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Created March 24, 2015 22:30
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  • Save cds-amal/939ec8a56cd37c15454d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
"cells": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 13,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import re\n",
"import pandas as pd\n",
"import json\n",
"from tidylib import tidy_document\n",
"import html2text"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 14,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"fn = 'procPublicationRequest Oct-Dec 2014 (Updated) - Sheet1-2.csv'\n",
"t1 = pd.read_csv(fn, header=0)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 15,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def cleanup(txt):\n",
" doc, errors = tidy_document(str(txt))\n",
" doc = html2text.html2text(doc)\n",
" return doc.replace('*','').replace('_','').lower().strip()\n",
" \n",
"def add_clean_text(row):\n",
" row['scrape'] = cleanup(row.AdditionalDescription)\n",
" return row"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 16,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"t1_fix = t1.apply(add_clean_text,1)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 17,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"Mayor's Office of Contract Services 67\n",
"Community Boards 36\n",
"Citywide Administrative Services 35\n",
"Housing Preservation and Development 18\n",
"Landmarks Preservation Commission 18\n",
"Human Resources Administration 17\n",
"Transportation 16\n",
"Health and Mental Hygiene 15\n",
"Administration for Children's Services 14\n",
"City Planning 13\n",
"dtype: int64"
"execution_count": 17,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"# Work with these columns for now\n",
"cols = ['RequestID', 'ConfirmationNumber', 'AgencyCode', 'AgencyName',\n",
" 'AgencyDivision', 'SectionID', 'SectionName', 'scrape']\n",
"fixed = t1_fix[cols]\n",
"# top 10: breakdown of ads by agencies\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"#Parsing the Mayor's Office of Contract of Services Ads\n",
"67 ads to parse\n",
"**Plan of Attack**\n",
"1. Experiment to figure out parsing pipeline\n",
"2. write tests to verify parsing results\n",
"3. Use the tests to build confidence of the process, to sign off on data.\n",
"The data is in a very consistent format which can be tackled by tokenizing and extracting\n",
"with regular expressions.\n",
" <preamble text>:\n",
" <key>: <single|multiline text>\n",
" <key>: <single|multiline text>\n",
"There are about 3 or 4 of these date-time of meeting anouncements. Using the presence of **\"public notice is hearby given\"** to extract the inevetable date and time. The full text of\n",
"the advert should be further processed to extract Named Entities as well as Street Addresses\n",
"> * Sample Message\n",
"> > public notice is hereby given that the \n",
"> > franchise and concession review committee will hold a \n",
"> > public meeting on **wednesday, october 8, 2014 at 2:30 p.m.**, \n",
"> > at 22 reade street, spector hall, borough of manhattan. \n",
"> >\n",
"> > note: individuals requesting sign language interpreters \n",
"> > should contact the mayor's office of contracts services, \n",
"> > public hearings unit, 253 broadway, 9th floor, \n",
"> > new york, ny 10007 (212) 788-7490, no later \n",
"> > than seven (7) business days prior to the public meeting. tdd \n",
"> > users should call verizon relay service.\n",
"> * Extracted Result\n",
"> > data: wednesday october 8 2014 at 2 30 p.m.\n",
"## Notice of intent Adverts\n",
"This type of message makes up the majority of adverts to parse in this set. There can be multiple ads in an anouncement where each ad is collection of key -> value pairs, starting with the **agency: agency name** key pair which we will leverage to tokenize and parse the data.\n",
"Once the presence of **\"notice of intent to\"** is detected, the parsing/extracing process is:\n",
"1. Split the whole text into a preamble + list-of-ads\n",
"2. For each ad in the list-of-ads, iterate over each key-value pair.\n",
"> * Sample Message\n",
"> > notice of intent to extend contract(s) not included in fy 2015 annual\n",
"> > contracting plan and schedule\n",
"> >\n",
"> > notice is hereby given that the mayor will be entering into the following extension(s) of > > (a) contract(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual contracting plan and schedule that is\n",
"> > published pursuant to new york city charter § 312(a): \n",
"> > \n",
"> > agency: department of information technology & telecommunications\n",
"> > \n",
"> > vendor: accenture llp\n",
"> > \n",
"> > description of services: design, development and deployment of application enhancements \n",
"> > and extensions to the existing apt system along with the appropriate documentation \n",
"> > required.\n",
"> > \n",
"> > award method of original contract: intergovernmental\n",
"> > \n",
"> > fms contract type: consultant\n",
"> > \n",
"> > end date of original contract: 1/31/2015\n",
"> > \n",
"> > method of renewal/extension the agency intends to utilize: extension\n",
"> > \n",
"> > new start date of the proposed renewed/extended contract: 2/1/15\n",
"> > \n",
"> > new end date of the proposed renewed/extended contract: 7/31/15\n",
"> > \n",
"> > modifications sought to the nature of services performed under the contract: none\n",
"> > \n",
"> > reason(s) the agency intends to renew/extend the contract: continuation of services\n",
"> > \n",
"> > personnel in substantially similar titles within agency: apt project manager – 1; apt \n",
"> > technical lead – 1; apt developer - 2 headcount of personnel in substantially similar \n",
"> > titles within agency: 4\n",
"> * Extracted Result\n",
"> > * agency\n",
"> > * * department of information technology & telecommunications\n",
"> > * award method of original contract\n",
"> > * * intergovernmental\n",
"> > * description of services \n",
"> > * * design, development and deployment of application\n",
"> > * end date of original contract\n",
"> > * * 1/31/2015\n",
"> > * fms contract type\n",
"> > * * consultant\n",
"> > * headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency\n",
"> > * * 4\n",
"> > * method of renewal/extension the agency intends to utilize\n",
"> > * * extension\n",
"> > * new end date of the proposed renewed/extended contract\n",
"> > * * 7/31/15\n",
"> > * new start date of the proposed renewed/extended contract\n",
"> > * * 2/1/15'\n",
"> > * personnel in substantially similar titles within agency\n",
"> > * * apt project manager – 1; apt technical lead – 1; apt developer - 2 \n",
"> > * reason(s) the agency intends to renew/extend the contract\n",
"> > * * continuation '\n",
"> > * vendor\n",
"> > * * accenture llp,\n",
"> > * preamble\n",
"> > * * notice of intent to extend contract(s) not included in fy 2015 annual contracting plan and schedule\\n\\nnotice is hereby given that the mayor will be entering into the following extension(s) of (a) contract(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to new york city charter § 312(a)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 6,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# select Office of Contract Services Ads\n",
"mocs = fixed['AgencyName'] == \"Mayor's Office of Contract Services\"\n",
"mocs_ads = fixed[mocs][['RequestID', 'scrape']]"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 7,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# build a regex for public meeting notice\n",
"rex_time = 'on\\s+(?P<day>[^\\s,]+)[\\s,]\\s+(?P<month>[^\\s,]+)\\s+(?P<date>\\d+)[,\\s]+(?P<year>\\d+)\\s+(at)?\\s*(?P<hour>\\d+):(?P<minute>\\d+)\\s+(?P<tod>\\w+\\.?\\w+\\.?)'\n",
"rex_time = re.compile(rex_time, re.IGNORECASE|re.DOTALL|re.MULTILINE)\n",
"rex_mm_dd_year = '(?P<month>\\d{1,2})/(?P<day>\\d{1,2})/(?P<year>\\d{2,4})'\n",
"rex_month_d_y = '(?P<month>\\w+)\\s+(?P<day>\\d+),?\\s+(?P<year>\\d+)'\n",
"# capture <key>: <value>\n",
"rex_generic = '(?P<key>^[^:]+):(?P<text>[^:]+)(?=^[^:]|$)'\n",
"rex_generic = re.compile(rex_generic, re.IGNORECASE|re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)\n"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 18,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false,
"scrolled": false
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"NOT PARSED!!! --\n",
"please see attached document.---\n",
"NOT PARSED!!! --\n",
"NOT PARSED!!! --\n",
"[{'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20131104111,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': 'wednesday october 8 2014 at 2 30 p.m.',\n",
" 'notice': 'public notice is hereby given that the \\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" ' franchise and concession review committee will hold a \\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" ' public meeting on wednesday, october 8, 2014 at 2:30 p.m., \\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" ' at 22 reade street, spector hall, borough of manhattan. \\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" ' note: individuals requesting sign language interpreters \\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" \" should contact the mayor's office of contracts services, \\n\"\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" ' public hearings unit, 253 broadway, 9th floor, \\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" ' new york, ny 10007 (212) 788-7490, no later \\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" ' than seven (7) business days prior to the public meeting. '\n",
" 'tdd \\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" ' users should call verizon relay service.'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20131104112,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': '',\n",
" 'notice': 'public notice is hereby given that the \\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" ' franchise and concession review committee will hold a \\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" ' public meeting on wednesday'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20131104113,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': 'wednesday december 10 2014 at 2 30 p.m.',\n",
" 'notice': 'public notice is hereby given that the \\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" ' franchise and concession review committee will hold a \\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" ' public meeting on wednesday, december 10, 2014 at 2:30 '\n",
" 'p.m., \\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" ' at 22 reade street, spector hall, borough of manhattan. \\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" ' note: individuals requesting sign language interpreters \\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" \" should contact the mayor's office of contracts services, \\n\"\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" ' public hearings unit, 253 broadway, 9th floor, \\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" ' new york, ny 10007 (212) 788-7490, no later \\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" ' than seven (7) business days prior to the public meeting. '\n",
