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Christophe Grand cgrand

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(defn lambda-model
"Crude model. rps is requests per second, len is a function that returns the
execution length in seconds, until is the number of seconds to run the simulation,
spawn is a function returning the number of ping sub requests, duty is the max age
for a container, keep-alive is the number of seconds before decommissioning a
Returns a map with: the number of user perceived cold starts and the number of
billable seconds."
[{:keys [rps len until spawn duty keep-alive]
:or {rps 10
(ns ssh-repl.client
(:require [ :as io]))
(defn connect
([user host repl-port {:as options
:keys [ssh-port repl-host key password]
:or {ssh-port 22
repl-host "localhost"}}]
(let [client (doto (org.apache.sshd.client.SshClient/setUpDefaultClient) .start)
session (-> client (.connect user host ssh-port) (doto .await) .getSession)]
cgrand / chunked.clj
Last active February 2, 2018 15:56
Chunked transducer
; there are some obvious micro optimizations, I left them out for clarity (see the other file for an optimized version)
; the relative ordering of read and writes with volatile and plain array should be thread-safe (if not, point it out)
; @wagjo asked "Have you found use for such concept? Must be pretty slow compared to unchunked one"
; The idea came out of a discussion on transducers so not used for real, yet.
; Once you optimize it (remove the boxing induced by the volatile, switch to unchecked math) there should not be much
; of an overhead.
; When you have one big composed reducing fn (eg several mapping stages) then each item is going to be processed in
; each stage, each stage of the mapping may evict from the data cache stuff used by previous stages. So you have cache
; misses for each item.
cgrand /
Created November 24, 2017 18:01
Pretty printers compared


=> (binding [clojure.pprint/*print-right-margin* 30]
     (clojure.pprint/pprint {:a :b :c {:e :f :g :h :i :j :k :l} :m :n :o {:p {:q :r :s :t}}}))
{:a :b,
 {:e :f,
  :g :h,
  :i :j,
 :k :l},
; with the setting that values are indented by two if they are at the start of a line
=> (doseq [w (range 20)]
(prn 'width w 'non-strict)
(render (best-layout (spans '{1 2 3 (a b) 5 6}) w))
(prn 'width w 'strict)
(render (best-layout (spans '{1 2 3 (a b) 5 6}) w true))
width 0 non-strict
cgrand / packed-printer.clj
Created November 22, 2017 14:16
Experiment in compact pretty printing
=> (doseq [w (range 32)]
(prn 'width w)
(render (best-layout (spans '(1 2 3 4 (a b c) 5 6)) w))
width 0
width 1
width 2
; ported from
(defn- de-bruijn "generate de-bruijn sequences of size n and with elements in 0..k (k excluded)." [k n]
(let [a (into [] (repeat (* k n) 0))
db (fn db [a t p]
(if (> t n)
(into a (when (zero? (mod n p)) (subvec a 1 (inc p))))
(let [a (assoc a t (nth a (- t p)))
a (db a (inc t) p)]
(fn [a j]
cgrand / foami.clj
Created September 22, 2017 16:02 — forked from ztellman/foami.clj
(ns foami.core
"FOreign Asynchronous Mechanism Interop"
(:require [clojure.core.async :as async]))
(defn put!
"Takes a `ch`, a `msg`, a single arg function that when passed `true` enables backpressure
and when passed `false` disables it, and a no-arg function which, when invoked, closes the
upstream source."
[ch msg backpressure! close!]
(let [status (atom :sending]
cgrand / doc.clj
Created September 14, 2017 15:05
Documenting specs inline
(defmacro doc
"Returns a spec which acts in all points like the provided spec,
expect for describe/form where the docstring appears."
[docstring spec]
`(doc-impl ~docstring '~spec (delay (spec/spec ~spec))))
(defn doc-impl [docstring form delayed-spec]
(reify spec/Spec
(conform* [_ x] (spec/conform* @delayed-spec x))
(unform* [_ y] (spec/unform* @delayed-spec y))
cgrand /
Last active September 6, 2017 08:17
Introspectable js scope
// assuming b is a local
// rewrite
function(a) { return a + b; }
// to
Object.defineProperty(function(a) { return a + b; }, "$scope", {value: function() { return {"b": b}; }})