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Lauren Yim cherryblossom000

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cherryblossom000 / index.js
Last active April 2, 2021 16:48
v12 Update: Simple, complete example of a bot in Discord.js
// Load up the discord.js library
const Discord = require("discord.js");
// This is your client. Some people call it `bot`, some people call it `self`,
// some might call it `cootchie`. Either way, when you see `client.something`, or `bot.something`,
// this is what we're refering to. Your client.
const client = new Discord.Client();
// Here we load the config.json file that contains our token and our prefix values.
const config = require("./config.json");
"Has anyone told you you’re awesome today?",
"Why, hello there.",
"You look really smart from this angle.",
"The sound of your voice is so soothing.",
"You’re so great at everything. Is there anything you can’t do?",
"You’re such a smooth talker.",
"The world without you is like a broken pencil, pointless.",
"You would be the last one standing in a horror movie.",
"Every other country is super jealous that you’re a citizen of this country.",
module Main where
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Data.List (group, sort)
import Text.Printf (printf)
type EnchantmentLevel = Int
levelProbs :: [(EnchantmentLevel, Double)]
levelProbs = (head &&& (/total) . fromIntegral . length)
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
xhs resource_id==afb52611-6061-4a2b-9110-74c920bede77 limit==0 | fx
❯ defaults read
    PresentationModeFnModes =     {
        appWithControlStrip = functionKeys;
    PresentationModeGlobal = appWithControlStrip;
    PresentationModePerApp =     {
        "com.hnc.Discord" = functionKeys;
 "com.hnc.DiscordPTB" = functionKeys;
cherryblossom000 / install.zsh
Created December 12, 2021 06:39
Reinstalling Nix + nix-darwin + home-manager on macOS
# sudo ln -sf /nix/var/nix/profiles/default/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
# (local u="$(whoami); sudo chown "$u:users" ~/.cache/nix)
sh <(curl -L --daemon
nix-channel --add nixpkgs
cherryblossom000 /
Last active January 6, 2022 09:52
Get grades from Canvas
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
# The GraphQL query could also be inlined instead of referencing the file, but
# I kept it in a separate file for syntax highlighting and stuff
xhs \
--check-status --ignore-stdin --timeout 2.5 \ Authorization:"Bearer $CANVAS_TOKEN" query=@query.graphql \
| fx .data Object.entries '.forEach(([subject, {grades: {currentScore}}]) => console.log(`${subject}: ${currentScore === null ? "--" : `${String(currentScore).padEnd(5, "0")}%`}`))' 2> /dev/null \
| column -t
cherryblossom000 / Discord Hypesquad Questions.json
Last active May 15, 2022 21:40
As of 11 Nov 2021. Taken from the Discord source code
"HYPESQUAD_QUESTION_0_PROMPT": "Which insult would hurt you the most?",
"HYPESQUAD_QUESTION_0_RESPONSE_A": "You overreact a lot.",
"HYPESQUAD_QUESTION_0_RESPONSE_B": "You don't listen enough.",
"HYPESQUAD_QUESTION_0_RESPONSE_C": "You only care about yourself.",
"HYPESQUAD_QUESTION_0_RESPONSE_D": "You're ordinary.",
"HYPESQUAD_QUESTION_1_PROMPT": "What sounds like a perfect day to you?",
"HYPESQUAD_QUESTION_1_RESPONSE_A": "Sleeping in, having a giant, homemade lunch, and heading out to meet up with close friends late at night.",
"HYPESQUAD_QUESTION_1_RESPONSE_B": "Waking up early, finishing something you've been putting off for a while, and working on a new hobby in the late afternoon.",
"HYPESQUAD_QUESTION_1_RESPONSE_C": "Waking up on time, walking to the garden store and buying a new plant, and sinking deep into a bath to end the day.",
cherryblossom000 / Discord Colours.json
Last active May 15, 2022 21:41
As of 11 May 2021. Taken from the Discord source code
"PRIMARY_DARK_100": "#f6f6f7",
"PRIMARY_DARK_130": "#eff0f0",
"PRIMARY_DARK_160": "#e6e6e8",
"PRIMARY_DARK_200": "#dcddde",
"PRIMARY_DARK_230": "#d1d3d5",
"PRIMARY_DARK_260": "#c6c8ca",
"PRIMARY_DARK_300": "#b9bbbe",
"PRIMARY_DARK_330": "#a3a6aa",
"PRIMARY_DARK_360": "#8e9297",
cherryblossom000 / Discord Loading Messages.json
Last active May 15, 2022 21:41
As of 16 Mar 2021. Taken from the Discord source code
"LOADING_LINE_1": "Discord was almost called Bonfire before we picked our name. It was meant to be nice and cozy.",
"LOADING_LINE_2": "Discord was almost called Wyvern before we picked our name. Not too proud of that one.",
"LOADING_LINE_3": "Our logo's name is Clyde.",
"LOADING_LINE_4": "There are a bunch of hidden \"Easter Eggs\" in the app that happen when you click certain things...",
"LOADING_LINE_5": "Discord started as a game company making a mobile game called Fates Forever.",
"LOADING_LINE_6": "Discord’s official birthday is May 13, 2015.",
"LOADING_LINE_7": "We came up with the idea of Discord Nitro over morning breakfast potatoes.",
"LOADING_LINE_8": "Our mascot, Wumpus, was originally created as a character with no friends :(",
"LOADING_LINE_9": "In Discord's early days, light theme was the only theme. Dark theme didn't arrive until August 2015.",