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Paraphraser /
Last active March 27, 2024 03:41
Do your Raspberry Pi's Network Interfaces freeze? This may solve it.

Do your Raspberry Pi's Network Interfaces freeze?

My Raspberry Pi 4 kept losing its wlan0 interface. I could usually reconnect via Ethernet but, from time to time, I noticed that the eth0 interface would also go walkabout.

I tried a lot of things but the one described here seems to have cured the problem. I have no idea why it works. It just does.

Step 0 - are you a Windows user?

The script shown in the next step should be created on your Raspberry Pi. Please do not make the mistake of selecting the text, copying it into a text editor on your Windows machine, saving the file, and then moving the file to your Raspberry Pi. Unless you take precautions, Windows will add its 0x0d 0x0a (CR+LF) line endings and those will stop the script from working properly on your Raspberry Pi.

farmio / knx-relative-dimming-for-lights.yaml
Last active May 31, 2024 06:53
KNX - relative dimming for lights blueprint
name: KNX - relative dimming for lights
description: Control Home Assistant light entities from KNX switching and relative dimming (DPT 3.007) telegrams.
# `knx.telegram` trigger and `enabled` templates require Home Assistant 2024.6.0
min_version: "2024.6.0"
domain: automation
name: Light