" 'tdd \\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" ' users should call verizon relay service.'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20140930106,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of information technology & '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'award method of original contract': 'intergovernmental',\n",
" 'description of services': 'design, development and '\n",
" 'deployment of application',\n",
" 'end date of original contract': '1/31/2015',\n",
" 'fms contract type': 'consultant',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '4',\n",
" 'method of renewal/extension the agency intends to utilize': 'extension',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '7/31/15',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '2/1/15',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'apt '\n",
" 'project '\n",
" 'manager '\n",
" '–',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to renew/extend the contract': 'continuation '\n",
" 'of',\n",
" 'vendor': 'accenture llp'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to extend contract(s) not included in fy '\n",
" '2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be entering into '\n",
" 'the following extension(s) of (a) contract(s) not included '\n",
" 'in the fy 2015 annual contracting plan and schedule that is '\n",
" 'published pursuant to new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141001102,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of environmental protection',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': 'april 30, 2017',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'competitive '\n",
" 'sealed '\n",
" 'bid',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': 'may 1, 2015'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of environmental protection',\n",
" 'description of services sought': '. handhel15-17 provide '\n",
" 'repair and maintenance',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '4/30/2017',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'competitive '\n",
" 'sealed '\n",
" 'bid',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '5/1/2015'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of transportation',\n",
" 'description of the services sought': 'rehabilitation of bqe '\n",
" '(i-278) from sands',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': 'march 2, 2017',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles with the agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'required '\n",
" 'method '\n",
" '(rfp)',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within the agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': 'september 10, 2015'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141001124,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'ddc',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of extension the agency intends to utilize': 'amendment '\n",
" 'extension',\n",
" 'nature of services': 'requirements contract for cm services, '\n",
" 'citywide for',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed extended contract': '6/29/2016',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed extended contract': '6/30/2015',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to extend the contract': 'continuity '\n",
" 'of '\n",
" 'services',\n",
" 'vendor': 'jacobs project management co.'},\n",
" {'agency': 'ddc',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of extension the agency intends to utilize': 'amendment '\n",
" 'extension',\n",
" 'nature of services': 'requirements contract for cm services, '\n",
" 'citywide for',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed extended contract': '7/11/2016',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed extended contract': '7/12/2015',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to extend the contract': 'continuity '\n",
" 'of '\n",
" 'services',\n",
" 'vendor': 'hill international inc.'},\n",
" {'agency': 'ddc',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of extension the agency intends to utilize': 'amendment '\n",
" 'extension',\n",
" 'nature of services': 'requirements contract for cm services, '\n",
" 'citywide for',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed extended contract': '9/29/2016',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed extended contract': '9/30/2015',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to extend the contract': 'continuity '\n",
" 'of '\n",
" 'services',\n",
" 'vendor': 'liro program & construction management, pc'},\n",
" {'agency': 'ddc',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of extension the agency intends to utilize': 'amendment '\n",
" 'extension',\n",
" 'nature of services': 'requirements contract for cm services, '\n",
" 'citywide for',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed extended contract': '12/23/2016',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed extended contract': '12/24/2015',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to extend the contract': 'continuity '\n",
" 'of '\n",
" 'services',\n",
" 'vendor': 'haks engineers, architects and land surveyors, p.c.'},\n",
" {'agency': 'ddc',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of extension the agency intends to utilize': 'amendment '\n",
" 'extension',\n",
" 'nature of services': 'requirements contract for cm services, '\n",
" 'citywide for',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed extended contract': '12/14/2016',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed extended contract': '12/15/2015',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to extend the contract': 'continuity '\n",
" 'of '\n",
" 'services',\n",
" 'vendor': 'turner construction'},\n",
" {'agency': 'ddc',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of extension the agency intends to utilize': 'amendment '\n",
" 'extension',\n",
" 'nature of services': 'requirements contract for hvac, fire '\n",
" 'protection,',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed extended contract': '4/11/2016',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed extended contract': '4/12/2015',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to extend the contract': 'continuity '\n",
" 'of '\n",
" 'services',\n",
" 'vendor': 'syska hennessy group'},\n",
" {'agency': 'ddc',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of extension the agency intends to utilize': 'amendment '\n",
" 'extension',\n",
" 'nature of services': 'requirements contract for hvac, fire '\n",
" 'protection,',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed extended contract': '4/15/2016',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed extended contract': '4/16/2015',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to extend the contract': 'continuity '\n",
" 'of '\n",
" 'services',\n",
" 'vendor': 'wsp usa corp.'},\n",
" {'agency': 'ddc',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of extension the agency intends to utilize': 'amendment '\n",
" 'extension',\n",
" 'nature of services': 'requirements contract for hvac, fire '\n",
" 'protection,',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed extended contract': '4/26/2016',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed extended contract': '4/27/2015',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to extend the contract': 'continuity '\n",
" 'of '\n",
" 'services',\n",
" 'vendor': 'tetra tech engineers pc cosentini associates'},\n",
" {'agency': 'ddc',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of extension the agency intends to utilize': 'amendment '\n",
" 'extension',\n",
" 'nature of services': 'requirements contract for hvac, fire '\n",
" 'protection,',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed extended contract': '4/15/2016',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed extended contract': '4/16/2015',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to extend the contract': 'continuity '\n",
" 'of '\n",
" 'services',\n",
" 'vendor': 'joseph r loring & associates inc.'},\n",
" {'agency': 'ddc',\n",
" 'method of extension the agency intends to utilize': 'amendment '\n",
" 'extension',\n",
" 'nature of services': 'requirements contract for hvac, fire '\n",
" 'protection,',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed extended contract': '4/15/2016',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed extended contract': '4/16/2015',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'headcount '\n",
" 'of '\n",
" 'personnel '\n",
" 'in '\n",
" 'substantially '\n",
" 'similar '\n",
" 'titles '\n",
" 'within '\n",
" 'age',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to extend the contract': 'continuity '\n",
" 'of '\n",
" 'services',\n",
" 'vendor': 'goldman copeland associates pc'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to extend contract(s) not included in fy '\n",
" '2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be entering into '\n",
" 'the following extension(s) of (a) contract(s) not included '\n",
" 'in the fy 2015 annual contracting plan and schedule that is '\n",
" 'published pursuant to new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141001125,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'ddc',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'a&e requirements contract '\n",
" 'for commissioning',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '8/11/2018',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'request '\n",
" 'for '\n",
" 'proposal',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '8/12/2015'},\n",
" {'agency': 'ddc',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'requirements contract for '\n",
" 'hvac/fire',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '4/11/2018',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'request '\n",
" 'for '\n",
" 'proposal',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '4/11/2015'},\n",
" {'agency': 'ddc',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'requirements contract for '\n",
" 'hvac/fire',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '4/11/2018',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'request '\n",
" 'for '\n",
" 'proposal',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '4/11/2015'},\n",
" {'agency': 'ddc',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'requirements contract for '\n",
" 'hvac/fire',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '4/11/2018',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'request '\n",
" 'for '\n",
" 'proposal',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '4/11/2015'},\n",
" {'agency': 'ddc',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'resident engineering '\n",
" 'inspection services,',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '2/1/2019',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'tbd',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'request '\n",
" 'for '\n",
" 'proposal',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'this '\n",
" 'is '\n",
" 'a '\n",
