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ccwang002 /
Last active June 27, 2024 04:46
Identify Ensembl release versions of Ensembl transcript/gene/protein IDs. Details at
"""Find the possible Ensembl releases of the given IDs.
The script uses Ensembl Tark APIs to subset the possible Ensembl releases
that cover all the given Ensembl IDs. Usually it can pinpoint the right release
using less than 30 IDs. Feeding more IDs may exceed the API call rate limit.
Known issues:
* The API doesn't handle ENSGR (chrY PAR genes)
import argparse
Gene Cancer Tumor suppressor or oncogene prediction (by 20/20+) Decision Tissue Frequency Pancan Frequency Consensus Score Correlation adusted score Novel Rescue Notes Note about previous publication
ARID1A CHOL official 11.76% 6.69% 2.5 1.80 0 Found in 28297679
BAP1 CHOL tsg official 17.65% 2.14% 3.5 2.80 0 Found in 28297679
EPHA2 CHOL tsg official 11.76% 1.58% 2.5 2.50 0 0
IDH1 CHOL oncogene official 14.71% 5.56% 4.5 3.80 0 Found in 28297679
PBRM1 CHOL tsg official 17.65% 3.73% 3.5 2.32 0 0
from itertools import combinations, product
def gen_pos_sets_to_sub(barcode, max_sub=1):
Generate all the possible position combinations (sets) within
the given maximal number of substitutions.
ccwang002 / Snakefile
Last active November 17, 2017 19:36
Example Snakefile for the new Tuxedo RNA-Seq pipeline (remote on Google Cloud Storage)
from pathlib import Path
from snakemake.remote.GS import RemoteProvider as GSRemoteProvider
GS = GSRemoteProvider()
GS_PREFIX = "lbwang-playground/snakemake_rnaseq"
GENOME_FA = GS.remote(f"{GS_PREFIX}/griffithlab_brain_vs_uhr/GRCh38_Ens87_chr22_ERCC/chr22_ERCC92.fa")
GENOME_GTF = GS.remote(f"{GS_PREFIX}/griffithlab_brain_vs_uhr/GRCh38_Ens87_chr22_ERCC/genes_chr22_ERCC92.gtf")
HISAT2_INDEX_PREFIX = "hisat2_index/chr22_ERCC92"
FULL_HISAT2_INDEX_PREFIX = "dinglab/lbwang/snakemake_demo/hisat2_index/chr22_ERCC92"
ccwang002 / Snakefile
Last active August 22, 2019 16:42
Example Snakefile for the new Tuxedo RNA-Seq pipeline (local)
# The Snakefile that loads raw data and genome reference locally
GENOME_FA = "griffithlab_brain_vs_uhr/GRCh38_Ens87_chr22_ERCC/chr22_ERCC92.fa"
GENOME_GTF = "griffithlab_brain_vs_uhr/GRCh38_Ens87_chr22_ERCC/genes_chr22_ERCC92.gtf"
HISAT2_INDEX_PREFIX = "hisat2_index/chr22_ERCC92"
SAMPLES, *_ = glob_wildcards('griffithlab_brain_vs_uhr/HBR_UHR_ERCC_ds_10pc/{sample}.read1.fastq.gz')
from pathlib import Path
ccwang002 /
Created July 3, 2017 17:03
Clean up Zotero reference directory

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am ccwang002 on github.
  • I am liang2 ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASA_ZHu4l91A5bKbiWrZkL-zyJD9mvEUNQpsaW3LjmvcqQo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

ccwang002 /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
Timezone Conversion
from datetime import datetime
from pytz import timezone # pip install pytz
# Setup remote time
remote_tz = timezone('US/Pacific') # PST for example
remote_dt = remote_tz.localize(datetime(2015, 5, 1, 14, 0)) # May 1, 2015 PM2:00 PST
# Setup Taipei local time
tpe = timezone('Asia/Taipei')
import numpy as np
rs = np.random.RandomState(seed=5566)
n_conditions = 10
# Here we simulate a complex computation, for example, analogy of the magnitude
# of gradient decent which expects to be strictly positive. But from the result
# we find that it seems to be sometimes negative, we wish to find out when and
# what condition our program produces bogus ouput.
# This is the case to use pdb and condition break point
ccwang002 /
Last active July 31, 2023 02:58
Lab Coding Instructions for Beginners


Lab Guide for Coding Beginners

亮亮(@ccwang002)| Mar, 2015 | CC 3.0 BY license

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