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Christophe Grand cgrand

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package clojure.lang;
public interface ISetNode {
public static class Utils {
static public int bitpos(int hash, int shift){
return 1 << mask(hash, shift);
static public int index(int bit, int bitmap){
return Integer.bitCount(bitmap & (bit - 1));
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<description url="">
Clojuredev Update Site. Clojuredev is an Eclipse feature supporting the development of clojure code
<feature url="features/clojuredev.feature_0.0.20.jar" id="clojuredev.feature" version="0.0.20">
<category name="Clojure Programming"/>
<category-def name="Clojure Programming" label="Clojure Programming">
[number [#{"0" "1" "2"}+]
expr #{number ["(" sum ")"]}
sum [prod ["+" prod]*]
prod [expr ["*" expr]*])
(def simple-lisp
{:main [[:w ? :expr]* :w ?]
:expr #{:symbol ["("[:w ? :expr]* :w ? ")"]}
:symbol #"\w+"
:w #"\s+"}))
;; helper functions to display results in a more readable way
(defn terse-result [[items _]]
(map (fn self [item]
(defn walk-out [customer]
(ref-set customer :outside))
(defn wait [customer {q :queue}]
(alter q conj customer)
(ref-set customer :waiting))
(defn sleeping? [barber]
(= :sleeping (ensure barber)))
;; a better version of
(def empty-seats (ref 3))
(def barber (agent 0))
(defn debug [msg n]
(println msg (apply str (repeat (- 35 (count msg)) \space)) n)
(defn cut-hair [tally n]
(dosync (commute empty-seats inc))
;; philosophers must be initialized to 0
(defn behave [qty id]
(when (pos? @rounds) (send-off *agent* behave id))
(dosync ; Initiate transaction
(when (and
(pos? @rounds) ; Is there more food?
(> 5 (rand-int 10)) ; Do I want to eat or think?
(got-forks? id)) ; Are both of my forks available?
(require 'clojure.main)
(defn file-repl [filename]
(let [log ( filename)
logout (fn [#^ out]
(proxy [] []
(.write log x)
(.write out x))
(def board
(-> (vec (repeat 5 (vec (repeat 5 :off))))
(assoc-in [0 0] :on)
(assoc-in [0 1] :on)
(assoc-in [1 2] :on)))
(defn neighbors-on [above [left _ right] below]
(count (filter #{:on} (concat above [left right] below))))
(defn torus-windows [coll]
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