" 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '2/1/2016'},\n",
" {'agency': 'ddc',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'resident engineering '\n",
" 'inspection services,',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '2/1/2019',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'tbd',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'request '\n",
" 'for '\n",
" 'proposal',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'this '\n",
" 'is '\n",
" 'a '\n",
" 'task',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '2/1/2016'},\n",
" {'agency': 'ddc',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'resident engineering '\n",
" 'inspection services,',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '2/1/2019',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'tbd',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'request '\n",
" 'for '\n",
" 'proposal',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'this '\n",
" 'is '\n",
" 'a '\n",
" 'task',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '2/1/2016'},\n",
" {'agency': 'ddc',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'design and construction '\n",
" 'management services',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '01-14-2016',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'request '\n",
" 'for '\n",
" 'proposal',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '01-15-2015'},\n",
" {'agency': 'ddc',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'requirement contract '\n",
" 'design services survey,',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '11-14-2015',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '296',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'admin. '\n",
" 'engineer,',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '11-15-2014'},\n",
" {'agency': 'ddc',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'requirement contract '\n",
" 'design services for',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '12-14-2015',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '304',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'admin '\n",
" 'engineer, '\n",
" 'asst.',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '12-15-2014'},\n",
" {'agency': 'ddc',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'requirement contract '\n",
" 'environmental assessment',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '01-14-2017',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '132',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'admin. '\n",
" 'engineer,',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '01-15-2015'},\n",
" {'agency': 'ddc',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'construction management '\n",
" 'design services, east\\n'\n",
" 'side coastal'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141002106,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'ddc',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'queensboro hall municipal '\n",
" 'parking garage –',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '1/15/2018',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '1/15/2015'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141002107,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'office of management and budget',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'developers for microsoft '\n",
" 'dynamics grants',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '2/15/2017',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'intergovernmental',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '2/16/2015'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141002108,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of parks and recreation',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '1/1/2015',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '78',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'nature of services sought': 'architectural design services '\n",
" 'for the',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '12/1/2014'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of parks and recreation',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '1/1/2015',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '78',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'nature of services sought': 'architectural design services '\n",
" 'for the',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '12/1/2014'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of parks and recreation',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '1/1/2015',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '78',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'nature of services sought': 'architectural design services '\n",
" 'for the',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '12/1/2014'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of parks and recreation',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '4/3/2016',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '85',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'nature of services sought': 'architectural design services '\n",
" 'for reconstruction',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '1/3/2015'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of parks and recreation',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '4/3/2016',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '85',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'nature of services sought': 'architectural design services '\n",
" 'for reconstruction',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '1/3/2015'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of parks and recreation',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '4/3/2016',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '85',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'nature of services sought': 'architectural design services '\n",
" 'for reconstruction',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '1/3/2015'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141003102,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of environmental protection',\n",
" 'award method of original contract': 'competitive sealed bid',\n",
" 'description of services': 'service and repair of mitel pbx '\n",
" 'telephone and',\n",
" 'end date of original contract': '4/20/2014',\n",
" 'fms contract #': '20141402663',\n",
" 'fms contract type': 'services',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of renewal/extension the agency intends to utilize': 'extension',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '4/20/2015',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '4/21/2014',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to renew/extend the contract': 'extension '\n",
" 'is '\n",
" 'needed',\n",
" 'vendor': 'cbs technologies corp.'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to extend contract(s) not included in fy '\n",
" '2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be entering into '\n",
" 'the following extension(s) of (a) contract(s) not included '\n",
" 'in the fy 2015 annual contracting plan and schedule that is '\n",
" 'published pursuant to new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141003105,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of environmental protection',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'bps-1601-lease & '\n",
" 'maintenance of '\n",
" 'communications',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '7/01/2020',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'sole '\n",
" 'source',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '7/01/2015'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141003107,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'human resources administration',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'to provide, as needed, '\n",
" 'cargo van(s) with',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '11/30/17',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'required '\n",
" 'method',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '12/1/14'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141006106,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'omb',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'method of renewal/extension the agency intends to utilize': 'renewal',\n",
" 'nature of services': 'asset management / engineering services',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '2/29/2016',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '3/1/2015',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to renew/extend the contract': 'continued '\n",
" 'need '\n",
" 'for',\n",
" 'vendor': 'gannett fleming engineers & architects pc'},\n",
" {'agency': 'omb',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'method of renewal/extension the agency intends to utilize': 'renewal',\n",
" 'nature of services': 'provide value engineering services on '\n",
" 'a task order basis',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '2/29/2016',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '3/1/2015',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to renew/extend the contract': 'continued '\n",
" 'need '\n",
" 'for',\n",
" 'vendor': 'oac services inc'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to extend contract(s) not included in fy '\n",
" '2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be entering into '\n",
" 'the following extension(s) of (a) contract(s) not included '\n",
" 'in the fy 2015 annual contracting plan and schedule that is '\n",
" 'published pursuant to new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141007107,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'office of chief medical examiner',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': 'march 20, 2020',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'csb',\n",
" 'nature of services sought': 'elevator maintenance and repair '\n",
" 'services',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': 'march 15, 2015'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141008104,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of homeless services',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'provision of food services '\n",
" 'for family shelters',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '01/31/2018',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'csb',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '02/01/2015'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of homeless services',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'provision of low '\n",
" 'sodium/diabetic meals',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '01/31/2018',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'csb',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '02/01/2015'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of homeless services',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'catering services for '\n",
