ... </focalMechanism>'''\n",
" >>> xml_doc = etree.fromstring(XML)\n",
" >>> unpickler = Unpickler(xml_doc)\n",
" >>> fm = unpickler._focal_mechanism(xml_doc)\n",
" >>> print(fm.method_id)\n",
" smi:ISC/methodID=Best_double_couple\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" obj = FocalMechanism(force_resource_id=False)\n",
" # required parameter\n",
" # optional parameter\n",
" obj.waveform_id = self._waveform_ids(element)\n",
" obj.triggering_origin_id = element.get('triggeringOriginID')\n",
" obj.azimuthal_gap = self._attribute_to_value('azimuthalGap', element, float)\n",
" obj.station_polarity_count = \\\n",
" self._attribute_to_value('stationPolarityCount', element, int)\n",
" obj.misfit = self._attribute_to_value('misfit', element, float)\n",
" obj.station_distribution_ratio = \\\n",
" self._attribute_to_value('stationDistributionRatio', element, float)\n",
" obj.method_id = element.get('methodID')\n",
" obj.moment_tensor = self._moment_tensor(element)\n",
" obj.nodal_planes = self._nodal_planes(element)\n",
" obj.principal_axes = self._principal_axes(element)\n",
" self._set_enum('evaluationMode', element, obj, 'evaluation_mode')\n",
" self._set_enum('evaluationStatus', element, obj, 'evaluation_status')\n",
" obj.creation_info = self._creation_info(element)\n",
" obj.comments = self._comments(element)\n",
" obj.resource_id = element.get('publicID')\n",
" self._extra(element, obj)\n",
" return obj\n",
" def _extra(self, element, obj):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Add information stored in custom tags/attributes in obj.extra.\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" pass\n",
" # # search all namespaces in current scope\n",
" # for ns in self._value_to_list('namespace', element):\n",
" # # skip the two top-level quakeml namespaces,\n",
" # # we're not interested in quakeml defined tags here\n",
" # if ns in self._quakeml_namespaces:\n",
" # continue\n",
" # # process all elements of this custom namespace, if any\n",
" # for el in element.iterfind(\"{%s}*\" % ns):\n",
" # # remove namespace from tag name\n",
" # _, name = el.tag.split(\"}\")\n",
" # # check if element has children (nested tags)\n",
" # if len(el):\n",
" # sub_obj = AttribDict()\n",
" # self._extra(el, sub_obj)\n",
" # value = sub_obj.extra\n",
" # else:\n",
" # value = el.text\n",
" # try:\n",
" # extra = obj.setdefault(\"extra\", AttribDict())\n",
" # # Catalog object is not based on AttribDict..\n",
" # except AttributeError:\n",
" # if not isinstance(obj, Catalog):\n",
" # raise\n",
" # if hasattr(obj, \"extra\"):\n",
" # extra = obj.extra\n",
" # else:\n",
" # extra = AttribDict()\n",
" # obj.extra = extra\n",
" # extra[name] = {'value': value,\n",
" # 'namespace': '%s' % ns}\n",
" # if el.attrib:\n",
" # extra[name]['attrib'] = el.attrib\n",
" # # process all attributes of custom namespaces, if any\n",
" # for key, value in element.attrib.items():\n",
" # # no custom namespace\n",
" # if \"}\" not in key:\n",
" # continue\n",
" # # separate namespace from tag name\n",
" # ns, name = key.lstrip(\"{\").split(\"}\")\n",
" # try:\n",
" # extra = obj.setdefault(\"extra\", AttribDict())\n",
" # # Catalog object is not based on AttribDict..\n",
" # except AttributeError:\n",
" # if not isinstance(obj, Catalog):\n",
" # raise\n",
" # if hasattr(obj, \"extra\"):\n",
" # extra = obj.extra\n",
" # else:\n",
" # extra = AttribDict()\n",
" # obj.extra = extra\n",
" # extra[name] = {'value': str(value),\n",
" # 'namespace': '%s' % ns,\n",
" # 'type': 'attribute'}"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"# Set-up tests"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"1040 Event(s) in Catalog:\n",
"2014-01-07T03:34:22.525036Z | -40.141, +174.228 | 2.653115 M | automatic\n",
"2014-01-07T15:33:21.032438Z | -43.656, +172.382 | 2.5531339 M | automatic\n",
"2014-01-19T09:46:11.766661Z | -30.624, -178.559 | 4.3402718 M | manual\n",
"2014-01-19T22:48:40.033184Z | -31.856, +178.373 | 4.5172253 M | manual\n",
"To see all events call 'print(CatalogObject.__str__(print_all=True))'\n"
"source": [
"from obspy import UTCDateTime\n",
"from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client\n",
"from import Unpickler\n",
"client = Client(\"GEONET\")\n",
"catalog = client.get_events(\n",
