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Last active December 11, 2015 03:28
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iOS paging - API version 0.5.0

Add a new AGPagedList category on the NSArray class:

@interface NSArray (AGPagedList)

 * Reads the first 'page' of the paging result, from the server.
 * @param success A block object to be executed when the request operation
 * finishes successfully. This block has no return value and takes one
 * argument: The object created from the response data of request.
 * @param failure A block object to be executed when the request operation
 * finishes unsuccessfully, or that finishes successfully, but encountered
 * an error while parsing the resonse data. This block has no return value
 * and takes one argument: The `NSError` object describing the network or
 * parsing error that occurred.
-(void) first:(void (^)(id responseObject))success
     failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

 * Reads the last 'page' of the paging result, from the server.
 * @param success A block object to be executed when the request operation
 * finishes successfully. This block has no return value and takes one
 * argument: The object created from the response data of request.
 * @param failure A block object to be executed when the request operation
 * finishes unsuccessfully, or that finishes successfully, but encountered
 * an error while parsing the resonse data. This block has no return value
 * and takes one argument: The `NSError` object describing the network or
 * parsing error that occurred.
-(void) last:(void (^)(id responseObject))success
     failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

 * Reads the next 'page', based on the current position, of the paging result, from the server.
 * @param success A block object to be executed when the request operation
 * finishes successfully. This block has no return value and takes one
 * argument: The object created from the response data of request.
 * @param failure A block object to be executed when the request operation
 * finishes unsuccessfully, or that finishes successfully, but encountered
 * an error while parsing the resonse data. This block has no return value
 * and takes one argument: The `NSError` object describing the network or
 * parsing error that occurred.
-(void) next:(void (^)(id responseObject))success
     failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

 * Reads the previous 'page', based on the current position, of the paging result, from the server.
 * @param success A block object to be executed when the request operation
 * finishes successfully. This block has no return value and takes one
 * argument: The object created from the response data of request.
 * @param failure A block object to be executed when the request operation
 * finishes unsuccessfully, or that finishes successfully, but encountered
 * an error while parsing the resonse data. This block has no return value
 * and takes one argument: The `NSError` object describing the network or
 * parsing error that occurred.
-(void) previous:(void (^)(id responseObject))success
     failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

 * Returns YES if the we can go to the first 'page' of the paging result.
-(BOOL) hasFirst;

 * Returns YES if the we can go to the last 'page' of the paging result.
-(BOOL) hasLast;

 * Returns YES if the we can go to the next 'page' of the paging result.
-(BOOL) hasNext;

 * Returns YES if the we can go to the previous 'page' of the paging result.
-(BOOL) hasPrevious;


An object from that class will be returned on the success block, when doing a [pipe readWithFilter:success:failure];.

We also need to enhance the existing AGFilterConfig

@protocol AGFilterConfig <NSObject>

 * Applies where the library should look for the 'scrolling' metadata.
 * Scrolling metadata can be found on the header (default) or on the
 * response body (content), like the twitter search does.
@property (assign, nonatomic) NSString *scrollingMetaDataLocation; //header||content

 * Applies the actual limit to the configuration.
@property (assign, nonatomic) NSUInteger limit;
 * Applies the offset to the configuration.
@property (assign, nonatomic) NSUInteger offset;
 * Applies the 'where' query to the configuration.
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSDictionary* where;

// TODO:
// * define params to override the http query params
// * define params to override the default header names (e.g. AG-Paging-Offset)
// * define a way to ignore the Web Linking spec, in cases like Twitter, where they
//     render some bogus metadata inside of the response body...


No need to change the readWithFilter from the AGPipe, which starts of the paging...

-(void) readWithFilter:(void (^)(id<AGFilterConfig> config)) config
               success:(void (^)(id responseObject))success
               failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

Application Code

How to use (including "redefining" the pagination)?

    AGPipeline *testPipeline = [AGPipeline pipelineWithBaseURL:_baseURL];
    id<AGPipe> pipe = [testPipeline pipe:^(id<AGPipeConfig> config) {
        [config setName:@"cars"];
    // the AGPagedList category:
    __block NSArray *_pagedList;
    // start the paging........
    [pipe readWithFilter:^(id<AGFilterConfig> config) {
        //set up the paging details:
        [config setLimit:3];
        [config setOffset:0];
    } success:^(id responseObject) {
        // stash the "paged/query result" object (or what ever the name will be)
        _pagedList = responseObject;
        // show the results - somehwre
        NSLog(@"RESULT, PAGE 1: %@", listOfObjects);
    } failure:^(NSError *error) {
    // get the second page.....
    [_pagedList next:^(id responseObject) {
        // show the results - somehwre
        NSLog(@"RESULT, PAGE 2: %@", responseObject);
    } failure:^(NSError *error) {
    // go backwards....
    [_pagedList previous:^(id responseObject) {
        /// do something
    } failure:^(NSError *error) {
    // REDEFINE the query/pagination:
    [pipe readWithFilter:^(id<AGFilterConfig> config) {
        // now we want 10 per page...., starting at page 1.........
        [config setLimit:10];
        [config setOffset:1];
    } success:^(id responseObject) {
        // stash the "paged/query result" object (or what ever the name will be)
        _pagedList = responseObject;
        // show the results - somehwre
        NSLog(@"RESULT, PAGE 1: %@", listOfObjects);
    } failure:^(NSError *error) {

    // get more data.......
    [_pagedList next:^(id responseObject) {
        // show the results - somehwre
        NSLog(@"RESULT, PAGE 2: %@", responseObject);
    } failure:^(NSError *error) {
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