" 'adult meals',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '01/31/2018',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'csb',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '02/01/2015'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141008110,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'new york police department',\n",
" 'end date of proposed contract': 'june 30, 2019',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation': 'intergovernmental',\n",
" 'nature of services sought': 'maintenance of nypd’s livescan '\n",
" 'fingerprint',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of proposed contract': 'july 1, 2015'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following\\n'\n",
" 'solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and\\n'\n",
" 'schedule that is published pursuant to new york city charter '\n",
" '§ 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141008112,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of information technology & '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'labor and material '\n",
" 'necessary to maintain',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '7/25/20',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'competitive '\n",
" 'sealed '\n",
" 'bid',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '7/26/15'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology & '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'city-wide standby '\n",
" 'information technology and',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '6/30/15',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'to '\n",
" 'be\\n'\n",
" 'determined',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'negotiated '\n",
" 'acquisition',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'this '\n",
" 'is '\n",
" 'a '\n",
" 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '7/1/14'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology & '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'city-wide standby '\n",
" 'information technology and',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '6/30/15',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'to '\n",
" 'be\\n'\n",
" 'determined',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'negotiated '\n",
" 'acquisition',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'this '\n",
" 'is '\n",
" 'a '\n",
" 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '7/1/14'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology & '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'city-wide standby '\n",
" 'information technology and',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '6/30/15',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'to '\n",
" 'be\\n'\n",
" 'determined',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'negotiated '\n",
" 'acquisition',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'this '\n",
" 'is '\n",
" 'a '\n",
" 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '7/1/14'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology & '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'city-wide standby '\n",
" 'information technology and',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '6/30/15',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'to '\n",
" 'be\\n'\n",
" 'determined',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'negotiated '\n",
" 'acquisition',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'this '\n",
" 'is '\n",
" 'a '\n",
" 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '7/1/14'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology & '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'city-wide standby '\n",
" 'information technology and',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '6/30/15',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'to '\n",
" 'be\\n'\n",
" 'determined',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'negotiated '\n",
" 'acquisition',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'this '\n",
" 'is '\n",
" 'a '\n",
" 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '7/1/14'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology & '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'city-wide standby '\n",
" 'information technology and',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '6/30/16',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'to '\n",
" 'be\\n'\n",
" 'determined',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'negotiated '\n",
" 'acquisition',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'this '\n",
" 'is '\n",
" 'a '\n",
" 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '7/1/15'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology & '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'city-wide standby '\n",
" 'information technology and',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '6/30/16',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'to '\n",
" 'be\\n'\n",
" 'determined',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'negotiated '\n",
" 'acquisition',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'this '\n",
" 'is '\n",
" 'a '\n",
" 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '7/1/15'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology & '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'city-wide standby '\n",
" 'information technology and',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '6/30/16',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'to '\n",
" 'be\\n'\n",
" 'determined',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'negotiated '\n",
" 'acquisition',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'this '\n",
" 'is '\n",
" 'a '\n",
" 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '7/1/15'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology & telecommu'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following\\n'\n",
" 'solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and\\n'\n",
" 'schedule that is published pursuant to new york city charter '\n",
" '§ 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141009107,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'ddc',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'queensboro hall municipal '\n",
" 'parking garage –',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '1/15/2018',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" '\"',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '1/15/2015'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'corrected notice\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141014101,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of parks and recreation',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '06/30/2018',\n",
" 'method of solicitation agency intends to utilize': 'competitive '\n",
" 'sealed '\n",
" 'bid',\n",
" 'nature of services sought': 'stump removal contract for '\n",
" 'manhattan, brooklyn,',\n",
" 'personnel with substantially similar agency titles': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '07/01/2016',\n",
" 'substantially similar agency title headcount': '0'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of parks and recreation',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '06/30/2018',\n",
" 'method of solicitation agency intends to utilize': 'competitive '\n",
" 'sealed '\n",
" 'bid',\n",
" 'nature of services sought': 'stump removal contract for '\n",
" 'queens',\n",
" 'personnel with substantially similar agency titles': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '07/01/2016',\n",
" 'substantially similar agency title headcount': '0'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141016105,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'office of emergency management',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of original contract': 'negotiated acquisition',\n",
" 'method of renewal/extension the agency intends to utilize': 'amendment '\n",
" 'extension',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '8/31/2015',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '3/1/2015',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to renew/extend the contract': 'continuation '\n",
" 'of',\n",
" 'vendor': 'public health solutions'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to extend contract(s) not included in fy '\n",
" '2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be entering into '\n",
" 'the following extension(s) of (a) contract(s) not included '\n",
" 'in the fy 2015 annual contracting plan and schedule that is '\n",
" 'published pursuant to new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141021105,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of design and construction',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'gowanus canal superfund '\n",
" 'site first street',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '2/1/2016',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '82',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'civil '\n",
" 'engineer,',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '12/15/2015'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" None,\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141023111,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'administration for children’s services',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '10/31/2015',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '5',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'negotiated '\n",
" 'acquisition',\n",
" 'nature of services sought': 'auditing and analysis '\n",
" 'consulting services',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'accountant,',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '11/01/2014'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141027107,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of environmental protection',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '6/29/2018',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'competitive '\n",
" 'sealed',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '6/30/2015'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of environmental protection',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '3/31/17',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'sole '\n",
" 'source',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '4/1/15'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of transportation',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'installation of '\n",
" 'thermoplastic pavement',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '6/25/17',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'csb '\n",
" '(competitive',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '6/26/15'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of transportation',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'installation of '\n",
" 'thermoplastic pavement',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '6/25/17',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'csb '\n",
" '(competitive '\n",
