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Created February 1, 2013 04:11
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In [7]: class Custom(Record):
...: max = int32
...: min = int32
...: @derived
...: def mid(self):
...: return (self.min + self.max)/2
In [8]: Custom
Out[8]: __main__.Custom
In [9]: type(Custom)
Out[9]: blaze.datashape.record.DeclMeta
In [10]: print Custom
<class '__main__.Custom'>
In [11]: a = Table([(5,10), (12,24), (20,24)], Custom)
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-5f74679e3d45> in <module>()
----> 1 a = Table([(5,10), (12,24), (20,24)], Custom)
/Users/pwang/continuum/src/blaze-core/blaze/table.pyc in __init__(self, data, dshape, metadata, layout, params)
451 = CTableSource(data, dshape=dshape, params=params)
452 # Pull the labels from the datashape
--> 453 self._axes = self._datashape[-1].names
454 else:
455 raise ValueError
TypeError: 'DeclMeta' object does not support indexing
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