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Chris Dzombak cdzombak

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cdzombak /
Created May 21, 2014 14:18
Things that iOS takes into account for Background App Refresh

iOS tries to be clever about when it allows an app to refresh itself. It takes into account…

  • Whether the battery is nearly dead, and whether the phone is plugged in: it will refresh more frequently if the phone is fully charged or currently plugged in.
  • Whether you're on wifi or the cell network: it will refresh more frequently on wifi.
  • How frequently you usually open the app: if you open an app only once a day or every few days, it won't get refreshed very often.
  • When you typically open the app: if you usually open NYT Now around 7am, iOS will allow it to refresh around 6:45am or so.

So any combination of these could be affecting your NYT Now being up to date in the morning. Are you connected to wifi and plugged in overnight?

cdzombak / new-post
Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
Script to create new posts in my customized Jenkins setup.
# Warning: this script assumes it's contained in the scripts/ folder within a project.
set -o nounset
set -o errexit
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] ; then
echo 'usage: new-post "Post Title"'
exit 1
// PSPDFUIKitMainThreadGuard.m
// <your project> via
// Created by Chris Dzombak on 9/16/14.
// Taken from the commercial iOS PDF framework
// Copyright (c) 2014 Peter Steinberger, PSPDFKit GmbH. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under MIT (
cdzombak / blogtrottr.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
Blogtrottr bookmarklet
// original:
// modified:
cdzombak / spillo.js
Created November 3, 2014 14:42
Spillo bookmarklet
// original:
cdzombak /
Last active July 14, 2016 18:01
fucking tgmath doesn't work with ObjC modules, and Apple has known about this for at least a year and doesn't care about fixing it
cdzombak / OmniFocus.h
Created December 17, 2014 06:07
sdef /Applications/ | sdp -fh --basename OmniFocus # for OmniFocus 2.0.4 (v87.19) MAS
* OmniFocus.h
#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#import <ScriptingBridge/ScriptingBridge.h>
@class OmniFocusApplication, OmniFocusDocument, OmniFocusWindow, OmniFocusDocumentWindow, OmniFocusSetting, OmniFocusFocusSections, OmniFocusSection, OmniFocusFolder, OmniFocusContext, OmniFocusProject, OmniFocusTask, OmniFocusAvailableTask, OmniFocusRemainingTask, OmniFocusInboxTask, OmniFocusFlattenedTask, OmniFocusFlattenedProject, OmniFocusFlattenedFolder, OmniFocusFlattenedContext, OmniFocusPerspective, OmniFocusTree, OmniFocusQuickEntryTree, OmniFocusSidebarTree, OmniFocusContentTree, OmniFocusInboxTree, OmniFocusLibraryTree, OmniFocusDescendantTree, OmniFocusAncestorTree, OmniFocusLeaf, OmniFocusFollowingSibling, OmniFocusPrecedingSibling, OmniFocusSelectedTree, OmniFocusStyle, OmniFocusAttribute, OmniFocusNamedStyle, OmniFocusRichText, OmniFocusCharacter, OmniFocusParagraph, OmniFocusWord, OmniFocusAttributeRun, OmniFocusAttachment, OmniFocusFileAttachment, OmniFocusPreference;
cdzombak / self.swift
Created December 17, 2014 18:55
Is omitting `self`, per [github/swift-style-guide]( always the best? In this example, I argue: yes, the second version is more verbose, but that verbosity is a good thing; it adds clarity to the intention of this method.
override func loadView() {
let webView = UIWebView()
webView.delegate = self
webView.backgroundColor = UIColor.nl_offWhite()
view = webView
// vs.
cdzombak /
Created January 19, 2015 00:48
problems with "due process compatible" cryptosystems
  • Barring serious fundamental crypto breakthroughs, it's not technically possible to introduce a back door for law enforcement without putting the users at risk. Any back door (or "front door," which isn't a real thing in cryptosystem design) represents an additional attack vector. For example, a hypothetical key store for an encrypted messaging service, even if designed to be used only after due process is applied, represents a huge risk to all users of the system, from other nation-states or other organizations.

  • More importantly in real-world scenarios, these encrypted messages will be around forever, and "due process" is malleable. In early-2000s America, one can imagine a suspension of due process in the investigation of a major terrorist attack or other act of war; in other countries, due process is redefined or taken away after a regime change. Then every message sent by anyone who has ever used the system is vulnerable.