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Christophe Grand cgrand

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=> (class #(* 10 %))
=> (class #(* 10 %))
=> (class #(* 10 %))
=> (class #(* 10 %))
=> (class #(* 10 %))
;; simple stats computed using xforms transducers
=> (require '[net.cgrand.xforms :as x])
=> (into {}
(x/by-key #(> % 0.5)
(x/transjuxt {:min x/min :max x/max :avg x/avg :sd x/sd}))
(repeatedly 1e6 rand))
{:min 1.0036018363024368E-6,
:max 0.4999987525112054,
:avg 0.2502046186242099,
cgrand / core.cljc
Last active October 14, 2020 12:18
Mixing macros and code in cljc and supporting clj, cljs and self-hosted cljs, see
;; SEE:
;; macros and code in a single cljc working across clj, cljs and self-hosted cljs
;; require clojurescript from master
(ns foo.core
#?(:cljs (:require-macros
[net.cgrand.meta-macros :refer [macros no-macros]]
[foo.core :refer [add]])
:clj (:require
;; breaking into separate file because inputs are too big
(defn checksum [name]
(apply str (take 5 (map first (sort (fn [[l n] [l' n']] (or (> n n') (and (= n n') (< (int l) (int l'))))) (-> name frequencies (dissoc \-)))))))
(defn day4-1 [input]
(->> (re-seq #"([-a-z]+)-(\d+)\[([a-z]+)\]" input)
(filter (fn [[_ name sector-id sum]] (= (checksum name) sum)))
(map (fn [[_ name sector-id sum]] (Long/parseLong sector-id)))
(reduce +)))
(require '[net.cgrand.xforms :as x])
(defn rollup [dimensions valfn]
(let [[dim & dims] (reverse dimensions)]
(fn [xform dim]
(x/by-key dim xform)
{:detail (x/into {})
(ns advent2016)
;; day1
(def day1-input "R4, R3, R5, L3, L5, R2, L2, R5, L2, R5, R5, R5, R1, R3, L2, L2, L1, R5, L3, R1, L2, R1, L3, L5, L1, R3, L4, R2, R4, L3, L1, R4, L4, R3, L5, L3, R188, R4, L1, R48, L5, R4, R71, R3, L2, R188, L3, R2, L3, R3, L5, L1, R1, L2, L4, L2, R5, L3, R3, R3, R4, L3, L4, R5, L4, L4, R3, R4, L4, R1, L3, L1, L1, R4, R1, L4, R1, L1, L3, R2, L2, R2, L1, R5, R3, R4, L5, R2, R5, L5, R1, R2, L1, L3, R3, R1, R3, L4, R4, L4, L1, R1, L2, L2, L4, R1, L3, R4, L2, R3, L1, L5, R4, R5, R2, R5, R1, R5, R1, R3, L3, L2, L2, L5, R2, L2, R5, R5, L2, R3, L5, R5, L2, R4, R2, L1, R3, L5, R3, R2, R5, L1, R3, L2, R2, R1")
(defn day1-1 [input]
(let [[[x y]] (reduce (fn [[[x y] [dx dy]] [_ dir n]]
(let [n (Long/parseLong n)
[dx dy] (case dir
"R" [dy (- dx)]
(defn mid [a b] (/ (+ a b) 2.0))
(count (take-while #(not= 1.0 %) (iterate #(mid 1 %) 2)))
=> 53
; 53 is not random but tied to the fact that the fraction part of a double is stored on 52 bits

#The "Double bananas" (( smell

Usual offenders:

  • inside a threading macro to "protect" a fn; action: stop the threading or refactor it with as->
  • ((comp f g) x) or ((juxt f g) x) or ((partial f x) y) (the three most frequent); action: unroll the comp/juxt/partial
  • in other cases it's worth considering giving the poor thing a name

In general I find ((f x) y z) hard to follow, harder than (g (f x) z) for example. In the second case the role of (f x) is given by g (eg (f x) must be a predicate). In the first case the role of (f x) is given by f alone. To recap: with (g (f x) z) you have two sources of information to infer the nature of (f x) (and may realize there's a glitch when the two sources are discordant), with ((f x) y z) you only have one source of information.

cgrand / xlife.clj
Created August 16, 2016 14:48
transduced game of life
(ns xlife
(:require [net.cgrand.xforms :as x]))
;; xforms is a library of transducers
(defn xstep [cells]
(into #{}
; a comprenhension to generate neighbours
(x/for [[x y] %
cgrand / set-game.clj
Last active November 15, 2021 16:42
the SET game in clojure.spec
;; the SET game in clojure.spec
;; inspired by
(require '[clojure.spec :as s])
(s/def ::shape #{:oval :diamond :squiggle})
(s/def ::color #{:red :purple :green})
(s/def ::value #{1 2 3})
(s/def ::shading #{:solid :striped :outline})
(s/def ::card (s/keys :req [::shape ::color ::value ::shading]))