" 'sealed',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '6/26/15'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141029102,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'administration for children’s services',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of extension the agency intends to utilize': 'the '\n",
" 'agency '\n",
" 'is '\n",
" 'exercising',\n",
" 'nature of services': 'nursing and support services at the '\n",
" 'nicholas scoppetta',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '3/31/2016',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '4/01/15',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to renew/extend the contract': 'continuity '\n",
" 'of',\n",
" 'vendor': 'execusearch staffing'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to extend contract(s) not included in fy '\n",
" '2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be entering into '\n",
" 'the following extension(s) of (a) contract(s) not included '\n",
" 'in the fy 2015 annual contracting plan and schedule that is '\n",
" 'published pursuant to new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141103103,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'human resources administration',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of renewal/extension the agency intends to utilize': 'amendment '\n",
" 'extension',\n",
" 'nature of services': 'support services for on-going testing '\n",
" 'and systems',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '2/23/16',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '2/24/15',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to renew/extend the contract': 'the '\n",
" 'services '\n",
" 'are',\n",
" 'vendor': 'accenture federal services llc'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to extend contract(s) not included in fy '\n",
" '2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be entering into '\n",
" 'the following extension(s) of (a) contract(s) not included '\n",
" 'in the fy 2015 annual contracting plan and schedule that is '\n",
" 'published pursuant to new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141103104,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of environmental protection',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of extension the agency intends to utilize': 'amendment '\n",
" 'extension',\n",
" 'nature of services': 'preventative maintenance and repair of '\n",
" 'chemical pumps',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed extended contract': 'august 20, '\n",
" '2015',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed extended contract': 'february '\n",
" '21, 2015',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to extend the contract': 'extension '\n",
" 'required '\n",
" 'in',\n",
" 'vendor': 'stratis contracting corp.'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to extend contract(s) not included in fy '\n",
" '2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be entering into '\n",
" 'the following extension(s) of (a) contract(s) not included '\n",
" 'in the fy 2015 annual contracting plan and schedule that is '\n",
" 'published pursuant to new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141103109,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of design & construction',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'resident engineering '\n",
" 'inspection services -',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '11/15/18',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '89',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'civil '\n",
" 'engineer,',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '4/15/16'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141114110,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of environmental protection',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '6/1/2021',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'request '\n",
" 'for '\n",
" 'proposal',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '12/1/2015'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of environmental protection',\n",
" 'description of service sought': 'specialized cleaning of '\n",
" 'interception sewer',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '1/31/2018',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles with agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'competitive '\n",
" 'sealed '\n",
" 'bids',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '4/3/2015'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology & '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'subject matter expert to '\n",
" 'assess operational',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '5/31/17',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '1/1/15'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology & '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'requirements manager '\n",
" 'resource for development',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '12/31/15',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '1',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'requirements '\n",
" 'test',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '1/1/15'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology & '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'e911 subject matter expert '\n",
" 'on',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '12/31/15',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '1/1/15'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology & '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'e911 subject matter expert '\n",
" 'on',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '12/31/15',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '1/1/15'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology & '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'fdcad/ct/gis engineer to '\n",
" 'research and evaluate',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '8/31/16',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '1/1/15'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology & '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'network subject matter '\n",
" 'expert to ensure the',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '12/31/15',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '6',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'network '\n",
" 'engineer',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '1/1/15'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology & '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'network subject matter '\n",
" 'expert to ensure the',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '12/31/15',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '6',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'network '\n",
" 'engineer',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '1/1/15'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology & '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'business analyst to '\n",
" 'analyze and design new',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '12/31/15',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '4',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'business '\n",
" 'analyst',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '1/1/15'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology & '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'business analyst to '\n",
" 'analyze and design new',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '1/1/15\\n\\nend dat'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141114111,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of information technology and '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'award method of original contract': 'intergovernmental',\n",
" 'description of services': 'computer aid dispatch (cad) gis '\n",
" 'sme to assist with',\n",
" 'end date of original contract': '12/31/14',\n",
" 'fms contract #': '20137201489',\n",
" 'fms contract type': 'consultant',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of renewal/extension the agency intends to utilize': 'amendment',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '8/31/16',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '1/1/15',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to renew/extend the contract': 'continuation '\n",
" 'of',\n",
" 'vendor': 'psi international inc.'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology and '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'award method of original contract': 'intergovernmental',\n",
" 'description of services': 'network sme to ensure the system '\n",
" 'design and',\n",
" 'end date of original contract': '12/31/14',\n",
" 'fms contract #': '20137202104',\n",
" 'fms contract type': 'consultant',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '6',\n",
" 'method of renewal/extension the agency intends to utilize': 'amendment '\n",
" 'extension',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '12/31/15',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '1/1/15',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'network '\n",
" 'engineer',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to renew/extend the contract': 'continuation '\n",
" 'of',\n",
" 'vendor': 'comsys information technology services, llc.'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology and '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'award method of original contract': 'intergovernmental',\n",
" 'description of services': 'public safety it system '\n",
" 'integration sme responsible',\n",
" 'end date of original contract': '12/31/14',\n",
" 'fms contract #': '20137208433',\n",
" 'fms contract type': 'consultant',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of renewal/extension the agency intends to utilize': 'amendment '\n",
" 'extension',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '12/31/15',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '1/1/15',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to renew/extend the contract': 'continuation '\n",
" 'of',\n",
" 'vendor': 'gcom software inc.'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology and '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'award method of original contract': 'intergovernmental',\n",
" 'description of services': 'telephony noc to advise on best '\n",
" 'practices and',\n",
" 'end date of original contract': '12/31/14',\n",
" 'fms contract #': '20137201488',\n",
" 'fms contract type': 'consultant',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of renewal/extension the agency intends to utilize': 'amendment '\n",
" 'extension',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '12/31/15',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '1/1/15',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to renew/extend the contract': 'continuation '\n",
" 'of',\n",
" 'vendor': 'comsys information technology services, llc.'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology and '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'award method of original contract': 'intergovernmental',\n",
" 'description of services': 'fdny coordinator sme to provide '\n",
