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chatelao /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:27 — forked from yeyus/
simavr install and dependencies


  • elfutils
  • libelf1
  • libelf-dev
  • freeglut3 (req. by OpenGL sample code)
  • freeglut3-dev (req. by OpenGL sample code)
  • libglib2.0-dev
  • gcc-avr
chatelao / Vagrantfile
Created May 20, 2019 14:57 — forked from niallobrien/Vagrantfile
My full-stack Laravel Vagrant setup. It installs LAMP with Composer, PHPUnit, Ruby & node.js. Copy these three files to your Laravel project directory and run 'vagrant up'. Once complete, run 'vagrant ssh', cd to the /vagrant/ directory and run 'bash'. During the post install, you'll be asked for info regarding your package.json …
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# Vagrantfile API/syntax version. Don't touch unless you know what you're doing!
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| = "precise32"
config.vm.box_url = ""
chatelao /
Last active November 26, 2019 14:26 — forked from olih/
jq Cheet Sheet

Processing JSON using jq

jq is useful to slice, filter, map and transform structured json data.

Installing jq

On Mac OS

brew install jq

This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
; generated by PrusaSlicer 2.1.0+win64 on 2019-12-26 at 19:59:27 UTC
; external perimeters extrusion width = 0.45mm
; perimeters extrusion width = 0.45mm
; infill extrusion width = 0.45mm
; solid infill extrusion width = 0.45mm
; top infill extrusion width = 0.40mm
; first layer extrusion width = 0.42mm
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
; generated by PrusaSlicer 2.1.0+win64 on 2019-12-26 at 19:59:27 UTC
; external perimeters extrusion width = 0.45mm
; perimeters extrusion width = 0.45mm
; infill extrusion width = 0.45mm
; solid infill extrusion width = 0.45mm
; top infill extrusion width = 0.40mm
; first layer extrusion width = 0.42mm
chatelao /
Last active November 16, 2023 06:15 — forked from exocode/
KiCad short manual and cheat sheet


  • 1. Design Circuit
  • 2. Create Symbols (library editor)
  • 3. Schematic capture (eeschema)
  • 4. Create footprints (footprint editor)
  • 5. Generate Netlist (cvpcb)
  • 6. Board layout (pcbnew)
  • 7. Production (gerbview)
  • 8. Generate BOM (Digi-Key)

Adafruit to SparkFun to Seeed

Norm Adafruit SparkFun Seeed
- Feather Thing Plus -
4-pin JST Stemma QT Qwiic XIAO
- - Qwiic Micro -