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mikebroberts / slack.clj
Created March 17, 2014 18:02
Send a message to Slack incoming webhook in Clojure.
(ns slack
(:require [clj-http.client :as client]
[ :as json]))
(defn send-to-slack
"Sends a simple message to slack using an 'incoming webhook'.
url will be of form: .
(Exact url you should use will appear on the slack integration page)
text will be any valid message.
This implementation could be expanded if you wanted to specify channel, username, etc.
adham90 / spacemacs-keybindings
Last active April 5, 2024 14:24
spacemacs keybindings that i need to learn
SPC s c remove highlight
**** Files manipulations key bindings
Files manipulation commands (start with ~f~):
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC f c~ | copy current file to a different location |
| ~SPC f C d~ | convert file from unix to dos encoding |
| ~SPC f C u~ | convert file from dos to unix encoding |
conan / url-gen.clj
Created October 4, 2017 14:13
Clojure.spec URL and email specs with generators
(require '[cemerick.url :as url]
'[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
'[clojure.spec.gen.alpha :as gen]
'[clojure.string :as string])
(def non-empty-string-alphanumeric
"Generator for non-empty alphanumeric strings"
(gen/such-that #(not= "" %)