" 'public safety',\n",
" 'end date of original contract': '12/31/14',\n",
" 'fms contract #': '20137208206',\n",
" 'fms contract type': 'consultant',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of renewal/extension the agency intends to utilize': 'amendment '\n",
" 'extension',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '8/31/16',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '1/1/15',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to renew/extend the contract': 'continuation '\n",
" 'of',\n",
" 'vendor': 'comsys information technology services, llc.'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology and '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'award method of original contract': 'intergovernmental',\n",
" 'description of services': 'public safety operations/sme to '\n",
" 'provide public safety',\n",
" 'end date of original contract': '12/31/14',\n",
" 'fms contract #': '20137208207',\n",
" 'fms contract type': 'consultant',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of renewal/extension the agency intends to utilize': 'amendment '\n",
" 'extension',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '8/31/16',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '1/1/15',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to renew/extend the contract': 'continuation '\n",
" 'of',\n",
" 'vendor': 'comsys information technology services, llc.'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology and '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'description of services': 'radio (nypd) sme design '\n",
" 'compliance to analyze nypd\\n'\n",
" 'and fdny radio design documents '\n",
" 'for projects',\n",
" 'fms contract #': '20137208210',\n",
" 'vendor': 'comsys information technology services, llc.'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to extend contract(s) not included in fy '\n",
" '2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be entering into '\n",
" 'the following extension(s) of (a) contract(s) not included '\n",
" 'in the fy 2015 annual contracting plan and schedule that is '\n",
" 'published pursuant to new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141117102,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of design and construction',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'architectural and '\n",
" 'engineering service for',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': 'june 1, 2018',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': 'june 1, 2015'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of design and construction',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'design services for '\n",
" 'electrical system upgrade',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': 'february 1, 2018',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': 'february 1, 2015'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2014 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2014 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141117105,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of parks and recreation',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '1/15/17',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '139',\n",
" 'it relates to project #': 'b058-114m',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'nature of services sought': 'construction supervision '\n",
" 'services in relation to',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'project '\n",
" 'manager,',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '1/15/15'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141118105,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of health and mental hygiene',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '03/31/2017',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'sole '\n",
" 'source',\n",
" 'nature of services sought': 'claims management',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '04/01/2015'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141120104,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of information technology & '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'award method of original contract': 'intergovernmental',\n",
" 'description of services': 'systems integrator services for '\n",
" 'hhs accelerator',\n",
" 'end date of original contract': '2/23/2015',\n",
" 'fms contract #': '858 20121429705',\n",
" 'fms contract type': 'consultant',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '55',\n",
" 'method of renewal/extension the agency intends to utilize': 'extension',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '2/23/2016',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '2/24/2015',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'project '\n",
" 'manager,',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to renew/extend the contract': 'production '\n",
" 'services',\n",
" 'vendor': 'accenture federal services llc.'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to extend contract(s) not included in fy '\n",
" '2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be entering into '\n",
" 'the following extension(s) of (a) contract(s) not included '\n",
" 'in the fy 2015 annual contracting plan and schedule that is '\n",
" 'published pursuant to new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141121105,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of design and construction',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'a&e services for new york '\n",
" 'city police museum',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '4/15/2018',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '4/15/2015'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141124101,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of parks & recreation',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of renewal/extension the agency intends to utilize': 'amendment',\n",
" 'nature of services': 'st. mary’s green roof monitoring',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '5/16/2020',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '7/1/2014',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to renew/extend the contract': 'allow '\n",
" 'additional',\n",
" 'vendor': 'drexel university'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to extend contract(s) not included in fy '\n",
" '2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be entering into '\n",
" 'the following extension(s) of (a) contract(s) not included '\n",
" 'in the fy 2015 annual contracting plan and schedule that is '\n",
" 'published pursuant to new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141125102,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'office of labor relations',\n",
" 'end date of original contract': '11/30/2014',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles': '0',\n",
" 'method of renewal agency intends to utilize': 'renewal',\n",
" 'modifications sought to nature of services performed under the contract': 'none',\n",
" 'nature of services': 'actuarial and benefits consulting',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed renewed contract': '05 31/2015',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed renewed contract': '12/01/2014',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to renew the contract': 'agency '\n",
" 'anticipates '\n",
" 'need',\n",
" 'vendor': 'aon consulting'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to extend contract(s) not included in fy '\n",
" '2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be entering into '\n",
" 'the following extension(s) of (a) contract(s) not included '\n",
" 'in the fy 2015 annual contracting plan and schedule that is '\n",
" 'published pursuant to new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141125105,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'human resources administration',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'equipment pickup & '\n",
" 'delivery services',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '10/31/18',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'competitive '\n",
" 'sealed '\n",
" 'bid',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '11/01/15'},\n",
" {'agency': 'human resources administration',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'mail pickup & delivery '\n",
" 'services',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '07/31/18',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'competitive '\n",
" 'sealed '\n",
" 'bid',\n",
" 'procurement personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '08/01/15'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141125111,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of parks and recreation',\n",
" 'end date': '3/30/2018',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '127',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'nature of services sought': 'on-call master agreement for '\n",
" 'construction',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'project '\n",
" 'manager,',\n",
" 'start date': '4/1/2015'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141201101,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'administration for children services',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'online child assessment '\n",
" 'gold portfolios',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '9/30/15',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'negotiated '\n",
" 'acquisition',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '10/01/14'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141201103,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of information technology & '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '12/31/15',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'nature of services sought': 'manage the development and '\n",
" 'communications of the',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '2/15/15'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology & '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '12/31/15',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '6',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'nature of services sought': 'network subject matter expert '\n",
" 'to ensure the system',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'network '\n",
" 'engineer',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '1/1/15'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141202105,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of parks and recreation',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '9/30/2015',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '134',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'nature of services sought': 'landscape design services for '\n",
" 'the construction of',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'landscape '\n",
" 'architect,',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '3/30/2015'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141202108,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of environmental protection',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of renewal/extension the agency intends to utilize': 'amendment '\n",
