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var CryptoJS = require('crypto-js')
var request = require('request-promise')
* npm install crypto-js request-promise
* node wx_t1t_hack.js
// export function testEncription(msg, fullKey) {
// var fullKey = fullKey.slice(0, 16)
That’s one of the real strengths of Docker: the ability to go back to a previous commit. The secret is simply to docker tag the image you want.
Here’s an example. In this example, I first installed ping, then committed, then installed curl, and committed that. Then I rolled back the image to contain only ping:
$ docker history imagename
f770fc671f11 12 seconds ago apt-get install -y curl 21.3 MB
28445c70c2b3 39 seconds ago apt-get install ping 11.57 MB
8dbd9e392a96 7 months ago 131.5 MB