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CeShine Lee ceshine

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ceshine / avazu_ftrl.go
Last active February 4, 2021 19:35
Kaggle Avazu Challenge: FTRL-Proximal with L1 & L2 implemented in Go (single-threaded)
// Based on tinrtgu's Python script here:
package main
import (
ceshine / avazu_ftrl_concurrent.go
Last active August 5, 2021 11:07
Kaggle Avazu Challenge: FTRL-Proximal with L1 & L2 implemented in Go (Concurrent/Multi-threaded)
// Based on tinrtgu's Python script here:
package main
import (
ceshine / pymc3
Last active May 26, 2016 00:22
Bayesian Logistic Regression on the Kaggle Titanic dataset via PyMC3
"cells": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"# Bayesian Logistic Regression on the Kaggle titanic dataset"
ceshine /
Created July 31, 2015 04:48
Script for Sampling from Stdin
#!/usr/bin/env python
# sample: Output lines from stdin to stdout with a given probability,
# for a given duration, and with a given delay between lines.
# Example usage: seq 100 | sample -r 20% -d 1000
# Dependency: Python 2.5
# Original Author:
# Original Script:
ceshine / anova.R
Last active January 7, 2016 05:34
ANOVA of Observations v.s. ANOVO of Bootstrapped Statistics
n.samples = 100
series.A = rnorm(n.samples, 0, 2)
series.B = rnorm(n.samples, 0.1, 2)
bundle = data.frame(y=c(series.A, series.B), x=c(rep(0, n.samples), rep(1, n.samples)))
summary(aov(y ~ factor(x), data=bundle))
resampleTotal <- function(x){
sum(sample(x, length(x), replace=T))
ceshine /
Created October 11, 2016 14:13
A simple q-learning algorithm for frozen lake env of OpenAI based on keras-rl
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: CeShine
Using keras-rl ( to provide basic framework,
and embedding layer to make it essentially a Q-table lookup algorithm.
import tempfile
ceshine / beijing_pm25.R
Created July 21, 2017 10:33
Beijing PM 2.5 Concentration Line Chart
if (!require(pacman)){ install.packages("pacman") }
pacman::p_load(data.table, zoo, dygraphs)
# Data Source:
quality = rbind(
fread("Beijing_2015_HourlyPM25_created20160201.csv", skip=3),
fread("Beijing_2016_HourlyPM25_created20170201.csv", skip=3),
fread("Beijing_2017_HourlyPM25_created20170705\ (3).csv", skip=3)
ceshine /
Created August 23, 2017 12:31
Jupyter Notebook Post-save Hook: Auto-convert a Python script and a HTML from the notebook
# Reference:
import os
from subprocess import check_call
def post_save(model, os_path, contents_manager):
"""post-save hook for converting notebooks to .py scripts"""
if model['type'] != 'notebook':
return # only do this for notebooks
d, fname = os.path.split(os_path)
check_call(['jupyter', 'nbconvert', '--to', 'script', fname], cwd=d)
ceshine /
Last active September 30, 2017 02:12
Key Code Blocks of Keras LSTM Dropout Implementation
class LSTM(Recurrent):
def get_constants(self, inputs, training=None):
input_shape = K.int_shape(inputs)
input_dim = input_shape[-1]
ones = K.ones_like(K.reshape(inputs[:, 0, 0], (-1, 1)))
ones = K.tile(ones, (1, int(input_dim)))
def dropped_inputs():
ceshine /
Last active September 30, 2017 02:13
Key Code Blocks of Pytorch RNN Dropout Implementation
class LockedDropout(nn.Module):
# ...
def forward(self, x, dropout=0.5):
if not or not dropout:
return x
m =, x.size(1), x.size(2)).bernoulli_(1 - dropout)
mask = Variable(m, requires_grad=False) / (1 - dropout)
mask = mask.expand_as(x)
return mask * x