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#include <new>
#include <cstdlib>
// malloc cannot fail on Emscripten, so don't even bother checking.
// We also know that `malloc(0)` will return a non-null pointer, so
// don't check that `count` is positive..
__attribute__((__always_inline__)) void* operator new(std::size_t count) {
return std::malloc(count);
__Z7averagePN9northstar7Color32ES1_: ## @_Z7averagePN9northstar7Color32ES1_
## BB#0:
push rbp
.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
.cfi_offset rbp, -16
mov rbp, rsp
walk :: FilePath -> ((FilePath, [FilePath], [FilePath]) -> IO ()) -> IO ()
walk root action = do
entries <- Directory.getDirectoryContents root
directories <- newIORef []
files <- newIORef []
forM_ entries $ \entry -> do
let fullPath = combine root entry
isFile <- Directory.doesFileExist fullPath
if isFile then
let imqQueue = Envelope.updateMountForNode feedId
_ <- RestIMQ.setupQueue imqQueue authCid
forM_ feed $ \(elementId, _, _, _) -> do
let updates = Envelope.updateMountForNode elementId
let comments = updateMountForComments elementId
let likes = updateMountForLikes elementId
_ <- RestIMQ.setupQueue comments authCid
_ <- RestIMQ.setupQueue likes authCid
_ <- RestIMQ.setupQueue updates authCid
return ()
getEntityBodies :: Envelope -> [EntityBody]
getEntityBodies Envelope{..} = ePrimary : HashMap.elems eDenormalized
gatherMounts :: Envelope -> [Imq.ImqUpdateMount]
gatherMounts envelope = catMaybes $ map eUpdates $ getEntityBodies envelope
setupQueuesForEnvelope :: World m => CustomerId -> Envelope -> m ()
setupQueuesForEnvelope cid envelope = do
RestIMQ.setupQueues cid $ gatherMounts envelope
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash, RankNTypes, UnboxedTuples #-}
import GHC.Base
newtype Counter s a = Counter (STRep s a)
type STRep s a = Int# -> (# Int#, a #)
instance Functor (Counter s) where
fmap f (Counter m) = Counter $ \ s ->
case (m s) of { (# new_s, r #) ->
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash, RankNTypes, UnboxedTuples #-}
import GHC.Base
newtype Counter s a = Counter (CRep s a)
type CRep s a = (# State# s, Int# #) -> (# State# s, Int#, a #)
instance Functor (Counter s) where
fmap f (Counter m) = Counter $ \ s ->
case (m s) of { (# new_s, n, r #) ->
grow :: (# State# RealWorld, Buffer# #) -> (# State# RealWorld, Buffer# #)
grow (# s0, (# _, size, cap, _ #) #) =
let newCap# = cap *# 2# in
let (IO iorep) = mallocForeignPtrBytes (I# newCap#) in
case iorep s0 of {
(# s1, fp@(ForeignPtr addr# _) #) -> (# s1, (# addr#, size, newCap#, fp #) #) }
{ Just s4YQ_info:
const 16777170;
const 32;
_s4YI::I64 = I64[Sp + 136] + I64[Sp + 128];
_c5lG::I64 = I64[R1 + 7];
_c5lH::I64 = I64[Sp + 144];
foreign "ccall"
{ Just s4YQ_info:
const 16777170;
const 32;
_s4YI::I64 = I64[Sp + 136] + I64[Sp + 128];
_c5lG::I64 = I64[R1 + 7];
_c5lH::I64 = I64[Sp + 144];
foreign "ccall"