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def parse_query(query):
query_dictionary = {}
split_query = query[1:].split('&')
for item in split_query:
item_key, item_val = item.split('=')[0], item.split('=')[1]
if item_key not in query_dictionary:
query_dictionary[item_key] = item_val
elif item_key in query_dictionary:
prev_contents = query_dictionary[item_key]
query_dictionary[item_key] = [prev_contents]
chelseadole / Anagrams
Created October 27, 2017 18:21
Tests if two words are anagrams
def anagram(word1, word2):
"""Check if word1 and word2 are anagrams."""
listed_w1, listed_w2 = list(word1), list(word2)
sorted_w1, sorted_w2 = listed_w1.sort(), listed_w2.sort()
if listed_w1 == listed_w2:
return True
return False
"""Gist to organize LinkedList. All vals higher than x go after "x", all vals lower go before."""
# NOTE: I'm not totally sure these work... there was an issue with my LinkedList and I wasn't able to properly test
# This version is solved using lists:
def org_list(x, link):
new_list = LinkedList()
while link.head is not None:
"""Add Linked Lists of Numbers."""
def add_lists(list1, list2):
"""Function to create new LL based off sums of both other LLs."""
added_link = LinkedList()
temp = []
leftover = 0
while list1.head is not None and list2.head is not None:
if list1.head:
val_1 = list1.pop()
Write an algorithm such that if an element in an MxN matrix is 0, its entire row and column are set to 0.
M = width
N = height
def zero_matrix(matrix):
zero_cols = set()
zero_rows = set()
for lst in matrix:
### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am chelseadole on github.
* I am pikachel ( on keybase.
* I have a public key ASCdQzswDouhiWSRmylpp4tFutSDuoAzdgg2kCup7NMHXAo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
chelseadole / duplicate_to_partitioned_table.sql
Created October 1, 2023 19:36
plpgsql function returning a trigger which duplicates INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE activity to a second partitioned table. Requires inputting correct table names & column values for use.
-- This function is designed to duplicate all live INSERTS/UPDATES/DELETES from one table (referred to as "source_table_name"
-- to a second partitioned table (referred to as "destination_table_name"). The function should be set to trigger after insert/
-- update/delete on the source table.
-- This function is designed to be leveraged for partitioned table migration through this method:
-- 1) Create an empty partitioned copy of the "source_table_name". Alter primary key as necessary, as partitioned Postgres
-- tables do not support unique/primary keys not included in the partition key.
-- 2) Create the following function, and attach it as a trigger to "source_table_name". At this point, incoming new DML is
-- being copied successfully to the partitioned table, so only historical data will need to be backfilled.
-- 3) Target rows in "source_table_name" with an updated_at value BEFORE the trigger was attached, and backfill them into