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jonathonbyrdziak / AddressHelper.php
Created August 18, 2010 20:20
Parse Address :: This function is designed to parse a complete street address using PHP. If it can't figure out the parsing itself, then it sends the address to google to have google parse the street address.
* @author Jonathon Byrd
* @package Address Parsing
class AddressHelper extends ObjectBase
# Update at 3am once a week
# Make sure the time on the Mikrotik is correct or update will occur "randomly" or never
/system scheduler
add interval=1w name=Auto-Upgrade on-event="/system package update\r\
\ncheck-for-updates once\r\
\n:delay 1s;\r\
\n:if ( [get status] = \"New version is available\") do={ install }" policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon start-date=jan/01/2017 start-time=03:00:20