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Created March 13, 2021 00:05
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{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Main where
import GHC.Generics
-- This module implements a GShow typeclass with a `gshow :: Int -> a -> String`
-- where the first parameter limits recursion depth to the given amount
-- This module is mostly copy-pasted from
-- The main changes are the implementation of GShow' (K1 i c)
-- and the default gshowList implementation of GShow
intersperse :: a -> [a] -> [a]
intersperse _ [] = []
intersperse _ [h] = [h]
intersperse x (h : t) = h : x : intersperse x t
appPrec :: Int
appPrec = 2
data Type = Rec | Tup | Pref | Inf String
class GShow' f where
gshowsPrec' :: Type -> Int -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
isNullary :: f a -> Bool
isNullary = error "generic show (isNullary): unnecessary case"
instance GShow' V1 where
gshowsPrec' _ _ _ x = case x of
instance GShow' U1 where
gshowsPrec' _ _ _ U1 = id
isNullary _ = True
instance (GShow c) => GShow' (K1 i c) where
-- Don't recurse if the recursion depth parameter is 0
gshowsPrec' _ _ 0 _ = showDots
-- Decrease the recursion depth parameter otherwise
gshowsPrec' _ n k (K1 a) = gshowsPrec n (k - 1) a
isNullary _ = False
-- No instances for P or Rec because gshow is only applicable to types of kind *
instance (GShow' a, Constructor c) => GShow' (M1 C c a) where
gshowsPrec' _ n k c@(M1 x) =
case fixity of
Prefix ->
(n > appPrec && not (isNullary x))
( showString (conName c)
. if isNullary x
then id
showChar ' '
. showBraces t (gshowsPrec' t appPrec k x)
Infix _ m -> showParen (n > m) (showBraces t (gshowsPrec' t m k x))
fixity = conFixity c
| conIsRecord c = Rec
| conIsTuple c = Tup
| otherwise = case fixity of
Prefix -> Pref
Infix _ _ -> Inf (show (conName c))
showBraces :: Type -> ShowS -> ShowS
showBraces Rec p = showChar '{' . p . showChar '}'
showBraces Tup p = showChar '(' . p . showChar ')'
showBraces Pref p = p
showBraces (Inf _) p = p
conIsTuple :: C1 c f p -> Bool
conIsTuple y = tupleName (conName y)
tupleName ('(' : ',' : _) = True
tupleName _ = False
instance (Selector s, GShow' a) => GShow' (M1 S s a) where
gshowsPrec' t n k s@(M1 x)
| selName s == "" --showParen (n > appPrec)
gshowsPrec' t n k x
| otherwise =
showString (selName s)
. showString " = "
. gshowsPrec' t 0 k x
isNullary (M1 x) = isNullary x
instance (GShow' a) => GShow' (M1 D d a) where
gshowsPrec' t n k (M1 x) = gshowsPrec' t n k x
instance (GShow' a, GShow' b) => GShow' (a :+: b) where
gshowsPrec' t n k (L1 x) = gshowsPrec' t n k x
gshowsPrec' t n k (R1 x) = gshowsPrec' t n k x
instance (GShow' a, GShow' b) => GShow' (a :*: b) where
gshowsPrec' t@Rec n k (a :*: b) =
gshowsPrec' t n k a . showString ", " . gshowsPrec' t n k b
gshowsPrec' t@(Inf s) n k (a :*: b) =
gshowsPrec' t n k a . showString s . gshowsPrec' t n k b
gshowsPrec' t@Tup n k (a :*: b) =
gshowsPrec' t n k a . showChar ',' . gshowsPrec' t n k b
gshowsPrec' t@Pref n k (a :*: b) =
gshowsPrec' t (n + 1) k a . showChar ' ' . gshowsPrec' t (n + 1) k b
-- If we have a product then it is not a nullary constructor
isNullary _ = False
class GShow a where
gshowsPrec :: Int -> Int -> a -> ShowS
default gshowsPrec ::
(Generic a, GShow' (Rep a)) =>
Int ->
Int ->
a ->
gshowsPrec = gshowsPrecdefault
gshows :: Int -> a -> ShowS
gshows = gshowsPrec 0
gshow :: Int -> a -> String
gshow k x = gshows k x ""
gshowList :: Int -> [a] -> ShowS
gshowList k l = showChar '[' . gshowListElems k l
-- Decreases recursion depth with each printed element
gshowListElems :: GShow a => Int -> [a] -> ShowS
gshowListElems _ [] = showChar ']'
gshowListElems 0 _ = showDots . showChar ']'
gshowListElems k (l : ls) = gshowsPrec 0 k l . showChar ',' . gshowListElems (k - 1) ls
showDots :: String -> String
showDots = showChar '.' . showChar '.' . showChar '.'
gshowsPrecdefault ::
(Generic a, GShow' (Rep a)) =>
Int ->
Int ->
a ->
gshowsPrecdefault n k = gshowsPrec' Pref n k . from
-- Tests
data Tree = Leaf | Node [Tree]
deriving (Generic, GShow)
instance GShow Int where
gshowsPrec n _ v = showsPrec n v
instance GShow a => GShow [a] where
gshowsPrec _ = gshowList
tree :: Tree
tree = Node (repeat tree)
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn $ gshow 3 tree
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