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// ==UserScript==
// @name JIRA Board Epic Filter
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description Helper functions to only see one epic at a time on the board
// @author cartok
// @match https://**/boards/*
// @icon
// @grant none
// @license MIT
function loremipsum() {
# TODO: Extract wblp from $1 to allow 2w, 5w, 3p, 6l etc. WIP: FOO=20asdrf; echo ${FOO%%[a-z]*}
local amount=${1:-1}
# set -x
# local foo=${amount%%[a-z]+}
# echo $foo
# exit 1
# Working values for the "what" parameter: "words", "paras", "bytes"
local what=${2:-paras}
# !/usr/bin/env/zsh
# (outdated)
# Packages:
# - wl-clipboard
# - fzf
# - fd
# - ripgrep
# Plugins:
# - mollifier/cd-gitroot