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cemerick /
Last active February 20, 2019 20:11
(****** works ******)
type foo = [`A of int | `B of int]
module type K = sig
type t
val value: t -> int
module J (K: K) = struct
let value = K.value
module FooJ = J(struct
type _ foo =
| A : int -> int foo
| B : int -> int foo
module FooSet = Set.Make(struct
type t
let compare a b =
let a' = match a with A x -> x | B x -> x in
let b' = match b with A x -> x | B x -> x in a' b'
let rec sweep responsibility t =
let neighbors = of_list t.members
|> filter (G.bounds %> extentEligible)
|> filter (distinct seenMembers G.bounds) in
|> persistent
if not @@ is_empty neighbors
then neighbors
else do_something_else
open Containers
let _ = let lst = [1;2;3] in
let open Sequence in
let open Format in
let s = of_list lst in
if not @@ is_empty s
then print_endline "not empty";
Format.printf "%a" (List.pp pp_print_int) (to_list s)
cemerick / .gitlab-ci.yml
Created February 11, 2019 23:06
basic OCaml gitlab CI config
image: ocaml/opam2:ubuntu-lts
- build
- test
stage: build
cemerick / .ghci
Last active November 26, 2018 13:58
-- mostly ripped off from
:def pp (\_ -> return
$ unlines ["import qualified Text.Show.Pretty as SP",
"import qualified Language.Haskell.HsColour as HSC",
"import Language.Haskell.HsColour.Colourise (defaultColourPrefs)",
"_colorPrint = putStrLn . HSC.hscolour HSC.TTY defaultColourPrefs False False \"\" False . SP.ppShow",
":set -interactive-print _colorPrint"])
class Foo a where
bar :: a -> String
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Foo String where
bar = id
instance (Num a, Show a) => Foo a where
bar = show
data Val = Val { foobar :: Int } deriving (Generic, Show)
instance JSON.FromJSON Val where
parseJSON = JSON.genericParseJSON
$ JSON.defaultOptions { JSON.fieldLabelModifier = filter (/= '-') }
$ eitherDecode "{\"foo-bar\": 1}" :: Either String Val
Left "Error in $: key \"foobar\" not present"
data Validity = Invalid | Valid deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)
data Readiness = NotReady | Ready deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)
asValid x = if x then Valid else Invalid
asReady x = if x then Ready else NotReady
data DFIO a = DFIO { valid :: Validity, ready :: Readiness, val :: a } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)
dfio iV oR dat = DFIO (asValid iV) (asReady oR) dat
pending placeholder = DFIO Invalid NotReady placeholder
done result = DFIO Valid Ready result
cemerick / gist:1485920
Created December 16, 2011 12:46
Working on a CouchDB type for Clojure
;; Clutch provides a pretty comprehensive API, but I'm frustated that 95% of database
;; interactions require using something other than the typical Clojure vocabulary of
;; assoc/conj/dissoc/get/seq/reduce/etc, even though those semantics are entirely appropriate
;; (modulo the whole stateful database thing).
;; This is (the start of) an attempt to create a type to provide most of the
;; functionality of Clutch with a more pleasant, concise API (it uses the Clutch API
;; under the covers, and rare operations would generally remain accessible only
;; at that lower level).