" 'extension',\n",
" 'nature of services': 'development of the whole farm easement '\n",
" 'program in the new',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '09/15/15',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '09/15/13',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to renew/extend the contract': 'extension '\n",
" 'of '\n",
" 'time',\n",
" 'vendor': 'watershed agricultural council, inc.'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to extend contract(s) not included in fy '\n",
" '2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be entering into '\n",
" 'the following extension(s) of (a) contract(s) not included '\n",
" 'in the fy 2015 annual contracting plan and schedule that is '\n",
" 'published pursuant to new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141202110,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'taxi and limousine commission',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'new york state vehicle '\n",
" 'inspection program two',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '11/30/20',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'required '\n",
" 'source',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '7/1/14'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141204117,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of sanitation',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'the services being '\n",
" 'procured are for the labor,',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '10/31/2018',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'competitive '\n",
" 'sealed '\n",
" 'bid',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '11/01/2015'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141208101,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of information technology & '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'manage the development and '\n",
" 'communications of',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '12/31/15',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '2/15/15'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology & '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'network subject matter '\n",
" 'expert to ensure the',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '12/31/15',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '6',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'network '\n",
" 'engineer',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '1/1/15'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology & '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'ng911 project lead is to '\n",
" 'provide subject',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '8/31/16',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '2/15/15'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology & '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'text 911 project lead is '\n",
" 'to provide subject',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '8/31/16',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '2/15/15'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" None,\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141209115,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of parks and recreation',\n",
" 'end date': '3/1/2016',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '78',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'nature of service sought': 'engineering design services for '\n",
" 'bid documents for',\n",
" 'start date': '3/1/2015'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of parks and recreation',\n",
" 'end date': '3/1/2016',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '78',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'nature of service sought': 'architectural design services '\n",
" 'for bid documents for',\n",
" 'start date': '3/1/2015'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141210103,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of parks and recreation',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '1/5/2016',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '146',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'nature of services sought': 'engineering design services for '\n",
" 'the reconstruction',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '3/6/2015'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141210104,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of design and construction',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'construction management '\n",
" 'services, new',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '6/10/2017',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '2/1/2015'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of design and construction',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'special inspection and '\n",
" 'laboratory testing',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '12/14/2016',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '12/15/2014'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of design and construction',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'design services, queens '\n",
" 'county farm museum',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '1/2/2017',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '1/2/2015'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of design and construction',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'design services, two level '\n",
" 'municipal parking',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '5/1/2015',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '3/1/2015'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141210105,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of health and mental hygiene',\n",
" 'description of services': 'media buyer',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of renewal/extension the agency intends to utilize': 'amendment '\n",
" 'extension',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '03/31/2015',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '01/01/2015',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to renew/extend the contract': 'continuation '\n",
" 'of',\n",
" 'vendor': 'opad media solutions llc'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to extend contract(s) not included in fy '\n",
" '2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be entering into '\n",
" 'the following extension(s) of (a) contract(s) not included '\n",
" 'in the fy 2015 annual contracting plan and schedule that is '\n",
" 'published pursuant to new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141210106,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of health and mental hygiene',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'helicopter storage and '\n",
" 'maintenance',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '06/30/2019',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'competitive '\n",
" 'sealed '\n",
" 'bid',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '07/01/2016'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141215102,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of information technology & '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'repair services of '\n",
" 'information technology',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '10/7/2020',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'competitive '\n",
" 'sealed '\n",
" 'bid',\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be entering into the following extension(s) of (a) contract(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to new york city charter § 312(a)': '',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of proposed contract': '10/8/2015'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology and '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'award method of original contract': 'intergovernmental',\n",
" 'end date of original contract': '12/31/14',\n",
" 'fms contract #': 'cta1-858- 20147204172',\n",
" 'fms contract type': 'consultant',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of renewal/extension the agency intends to utilize': 'extension',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '06/30/15',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '01/01/15',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to renew/extend the contract': 'continuation '\n",
" 'of',\n",
" 'vendor': 'comsys it services llc'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of environmental protection',\n",
" 'award method of original contract': 'competitive sealed bid',\n",
" 'description of services': 'to install indoor water meters '\n",
" 'and outdoor pits',\n",
" 'end date of original contract': '02/15/2015',\n",
" 'fms contract #': 'ct1 826 20141421393',\n",
" 'fms contract type': 'services',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of renewal/extension the agency intends to utilize': 'time '\n",
" 'extension',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '2/15/16',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '2/16/15',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to renew/extend the contract': 'funds '\n",
" 'in '\n",
" 'the',\n",
" 'vendor': 'jes plumbing and heating corp.'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141215113,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of parks and recreation',\n",
" 'end date': '3/1/2016',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '146',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'nature of services sought': 'landscape architectural '\n",
" 'services to undertake a',\n",
" 'start date': '6/1/2015'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of parks and recreation',\n",
" 'end date': '3/1/2016',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '161',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'nature of services sought': 'architectural design services '\n",
" 'to undertake a',\n",
" 'start date': '6/1/2015'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of parks and recreation',\n",
" 'end date': '3/1/2016',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '146',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'nature of services sought': 'engineering design services to '\n",
" 'undertake a',\n",
" 'start date': '6/1/2015'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141216119,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of small business services',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'disparity study',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': 'june 30, 2017',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'request '\n",
" 'for '\n",
" 'proposals',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': 'july 1, 2015'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" None,\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141217106,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'office of emergency management',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'urban search and rescue '\n",
