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class Todo < ApplicationRecord
class TodoIndex < HyperComponent
def create_new_todo_item
Todo.create(title: @title)
@title = nil
render(DIV, class: 'ToDo') do
IMG(class: 'Logo', src: 'assets/logo.png', alt: 'Hyperstack Logo')
H1(class: 'ToDo-Header') { 'Hyperstack To Do' }
class TodoIndex < HyperComponent
# TodoIndex is the conventional name for listing
# a set of items.
todo: 'clean the house'
todo: 'buy milk'
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import './ToDo.css';
import ToDoItem from './components/ToDoItem';
import Logo from './assets/logo.png';
class ToDo extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
// this is where the data goes
class TodoItem < HyperComponent
param :item
fires :delete_item
render(DIV, class: 'ToDoItem') do
P(class: 'ToDoItem-Text') { @Item }
BUTTON(class: 'ToDoItem-Delete').on(:click) { delete_item! }
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import './ToDoItem.css';
class ToDoItem extends Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="ToDoItem">
<p className="ToDoItem-Text">{this.props.item}</p>
<button className="ToDoItem-Delete"
catmando / linked_list.rb
Created October 13, 2017 16:39
Translate this code please
class Node
# each node has a val (value) and a link to the next node.
def val # reads the instance variable val
def next_node # reads the instance variable next_node
catmando / mapper.rb
Last active September 13, 2017 21:17
class Something
def self.display_map
key: :position,
name: 'Number'
key: :design_collection,
name: 'Collection',
catmando / controller_op.rb
Last active June 22, 2017 17:40
hyper operation Controller Operation experimental patch
# app/hyperloop/operations/controller_op.rb
# make sure to also require 'operations/controller_op'
# at the *END* of config/initializers/hyperloop.rb
module Hyperloop
# monkey patch HyperloopController to pass controller instance from controller method to ServerOp
Engine.routes.append do
class DateTimePicker < React::Component::Base
param :record # typically an active_record model, but can be any object really
param :field # attr (read and write) of the object to be updated.
after_mount do
def initialize_timepicker