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Last active December 10, 2015 01:49
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Fractal snow mashup
(function() {
var requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
function(func) { setTimeout(func, 17); };
var html = document.documentElement;
function Snowflake(maxX) {
Snowflake.prototype.tick = function() {
var sidePhase = this.sidePhase += this.sideVel;
this.y += this.vel;
this.x += this.sideVel;
Snowflake.prototype.reset = function(maxX) {
var rand = Math.random();
var chanceOfLargeSnowflake = 0.15;
this.size = 2 + Math.random() * 5;
this.vel = 3 + Math.random() * 3;
this.alpha = 0.5 + Math.random() * 0.8;
// random x position
this.x = Math.random() * maxX;
this.y = -this.size;
// side-to-side movement
this.sideVel = (0.5 - Math.random()) * this.vel;
return this;
(function() {
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
var settleCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var settleContext = context && settleCanvas.getContext('2d');
var canvasStyle =;
var settleCanvasStyle =;
var windowResized;
var activeFlakes = [];
var snowflakesPerPixelPerSecond = 0.05;
var PIx2 = Math.PI*2;
var assumedFps = 60;
var settlePoint;
var snowflakePool = [];
var x;
var y;
var angle;
var level = 3;
//fractal functions
//Create snowflake
var drawKochSnowflake = function(flake, context) {
drawKochCurve(level, flake.size * 1.2, context);
angle += 120;
drawKochCurve(level, flake.size * 1.2, context);
angle += 120;
drawKochCurve(level, flake.size * 1.2, context);
//Recursive implementation
var drawKochCurve = function(level, sideLength, context) {
if (level < 1) {
draw(sideLength, context);
else {
drawKochCurve(level - 1, sideLength / 3, context);
angle -= 45;
drawKochCurve(level - 1, sideLength / 3, context);
angle += 90;
drawKochCurve(level - 1, sideLength / 3, context);
angle -= 45;
drawKochCurve(level - 1, sideLength / 3, context);
var draw = function(sideLength, context) {
x += sideLength * Math.sin(angle * Math.PI/180);
y -= sideLength * Math.cos(angle * Math.PI/180);
context.lineTo(x, y);
var initialize = function(flake) {
angle = 90;
x = flake.x;
y = flake.y;
if (level > 5) {
level = 0;
var save = function(context) {;
//context.clearRect(0, 0, 20, 20);
//context.translate(-level*10, 0);
//context.moveTo(x, y);
var flush = function(context) {
//end fractal functions
function resizeCanvas() {
settlePoint = Array(html.clientWidth);
settleCanvas.width = canvas.width = html.clientWidth;
settleCanvas.height = canvas.height = html.clientHeight;
function updateSettlePoints(flake) {
var size = flake.size * 0.8; // reduce coral effect
var xStart = Math.floor(flake.x - size);
var range = size * 2;
var newY;
if (xStart < 0) {
range += xStart;
xStart = 0;
if (xStart + range > settlePoint.length) {
range -= xStart + range - settlePoint.length;
for (var i = 0; i < range; i++) {
newY = flake.y - (size * Math.cos( (i/range) * Math.PI - (Math.PI/2) ));
settlePoint[i + xStart] = Math.min(settlePoint[i + xStart] || Infinity, newY);
var flakesToCreate = 0;
function frame() {
flakesToCreate += (snowflakesPerPixelPerSecond / assumedFps) * canvas.width;
var flakesThisFrame = Math.floor(flakesToCreate);
flakesToCreate -= flakesThisFrame;
// clear canvas
if (windowResized) {
windowResized = false;
else {
context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
// add new flake?
while ( flakesThisFrame-- ) {
if (snowflakePool.length) {
activeFlakes.push( snowflakePool.pop().reset(canvas.width) );
else {
activeFlakes.push( new Snowflake(canvas.width) );
var i = activeFlakes.length;
var flake;
// for each flake...
while (i--) {
flake = activeFlakes[i];
// splice flake if it's now out of rendering zone
if (flake.y >= canvas.height || flake.y >= settlePoint[Math.floor(flake.x)]) {
snowflakePool.push.apply(snowflakePool, activeFlakes.splice(i, 1));
// this flake effects our settle points
if (flake.alpha > 0.8) {
settleContext.fillStyle='rgba(255, 255, 255, ' + flake.alpha + ')';
drawKochSnowflake(flake, settleContext);
// render to canvas
context.fillStyle='rgba(255, 255, 255, ' + flake.alpha + ')';
//context.arc(flake.x, flake.y, flake.size, 0, PIx2, true);
drawKochSnowflake(flake, context);
if (context) {
// style the canvas
canvasStyle.position = 'fixed'; = 0;
canvasStyle.left = 0;
canvasStyle.zIndex = 1138;
canvasStyle['pointerEvents'] = 'none';
settleCanvasStyle.cssText = canvasStyle.cssText;
// watch out for resizes
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
windowResized = true;
}, false);
// add it to the page & start animating
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