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Christopher Fox cdfox

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cdfox /
Created June 17, 2011 05:29 — forked from anonymous/
Applying LSI to Twitter search
import json
import urllib
import urllib2
from gensim import corpora, models, similarities
import logging
import sys
from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as FigureCanvas
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
cdfox / gist:1031054
Created June 17, 2011 08:07
twitter lsi test with query "haskell"
Topic 0:
ICFP Programming Contest 2011 (Lambda: The Gathering) #fp #fsharp #ocaml #haskell #scala #lisp #racket #scheme
[(0, 0.95871468032041129), (1, 0.079066183724039785)]
RT @rickasaurus: ICFP Programming Contest 2011 (Lambda: The Gathering) #fp #fsharp #ocaml #haskell #scala #lisp #racket #scheme
[(0, 0.99229220887802994), (1, 0.062785061633268899)]
RT @rickasaurus: ICFP Programming Contest 2011 (Lambda: The Gathering) #fp #fsharp #ocaml #haskell #scala #lisp #racket #scheme
[(0, 0.99229220887802994), (1, 0.062785061633268899)]
cdfox / gist:1031073
Created June 17, 2011 08:31
twitter lsi test with query "haskell", 3 topics
Topic 0:
ICFP Programming Contest 2011 (Lambda: The Gathering) #fp #fsharp #ocaml #haskell #scala #lisp #racket #scheme
[(0, 0.96213088834451832), (1, -0.053502204689306387), (2, -0.07951428719352148)]
RT @rickasaurus: ICFP Programming Contest 2011 (Lambda: The Gathering) #fp #fsharp #ocaml #haskell #scala #lisp #racket #scheme
[(0, 0.99540683458237178), (1, -0.034752233550864223), (2, -0.065158846734593753)]
RT @rickasaurus: ICFP Programming Contest 2011 (Lambda: The Gathering) #fp #fsharp #ocaml #haskell #scala #lisp #racket #scheme
[(0, 0.99540683458237178), (1, -0.034752233550864223), (2, -0.065158846734593753)]
cdfox / gist:1037261
Created June 21, 2011 04:44
Twitter LSI
import json
import urllib
import urllib2
from gensim import corpora, models, similarities
import logging
import sys
# First 20 Twitter search results for "python"
tweets = [u'Long Integer Objects \u2014 Python v2.7.2 documentation',
cdfox / gist:2560930
Created April 30, 2012 18:39
Using the Requests library
import requests
import codecs
url = ''
params = {'u': ''}
r = requests.get(url, params=params)
# r.text holds the response from the server. It appears to be unicode in this case.
f ="foo.html", mode="w", encoding="UTF-8")
cdfox / gist:2830517
Created May 29, 2012 20:30
hello world
print 'hello world'
sentences = [s for rev in reviews for s in rev.split(".")]
cdfox / preprocess.go
Last active December 15, 2015 21:29
Preprocess a set of documents, one on each line of the input file, for LDA inference.
// For each line of the input file, remove nonalphanumeric characters,
// lowercase all letters, remove stopwords, and write the result to the output
// file. I used the answer here as a template for reading/writing files:
package main
import (
cdfox / gist:6857081
Created October 6, 2013 18:00
Counting the possible orderings of distinct elements [a,b,c,d,e,f] given that a < d, b < e, c < b, c < f, d < f, d < e.
from itertools import permutations
perms = permutations(range(6))
def check(p):
i1 = p.index(0) < p.index(3)
i2 = p.index(1) < p.index(4)
i3 = p.index(2) < p.index(1)
i4 = p.index(2) < p.index(5)
i5 = p.index(3) < p.index(4)
import math
def sqrt(x, high, low, e):
mid = (high + low) / 2.0
square = mid * mid
if (square >= x and square - x <= e) or (square < x and x - square <= e):
return mid
elif square > x:
return sqrt(x, high, mid, e)