" starttime=UTCDateTime(2014, 1, 7), endtime=UTCDateTime(2014, 1, 21))\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Initial tests on sub-catalogs - all take a while..."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 7,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Testing for 1 events\n",
"Testing Obspy\n",
"165 ms ± 23.5 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)\n",
"Testing DictUnpickler\n",
"68.1 ms ± 14.1 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)\n",
"Testing raw pickle\n",
"8.71 ms ± 89.6 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)\n",
"Testing for 20 events\n",
"Testing Obspy\n",
"1.74 s ± 17.9 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)\n",
"Testing DictUnpickler\n",
"613 ms ± 5.34 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)\n",
"Testing raw pickle\n",
"112 ms ± 1.17 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)\n",
"Testing for 100 events\n",
"Testing Obspy\n",
"12.6 s ± 421 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)\n",
"Testing DictUnpickler\n",
"4.15 s ± 245 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)\n",
"Testing raw pickle\n",
"873 ms ± 136 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)\n",
"Testing for 200 events\n",
"Testing Obspy\n",
"19.3 s ± 487 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)\n",
"Testing DictUnpickler\n",
"8.11 s ± 32.9 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)\n",
"Testing raw pickle\n",
"1.67 s ± 86.6 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)\n"
"source": [
"# Test against a raw pickle\n",
"import pickle\n",
"def unpickle_cat(path):\n",
" with open(path, 'rb') as fi:\n",
" return pickle.load(fi)\n",
"def pickle_cat(cat, path):\n",
" with open(path, 'wb') as fi:\n",
" pickle.dump(cat, fi)\n",
"# Write some files\n",
"for n_events in [1, 20, 100, 200]:\n",
" print(\"Testing for {0} events\".format(n_events))\n",
" file_out = \"test_catalog_{0}.xml\".format(n_events)\n",
" pkl_out = \"test_catalog_{0}.pkl\".format(n_events)\n",
" catalog[0:n_events].write(file_out, format=\"QUAKEML\")\n",
" pickle_cat(catalog[0:n_events], pkl_out)\n",
" print(\"Testing Obspy\")\n",
" %timeit Unpickler().load(file_out)\n",
" print(\"Testing DictUnpickler\")\n",
" %timeit DictUnpickler().load(file_out)\n",
" print(\"Testing raw pickle\")\n",
" %timeit unpickle_cat(pkl_out)"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"This trend continues for larger catalogs. Obspy is slowest, pickle is fastest, but not portable (AFAIK).\n",
"Lion wanted to know where the bottleneck is now - profiling using [snakeviz]("
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 9,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
" \n",
"*** Profile stats marshalled to file '/tmp/tmpfu2z5cvz'. \n"
"source": [
"%load_ext snakeviz\n",
"%snakeviz DictUnpickler().load(\"test_catalog_100.xml\")"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"# SNAKEVIZ results\n",
"I do not know how to include the snakeviz results here, but if you run the above cell you will get an interactive diagram.\n",
"- `_make_dict_from_tree` is ~13% of the time\n",
"- `_deserialize` is ~77% of the time\n",
"- `_xml_doc_from_anything` is ~5% of the time\n",
"@markcwill noted the [xmltodict]( package - this could replace `_make_dict_from_tree` and `_xml_doc_from_anything`. We should see if that is faster."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 10,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"1.36 s ± 7.92 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)\n",
"804 ms ± 46.8 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)\n"
"source": [
"import xmltodict\n",
"%timeit xmltodict.parse(open(\"test_catalog_100.xml\").read())\n",
"%timeit _make_dict_from_tree(_xml_doc_from_anything(\"test_catalog_100.xml\"))"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"# Conclusions\n",
"Reading to dict first seems like the best option. The custom version of reading from xml to dictionary implemented here seems to be faster than `xmltodict`, but that is only one test, and I don't think my implementation is likely to be very stable (see custom hacks for [WavefromStreamID](\n",
"I'm sure we could speed up the deserialization as well (seeing as raw unpickling is so much faster)..."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
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