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  • I am cassioiks on github.
  • I am cassioiks ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 68D9 22F7 5698 F6A1 F59F 6FB3 0AD4 E807 77CB D050

To claim this, I am signing this object:

cassioiks / gist:c95fa968d553b2ef6a516a814579d755
Last active October 20, 2017 12:26
How to run the Code Defect ML model

What is this

This is a service built to indicate if some code is defect-prone or not. The service uses an SVM classifier. The model was tested and validaded against 2 different sets, achieving an accuracy of ~98%.

The features present in the dataset, and that have to be provided to the service, are the following:

Feature Description
from sapdi.artifact.artifact import Artifact
import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO
artifact = Artifact.get(artifact_id='107e749a-2539-446a-ae1f-80fb15091c7e')
file_handler = artifact.open_file(file_name="RunningTimes.csv")
with file_handler.get_reader() as f:
content =