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shrimp new MyPodcast
shrimp update // Launch CLI for new
shrimp build
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chickencoder /
Last active August 15, 2018 11:11
Malachi Websocket Protocol

Malachi Websocket Protocol

This proposal suggests the format for JSON encoded requests and responses between malachi servers and clients.


  • All requests may only contain a single action (reflecting the flux architecture)
  • All requests must be validated by the server before being publicly broadcast
  • All requests must have both action and params attributes
  • All action values must be strings
  • All params values must be object (empty objects if necessary)
chickencoder /
Last active July 22, 2018 20:31
A quicksort written in Run
fun swap(items, a, b) {
let tmp = items[a]
items[a] = items[b]
items[b] = tmp
return items
fun quicksort(items) {
let left = 0
let right = len(items) - 1
chickencoder /
Last active June 29, 2018 09:45
a new scripting language


To built a new general-purpose (interpreted) programming language that makes expressing algorithms quick, yet clear. The language should be capable of runnning applications from web servers, text editors to small desktop applications. The language should also be able to interoperate with existing languages (perhaps a C interface).

Just a few years ago interpreted languages (e.g. Python, Ruby) were extremely popular. Most recently, these languages have taken a back seat to compiled languages (e.g. Go, Rust) for several reasons. Firstly, these compiled languages allow developers to eliviate performance bottlenecks in their applications whilst providing nice type systems and good control of concurrent and parallel processing.

The main aim of the project is to provide some of these features currently only implemented in compiled languages within an interpreted language.


Simply, this project is for educational purposes (and fun).

what a story mark $NUMBER # STA $NUMBER
why lisa, why? $NUMBER # LDA $NUMBER
i'm your future husband $NUMBER # ADD $NUMBER
hi doggy $NUMBER # SUB $NUMBER
chickencoder /
Created June 14, 2018 18:26
Jesse's Computing Algorithms


Binary Search

lowerBound = 0
upperBound = 0
midpoint = 0
found = false
chickencoder /
Last active May 24, 2018 20:49
Still trying to describe Profile


Profile is a standard for defining syndicated social profiles. The standard is used in conjunction with other tools built by the Profile Project to create a micro, decentralised, social platfrom reminiscent of the good ol' days of RSS and Geocities.

One of the aims of the project is to provide individuals with a platform to interact online with their peers without their

Plain text ftw!
My main intention with the project is to create a small social platform that promotes firstly the idea
of a free, open and decentralised web and secondly the simplicity of the web. RSS is a fantastically
simple idea. Profile means to extend the idea of an RSS feed into a social space where peers can
not only share with their friends and post their content but are also entirely sure of where their
data is and how to change it.
The simplicity of plain text is intentional meaning that profiles can be hosted anywhere from IPFS,
PasteBin, Gists, Netlify etc. or even from a raspberry pi in your home. Personally, I find great
chickencoder /
Created May 9, 2018 10:02
Profile Explanation

What is profile?

Profile can be considered...

  1. A standard for describing online profiles
  2. A set of applications for interacting with profiles
  3. A community set on promoting the creative web

The primary idea behind Profile is to remove the need for large platform such as Facebook, Twitter etc. and instead replace them with a self-hosted alternative. Profile is designed so that individuals host their own profiles. This means that you know exactly what everyone else knows about you. The infrastructure of the profile platform is completely decentralised and intentionally so.

The Profile standard describes how profiles (simply a text file) should be composed so that they can be read by everyone. The Profile platform also includes applications for keeping track of your friends profiles and a verification network (Profile Postal Network) which validates posts made on the network.

chickencoder / index.js
Created May 4, 2018 17:12
Profile Hyper App
// Profile App
// For testing use:
// http://localhost:1234/?
import { h, app } from 'hyperapp'
import { Link, Route, location } from '@hyperapp/router'
import { Picture } from './components/picture'
import { Posts, Post } from './components/post'
import './css/main.css'