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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
def ellipse(ax,x,y,width,height,angle=0,color="k"):
e = patches.Ellipse(xy = (x,y), width = width, height = height,
angle = angle, color = color)
def plot_rw():
hai1 = "(」・ω・)」ハイ"
hai2 = "(」・ω・)「ハイ"
hai3 = "(「・ω・)「ハイ"
hai4 = "(「・ω・)」ハイ"
do for [i=1:100]{
if (i % 4 == 0) {
set title hai1 font "Arial, 24"
plot x
hai1 = "(」・ω・)」ハイ"
hai2 = "(」・ω・)「ハイ"
hai3 = "(「・ω・)「ハイ"
hai4 = "(「・ω・)」ハイボール"
do for [i=1:100]{
if (i % 4 == 0) {
set title hai1 font "Arial, 24"
plot x
a = "(」・ω・)「"
b = "(「・ω・)」"
do for [i=1:100]{
if (i % 2 == 0) {
set title a font "Arial, 24"
plot x
} else {
set title b font "Arial, 24"
plot x**2
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using PyPlot
problem = "1"
Lt,K,g,y_exc = Problems_LVIE(problem)
N_NI = 3
Nm = 3
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Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
function hoge(n)
if n == 1
Lt = 1.0
K = (t,s) -> 2.0 * cos( t - s )
g = (t) -> exp(t)
y_exc = (t) -> exp(t) * ( 1.0 + t )^2
elseif n == 2
Lt = 3.0
K = (t,s) -> (t-s)
g = (t) -> 1.0 - t - t^2/2.0