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Eliminating Lines of Code

Christopher Diggins cdiggins

Eliminating Lines of Code
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cdiggins / vector3-generated-example.cs
Created October 16, 2022 19:28
Example of Plato code, and generated backing C# code, for a Vector3 class.
* This is a sample of the auto-generated code currently produced by Plato
* along with the code it was generated from.
* Plato and the generated code is compatible with .NET Standard 2.0 and C# 8.0
using System;
namespace Plato2
/// <summary>
cdiggins / inlining.cs
Created March 11, 2022 19:31
On the Importance of Inlining
public static void Inlining()
var length = 1000;
// Our Two Lambdas
Func<int, bool> Lt5 = x => x < 5;
Func<int, int, int> AddInts = (x, y) => x + y;
// Original expression
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
public static class VimApi
/// <summary>
/// Represents a node in a VIM scene and provides access to useful information about the object associated with that node.


A C++11 header-only library of array containers, views, and iterators that provide a standard interface to different layouts of data in memory, as well as to computed data.

This is a single header file with no other dependencies (including STL) which means it is portable, fast to compile, and easy to include in different projects.

Unlike std::array the size of ara3d::array is specified in the constructor. It is rare in practice that array sizes are known at compile time. The ara3d::array_view is similar to stl::span but permits writing of data elements. If read-only semantics are desired then the ara3d::const_array_view structure can be used.

Design Rationale

#pragma once
This is a C++14 wrapper around a number of STL algorithms that operate directly on an STL random access container, valarrays,
Boost range, or even a C style array. It also works of course on the various Ara 3D array classes.
The underlying container is only required to supply an implementation of standalone
begin/end functions or begin/end member functions.
The goal is to facilitate using the STL algorithms library by reducing the amount of boilerplate
Ara 3d Array Operations Library
Copyright 2018, Ara 3D
Usage permitted under terms of MIT Licenese
This is a header-only library of generic algorithms that operate on random-access indexable containers such as
std::vector, std::array, and std::valarray from the STL, and raw C arrays.
It also works on ara3d::array, ara3d::func_array, and so forth.
This enhances algorithms found in the
STL library with algorithms designed specifically for arrays (like slicing, selecting, and striding).
Ara 3d Array Library
Copyright 2018, Ara 3D, Inc.
Usage licensed under terms of MIT Licenese
#pragma once
namespace ara3d
// Iterator for accessing of items at fixed byte offsets in memory
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Vim.Logger;
namespace Vim.DotNetUtilities
/// <summary>
/// This interface is different from the IProgress&lt;T&gt; class in the system library
/// It was designed to simplify the use case of percentage reporting where the number of steps
cdiggins / naive-binary-array-pack.cs
Created August 24, 2019 04:01
A simple algorithm for packing and unpacking binary byte arrays.
public static byte[] NaivePack(IList<byte[]> buffers)
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
using (var bw = new BinaryWriter(stream))
foreach (var b in buffers)
cdiggins / myna_arithmetic_evaluator.js
Created July 23, 2018 18:40
An example Arithmetic evaluator in JavaScript written using the Myna parsing library:
"use strict";
function EvalArithmetic(exprNode)
switch (
case "expr":
return EvalArithmetic(exprNode.children[0]);