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Chris Gillis cgillis-aras

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<!-- Use this query to get all documents with no file attached -->
<Item type="Document" action="get" select="item_number">
<!-- Use this query to get all documents with a file, but not a PDF -->
<Item type="Document" action="get" select="item_number">
function doubleClickHandler(result, type_of_action) {
if (type_of_action == "doubleclick") {
// Do something with the result. In this example, we'll just print out the ID
if (result.item) {
var type = 'Part';
var itmID = result.item.getAttribute("id");
alert("Got " + type + " with ID: " + itmID );
return false; // Return false, so the dialog doesn't close
} else {
var Filter = {};
* This filter will apply to the "state" column
* filterValue: The value to be pre-loaded when the search dialog is opened
* isFilterFixed: Whether the user can change this value after the dialog is opened
Filter["state"] = { filterValue: "Released", isFilterFixed: true };
return Filter;
Innovator inn=this.getInnovator();
// *** Express ECO ********************************************************* //
Item hd= inn.newItem("Express ECO","get");
hd = hd.apply();
// *** Email From ********************************************************** //
Item innAdm= inn.newItem("User","get");
<script type="text/javascript">
showRelatedItems = function() {
var part = document.thisItem;
var relationships = aras.getRelationships(part.node, "Part BOM");
var container = document.getElementById("relatedItemContainer");
for (var i = 0; i < relationships.length; i++)
var relItem = aras.getRelatedItem(relationships[i]);
Innovator inn = this.getInnovator();
// Get all generations of all Parts
Item parts = inn.newItem("Part", "get");
parts.setProperty("generation", "0");
parts.setPropertyAttribute("generation", "condition", "gt");
parts.setAttribute("select", "id");
parts = parts.apply();
// Create a list of all of the IDs of all Parts
This code is adapted from the hide tabs code at the gist below.
The intention of this code is to check if a relationship grid is loaded in an OnLoad event.
var tabbar;
var desiredTabId;
var vlt = top.aras.vault;
var srcId = this.getID();
var parentItm = this.node;
vlt.selectFile().then(function (fileObject) {
var d = aras.IomInnovator.newItem("Document File", "add");
d.setProperty("source_id", srcId);
d.setFileProperty("related_id", fileObject);
top.aras.uiReShowItemEx(srcId, parentItm); // Refresh the window, so the new relationship is shown
* This will be called from a custom CUI shortcut when the user presses CTRL+A.
* It will select all of the items in the grid from the Main Window
// Get all selected items, so we don't unselect them
var workFrame =;
var selectedIds = workFrame.grid.getSelectedItemIds(',').split(',');
var rowNum = workFram.grid.getRowCount();
Innovator inn = this.getInnovator();
// We only want this to run for Innovator Admin, so we're passing in the ID of the admin User
string aml = "<AML>" +
"<Item type=\"Part\" action=\"unlock\" where=\"[part].locked_by_id = '30B991F927274FA3829655F50C99472E'\">" +
"</Item>" +
Item res = inn.applyAML(aml);
return this;