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Cameron Hunter cameronhunter

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cameronhunter / gist:978987
Created May 18, 2011 16:50
I've always liked Ruby's "rescue" keyword. I've implemented something similar in Javascript.
rescue = do(console) ->
(expression, fallback) ->
try expression?() || expression
catch e
console?.warn?( 'Rescued from', e, '. Using fallback value', fallback )
return fallback
cameronhunter / gist:3343413
Created August 13, 2012 19:17
Responsive design incantation
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no" />
cameronhunter / responsive-abbreviations.html
Created October 2, 2012 12:31
Responsive abbreviations in HTML using CSS
<!doctype html>
<title>Responsive Abbreviations</title>
<style type="text/css">
/* Show "U.K." */
abbr {cursor:default; border:none;}
/* Show "United Kingdom" */
@media (min-width: 481px) {
cameronhunter / holyrood9a.tsv
Created October 25, 2012 17:05
Holyrood 9a Order
archie Guacamole Burger Piri piri
stevenm Spiced Lamb Burger Plain
smithali Texas BBQ Burger Piri piri
caluml Guacamole Burger Plain
andthomp Pioneer Burger Plain
drewb Cheese Burger Plain
dominics Chilli Burger Piri piri
ajbailey Shroom Italienne Plain
gthubron Cheese and Bacon Burger Piri piri
andmell Pioneer Burger Piri piri
cameronhunter / options-or-overloads.scala
Created April 19, 2013 18:44
Option doesn't solve everything. Sometimes overloaded functions provide a less confusing API.
/* Function using Option */
object Hello {
def to(name: Option[String] = None) =
"Hello " + (name getOrElse "world")
println( // Causes NullPointerException
cameronhunter / Data Binding Thoughts
Created July 31, 2013 18:33
Some research and thoughts around data-binding for flight.
## Definition ##
"Data binding is general technique that binds two data/information sources together and maintains synchronization of data." –
UI data binding binds UI elements to an application domain model. Most frameworks employ the Observer pattern as the underlying binding mechanism. To work efficiently, UI data binding has to address input validation and data type mapping.
A bound control is a widget whose value is tied to a field in a recordset (i.e., a column in a row of a table). Changes made to data within the control are automatically saved to the database when the control's exit event triggers.
## Execution ##
cameronhunter /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
[Experimental] FlightJS component that intercepts and caches event data.

This is an experiment in unobtrusively caching event data in FlightJS. It's a component which effectively slides between a UI and data component, intercepting requests for data, and caching responses. It doesn't require cache invalidation because it does not prevent the data component from retrieving updated data when there's a cache hit. This allows us to create a snappier UI by providing the "last known" data, but still allowing the data component to fetch and trigger with the most recent data at a later stage.

If a "with_data" mixin existed with methods such as this.get and, then this could be a mixin using advice to surround these functions with caching. Perhaps that's a cleaner way of implementing this functionality – this is just an experiment.

This could also be mixed with the flight-storage component, so that the cached data could be served from localStorage or IndexDB.

cameronhunter / array.bucket.js
Created July 23, 2015 01:53
Array#bucket for JavaScript in ES6
Array.prototype.bucket = function(fn) {
const results = [...Array(fn.length)].map(() => []);
const buckets = => bucket.push.bind(bucket));
const noop = () => {};
this.forEach(item => (fn.apply(item, buckets) || noop)(item));
return results;
class Timer {
static delay(delay) {
return new Timer(
(delay ? (fn) => { setTimeout(fn, delay) } : (fn) => { fn() }),
(delay ? (id) => { clearTimeout(id) } : () => {})
static interval(interval) {
* Identity
* 1. Ensure that the parent container has a max-width of 0 to
* guarantee correct text-overflow behavior in small widths.
:root {
--Identity-avatar-size: 32px;