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Created February 4, 2013 22:53
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This is a program demonstrating that the elasticutils method .filter() will
break if you try and use a None value. It creates an index, indexes some data,
and does some searches, the last of which errors out.
from elasticutils import get_es, S
HOST = 'localhost:9200'
INDEX = 'fooindex'
DOCTYPE = 'testdoc'
es = get_es(hosts=HOST, default_indexes=[INDEX])
mapping = {
'properties': {
'id': {'type': 'integer'},
'title': {'type': 'string'},
'locale': {'type': 'string'},
es.create_index(INDEX, settings={'mappings': mapping})
for mem in [
{'id': 1,
'title': 'Deleting cookies',
'locale': 'xx'},
{'id': 2,
'title': 'What is a cookie?',
'locale': 'xx'},
{'id': 3,
'title': 'Websites say cookies are blocked - Unblock them',
'locale': 'xx'},
{'id': 4,
'title': 'Awesome Bar',
'locale': 'xx'},
{'id': 5,
'title': 'Flash',
'locale': None}]:
es.index(mem, INDEX, DOCTYPE, id=mem['id'])
# ElasticSearch will refresh the indexes and make those documents
# available for querying in a second or so (it's configurable in
# ElasticSearch), but we want them available right now, so we refresh
# the index.
# Let's build a basic S that looks at the right instance of
# ElasticSearch, index, and doctype.
def get_s():
return (S().es(hosts=[HOST])
print get_s().values_dict()
# Pretty printed output
# [
# {u'locale': u'xx', u'id': 1, u'title': u'Deleting cookies'},
# {u'locale': u'xx', u'id': 2, u'title': u'What is a cookie?'},
# {u'locale': u'xx', u'id': 3, u'title': u'Websites say cookies are blocked - Unblock them'}
# {u'locale': u'xx', u'id': 4, u'title': u'Awesome Bar'},
# {u'locale': None, u'id': 5, u'title': u'Flash'},
# ]
# Note that locale is `None` for the last item.
# Basic filter, to demonstrate nothing is messed up.
print get_s().filter(locale='xx').values_dict()
# Pretty printed output
# [
# {u'locale': u'xx', u'id': 1, u'title': u'Deleting cookies'},
# {u'locale': u'xx', u'id': 2, u'title': u'What is a cookie?'},
# {u'locale': u'xx', u'id': 3, u'title': u'Websites say cookies are blocked - Unblock them'}
# {u'locale': u'xx', u'id': 4, u'title': u'Awesome Bar'},
# ]
# Now try and filter by locale=None, to find the Flash document.
print get_s().filter(locale=None).values_dict()
# This doesn't work. It raises a big scary error.
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
# File "/home/mythmon/src/kitsune/", line 87, in <module>
# print get_s().filter(locale=None).values_dict()
# File "/home/mythmon/src/kitsune/vendor/src/elasticutils/elasticutils/", line 256, in __repr__
# data = list(self)[:REPR_OUTPUT_SIZE + 1]
# File "/home/mythmon/src/kitsune/vendor/src/elasticutils/elasticutils/", line 706, in __iter__
# return iter(self._do_search())
# File "/home/mythmon/src/kitsune/vendor/src/elasticutils/elasticutils/", line 645, in _do_search
# hits = self.raw()
# File "/home/mythmon/src/kitsune/vendor/src/elasticutils/elasticutils/", line 700, in raw
# hits =, self.get_indexes(), self.get_doctypes())
# File "/home/mythmon/src/kitsune/vendor/packages/pyes/pyes/", line 841, in search
# return self._query_call("_search", body, indexes, doc_types, **query_params)
# File "/home/mythmon/src/kitsune/vendor/packages/pyes/pyes/", line 251, in _query_call
# response = self._send_request('GET', path, body, querystring_args)
# File "/home/mythmon/src/kitsune/vendor/packages/pyes/pyes/", line 223, in _send_request
# raise_if_error(response.status, decoded)
# File "/home/mythmon/src/kitsune/vendor/packages/pyes/pyes/", line 68, in raise_if_error
# raise excClass(msg, status, result)
# SearchPhaseExecutionException: Failed to execute phase [query], total failure; shardFailures {[b9ZLwu8WTKqUoDJ7V8UDZw][fooindex][0]: SearchParseException[[fooindex][0]: from[-1],size[-1]: Parse Failure [Failed to parse source [{"filter": {"term": {"locale": null}}}]]]; nested: QueryParsingException[[fooindex] No field specified for term filter]; }{[b9ZLwu8WTKqUoDJ7V8UDZw][fooindex][4]: SearchParseException[[fooindex][4]: from[-1],size[-1]: Parse Failure [Failed to parse source [{"filter": {"term": {"locale": null}}}]]]; nested: QueryParsingException[[fooindex] No field specified for term filter]; }
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