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# This is Git's per-user configuration file.
# Please adapt and uncomment the following lines:
name = Cezar Neaga
email =
autosetuprebase = always
[color "status"]
added = green
changed = yellow
cezarneaga /
Last active April 26, 2023 07:52
Filter array of objects by nested values using ramda: Sometimes you dont have access to backend and you want to filter the response from an endpoint based on certain criteria. While trivial on flat arrays, this gets a bit tricky if the property you want to query is deeply nested. This is where Ramda shines.

Say we have a prop.users of the shape:

const users = [
    {username: 'bob', age: 30, tags: [{name: 'work', id: 1}, {name: 'boring', id: 2}]},
    {username: 'jim', age: 25, tags: [{name: 'home', id: 3}, {name: 'fun', id: 4}]},
    {username: 'jane', age: 30, tags: [{name: 'vacation', id: 5}, {name: 'fun', id: 4}]}
cezarneaga / filterByDateCond.js
Created September 26, 2017 07:26
Filter an array by date condition and return certain props only with Ramda.
const array = [{id: 1, createdAt: '2016-09-22 15:55:08'}, {id: 2, createdAt: '2017-11-22 15:55:08'}]
const dateCheck = date =>
new Date(date).getFullYear() >= new Date().getFullYear()
R.pluck('id', R.filter(R.propSatisfies(dateCheck, 'createdAt'))(array))
cezarneaga /
Last active November 5, 2017 19:17
setup checklist for ReasonReact

Check node and npm versions.

Ideally you should be on latest node v8.8 and npm 5.4.2.

If you use nvm make sure you are using the right version.

Initial setup

run npm install -g bs-platform

Editor setup

cezarneaga / Workshop
Last active November 23, 2017 19:22
a sum-up of recorded knowhow

Reason Workshop @ReactiveConf 2017

by: Sean Grove, Jared Forsyth, Daniel Woelfel
support team: Cristiano Calcagno, @reasonvienna - @ryyppy @svensauleau @cezarneaga and @nikgraf in spirit, @matystl, @MyNaartjie

Support and Questions: Join discord channel

Workshop Presentation

  • workshop flow and exercises
const path = require('path')
module.exports = {
entry: {
subdomains: './src/index.js',
optimization: {
occurrenceOrder: true,
splitChunks: {
cacheGroups: {
cezarneaga / ReadingTime.js
Created July 9, 2018 20:16
display approximate reading time
countWords = text => {
return text.split(/\s+/).length
const words = this.countWords(article.body)
const readTime = Math.round(words / 250)
const minutes = readTime === 1 ? 'minute' : 'minutes'
//Render this
Aproximately {readTime} {minutes}
cezarneaga /
Created February 13, 2019 22:28
filter array by array
const array = [1, 2, 4]
const collection = [{ type: 1, eyes: 'blue'},{ type: 2, eyes: 'brown'}, { type: 3, eyes: 'green'}, { type: 4, eyes: 'blue'}]

const joinByType = R.innerJoin(
  (o, type) => o.type === type

const result = joinByType(collection, array)
cezarneaga /
Created March 22, 2019 09:20
changes files extensions to tsx
shopt -s globstar # enable ** globstar/recursivity
for i in **/*.js; do
[[ -d "$i" ]] && continue; # skip directories
mv "$i" "${i/%.js}.tsx";
cezarneaga /
Last active October 17, 2019 21:20
ssl ceritificates that work

local ssl certificates that work


in web dev sometimes you are constrained to develop from behind a https:// local server. i spent two days making this work and i want to write it down here, so that next time apple upgrades OS X and i decide to do a clean install (forgetting to backup certain things) i dont waste this amount of time anymore (i hope).

maybe it helps someone else too. that would make me very happy too.

forget openssl

major pita to remember commands. i don't think there is anything better that makes your mom feel like you are a hacker, than showing her how to type: