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Chintan Parikh chintanparikh

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<title data-n-head="true">(1) Ketan Goswami Endocrinology - Doximity Search</title>
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<meta data-n-head="true" data-hid="apple-mobile-web-app-title" name="apple-mobile-web-app-title" content="Doximity">
<meta data-n-head="true" data-hid="description" name="description" content="Over a million U.S. healthcare professionals as verified members. Largest network of MDs and other healthcare professionals. New to Doximity? Find your profile and join for free.">
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window.App = angular.module('desidancevids',[
App.config ["$httpProvider", ($httpProvider) ->
# Inject the CSRF token
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.common['X-CSRF-Token'] = document.getElementsByName("csrf-token")[0].content
package main
import (
chintanparikh / cmu-sahara
Created December 13, 2017 08:53
Sapna 2017 Reviews
Link to rubric:
CMU Sahara
Intro Video:
I thought acting wasn’t great. And it seems like the voice isn’t synced to the video? Maybe add some background music.
+ Good sync at the very beginning
- I thought choreography was fairly weak. It was fairly simple and slow.
import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';
export default class ProgressPieChart extends React.Component {
degrees() {
return 360 * this.props.percent / 100;
render() {
let gt50 = (this.props.percent > 50 ? 'gt-50' : '' );

Every few days, I get an email or a Facebook message asking me if I know anyone is looking to be their technical co-founder. This post is an aggregation of responses and tips I give to college startups looking for a technical co-founder.

###Meet Hackers

The most important thing you can do is to have many hacker friends.

Every hacker I know would never consider being a technical co-founder of someone they didn't know. The "exception" is if you've already got a funded, successful startups, but those founders will never be looking for a technical co-founder, so it's hardly an exception.

The logical conclusion is that you need to meet a lot of technical people. But there's a clear difference between meeting someone and befriending someone. In college, meeting hackers isn't hard - go to your college web development/mobile development club. The thing is, humans aren't stupid - developers will know if you're just there to shake hands and "network", and it means you're not going to fit in with the community.

articles: {
id: 7,
headline: "Some headline",
source: "",
link: ""
similar: [8, 13]
def jaccard_index(n, article_one, article_two)
first = article_one.split(' ').each_cons(n).to_a
second = article_two.split(' ').each_cons(n).to_a
(first & second).length.to_f / ((first.length + second.length).to_f / 2).abs.to_f
void swap(int* a, int* b)
int temp = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = temp;
chintanparikh / c-questions.txt
Created December 12, 2013 04:55
C Questions for 2110
3. Write basic linked list library functions for a doubly-linked list
of integers with head and tail pointers. You should include:
RemoveFromFront (Returns value removed)
RemoveFromBack (Returns value removed)
Delete (Deletes first occurrence of target)
DeleteAll (Deletes all occurrences of target)