" 'response system',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '02/04/2017',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'intergovernmental',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '02/05/2015'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141218102,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'human resources administration',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '09/30/18',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'competitive '\n",
" 'sealed',\n",
" 'nature of services sought': 'audio video equipment '\n",
" 'maintenance',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '10/01/15'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141219107,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of design and construction',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'construction management '\n",
" 'services, cooling',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '12/31/2016',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '04/15/2015'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of design and construction',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'construction management '\n",
" 'services for the new',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '07/29/2020',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'request '\n",
" 'for '\n",
" 'proposal',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '06/15/2015'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of design and construction',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'design services for the '\n",
" 'woodhaven community',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '03/1/2017',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '03/1/2015'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of design and construction',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'design services for new '\n",
" 'beach structures in',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '05/1/2018',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '02/1/2015'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of design and construction',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'construction management '\n",
" 'services for new',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '05/1/2018',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '02/1/2015'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141219108,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of information technology',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'cisco central engineering '\n",
" 'services will',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '2/1/2017',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '2',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'intergovernmental',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'senior '\n",
" 'network',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '8/1/2015'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology and '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'establish a logging and '\n",
" 'recording (l&r)',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '3/31/2018',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '22',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'negotiated '\n",
" 'acquisition',\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be entering into the following extension(s) of (a) contract(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to new york city charter § 312(a)': '',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'infrastructure',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '4/1/2015'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology & '\n",
" 'telecommunications',\n",
" 'award method of original contract': 'intergovernmental',\n",
" 'end date of original contract': '12/31/14',\n",
" 'fms contract #': 'cta1-858- 20147204172',\n",
" 'fms contract type': 'itcs negotiated acquisition 2',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of renewal/extension the agency intends to utilize': 'extension',\n",
" 'new end date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '06/30/15',\n",
" 'new start date of the proposed renewed/extended contract': '01/01/15',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'reason(s) the agency intends to renew/extend the contract': 'continuation '\n",
" 'of',\n",
" 'vendor': 'comsys it services llc'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141222103,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of environmental protection',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'fmc-1-2014 install, '\n",
" 'repair, maintain and',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '3/16/18',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'competitive '\n",
" 'sealed '\n",
" 'bid',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '3/16/15'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of environmental protection',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'fmc-3-2014 hvac - repair, '\n",
" 'maintain boilers',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '3/16/18',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'competitive '\n",
" 'sealed',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '3/16/15'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141223102,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of information technology',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'technical architect to '\n",
" 'provide system',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '1/31/16',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '2/1/15'},\n",
" {'agency': 'department of information technology',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'content management system '\n",
" 'developer to provide',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '1/31/2016',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '1',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'task '\n",
" 'order',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'sharepoint '\n",
" 'engineer',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '2/1/2015'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141223108,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of parks and recreation',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '5/31/2020',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'sole '\n",
" 'source',\n",
" 'nature of services sought': 'upgrade of software for '\n",
" 'recreation membership',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '6/01/2015'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141224104,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of finance',\n",
" 'description of services sought': 'on-site mobile shredding '\n",
" 'services',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '6/30/2020',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'required '\n",
" 'method',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '7/1/2015'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141224105,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of health and mental hygiene',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '11/30/2018',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'competitive '\n",
" 'sealed',\n",
" 'nature of services sought': 'provision of public education '\n",
" 'messages through',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '12/01/2015'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'},\n",
" {'AgencyCode': None,\n",
" 'AgencyDivision': None,\n",
" 'AgencyName': None,\n",
" 'ConfirmationNumber': None,\n",
" 'RequestID': 20141224106,\n",
" 'SectionID': None,\n",
" 'SectionName': None,\n",
" 'data': [{'agency': 'department of environmental protection',\n",
" 'end date of the proposed contract': '1/14/2020',\n",
" 'headcount of personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': '0',\n",
" 'method of solicitation the agency intends to utilize': 'request '\n",
" 'for '\n",
" 'proposals',\n",
" 'personnel in substantially similar titles within agency': 'none',\n",
" 'start date of the proposed contract': '1/15/2016'}],\n",
" 'preamble': 'notice of intent to issue new solicitation(s) not included '\n",
" 'in fy 2015 annual\\n'\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule\\n'\n",
" '\\n'\n",
" 'notice is hereby given that the mayor will be issuing the '\n",
" 'following solicitation(s) not included in the fy 2015 annual '\n",
" 'contracting plan and schedule that is published pursuant to '\n",
" 'new york city charter § 312(a):'}]\n"
"source": [
"import pprint\n",
"def parse_regs(txt):\n",
" orig = txt\n",
" txt = re.sub(' +', ' ', txt)\n",
" txt = re.sub('\\n{3,}', '\\n\\n', txt)\n",
" verbose = False\n",
" \n",
" if 'public notice is hereby given that' in txt:\n",
" return 'public notice', txt, json.dumps(rex_time.findall(txt))\n",
" \n",
" elif 'notice of intent to' in txt:\n",
" out = []\n",
" \n",
" # a notice can have multiple ads\n",
" tokens = re.split('\\n(?=agency:)', txt)\n",
" preamble = tokens[0]\n",
" for token in tokens[1:]:\n",
" fragment = re.split('\\n(?=[^:]+:)', token)\n",
" if verbose:\n",
" print('fragment...')\n",
" print(fragment)\n",
" print ('---\\n\\n')\n",
" \n",
" entry = {}\n",
" for tok in fragment:\n",
" if verbose:\n",
" print('\\tTokens:')\n",
" print('\\t\\t{}'.format(tok))\n",
" \n",
" match = rex_generic.match(tok)\n",
" if match is None:\n",
" continue\n",
" \n",
" # get the captured key: value pair\n",
" key =\n",
" value =\n",
" entry[key] = value\n",
" \n",
" if verbose:\n",
" print( 'Parsed Entry:')\n",
" print(entry)\n",
" print ('---\\n\\n')\n",
" if entry.keys():\n",
" out.append(entry)\n",
" return 'intent to solicit', preamble, json.dumps(out)\n",
" else:\n",
" print('NOT PARSED!!! --\\n{}---\\n\\n'.format(txt))\n",
" \n",
" return 'unknown', 'unknown', json.dumps(None)\n",
" \n",
"def parse(row):\n",
" msg_type, preamble, row['result'] = parse_regs(row.scrape)\n",
" preamble = preamble.strip()\n",
" data = json.loads(row['result'])\n",
" \n",
" # add these to the result\n",
" pass_through = ['RequestID', 'ConfirmationNumber', \n",
" 'AgencyCode', 'AgencyName',\n",
" 'AgencyDivision', 'SectionID', \n",
" 'SectionName']\n",
" dic = {}\n",
" for k in pass_through:\n",
" dic[k] = row.get(k)\n",
" \n",
" if msg_type == 'public notice':\n",
" if len(data):\n",
" dic['notice'] = preamble\n",
" dic['data'] = ' '.join(data[0])\n",
" row['result'] = json.dumps(dic)\n",
" else:\n",
" dic['notice'] = preamble\n",
" dic['data'] = ''\n",
" row['result'] = json.dumps(dic)\n",
" \n",
" elif msg_type == 'intent to solicit':\n",
" dic['preamble'] = preamble\n",
" dic['data'] = data\n",
" row['result'] = json.dumps(dic)\n",
" \n",
" return row\n",
"t1_parsed = mocs_ads.apply(parse,1)\n",
"mayors_ocs = []\n",
"for ad in t1_parsed['result'].values:\n",
" mayors_ocs.append(json.loads(ad))\n",
" \n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true
"outputs": [],
"source": []
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