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Created November 12, 2019 14:38
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The Transportation Problem
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"cells": [
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"We use `haversine` for calculating distances between two coordinates. \n",
"See for the details of the haversine formula.\n",
"We assume the radius of Earth is 6373 km. \n",
"We use: 1km = 0.621371 miles.\n",
"Also, we assume unit shipping cost per mile is $1.70.\n"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 9,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"execution_count": 9,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"# Example \n",
"using Distances \n",
"R = 6373 # in kilometers, radius of Earth \n",
"coord1 = (40.670543, -73.945478) # New York City\n",
"coord2 = (34.112101, -118.411201) # Los Angeles\n",
"dist_km = haversine(coord1, coord2, R) # kilometer\n",
"dist_mi = dist_km * 0.621371 # miles\n",
"unit_cost = dist_mi * 1.70 # dollars "
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 29,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"using DelimitedFiles\n",
"# Read the supplier data \n",
"supp_data, header = readdlm(\"suppliers.csv\", ',', header=true)\n",
"supp_name = supply_data[:,2]\n",
"supp_lat = supply_data[:,3]\n",
"supp_long = supply_data[:,4]\n",
"supp_amount = supply_data[:,5]\n",
"num_supp = length(supp_name) \n",
"# Read the warehouse data \n",
"ware_data, header = readdlm(\"warehouses.csv\", ',', header=true)\n",
"ware_name = ware_data[:,2]\n",
"ware_lat = ware_data[:,3]\n",
"ware_long = ware_data[:,4]\n",
"ware_amount = ware_data[:,5]\n",
"num_ware = length(ware_name) \n",
"# First, prepare an array that will contain the unit shipping cost matrix\n",
"cost = Array{Float64}(undef, num_supp, num_ware)\n",
"# Then, for each pair (i,j) we calculate c[i,j]\n",
"for i in 1:num_supp\n",
" for j in 1:num_ware \n",
" supp_coord = (supp_lat[i], supp_long[i])\n",
" ware_coord = (ware_lat[j], ware_long[j])\n",
" cost[i, j] = 1.70 * 0.621371 * haversine(supp_coord, ware_coord, 6373)\n",
" end \n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
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"source": [
"The transportation model:\n",
"$$\\min \\sum_{i=1}^{m} \\sum_{j=1}^{n} c_{ij} x_{ij}$$\n",
"subject to\n",
"$$ \\sum_{j=1}^{n} x_{ij} = s_i \\qquad \\text{ for each } i=1,2,...,m $$\n",
"$$ \\sum_{i=1}^{m} x_{ij} = d_j \\qquad \\text{ for each } j=1,2,...,n $$\n",
"$$ x_{ij} \\geq 0 \\qquad \\text{ for all } i=1,2,...,m, \\ j=1,2,...,n $$"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 33,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# Build a JuMP model\n",
"using JuMP, GLPK\n",
"tp = Model(with_optimizer(GLPK.Optimizer))\n",
"@variable(tp, x[1:num_supp, 1:num_ware] >= 0)\n",
"@objective(tp, Min, sum(cost[i,j] * x[i,j] for i in 1:num_supp, j in 1:num_ware) )\n",
"@constraint(tp, supply[i in 1:num_supp], sum(x[i,j] for j in 1:num_ware) == supp_amount[i])\n",
"@constraint(tp, warehouse[j in 1:num_ware], sum(x[i,j] for i in 1:num_supp) == ware_amount[j])\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 39,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"From El Paso TX to Houston TX: 2673.0\n",
"From El Paso TX to San Diego CA: 1544.0\n",
"From El Paso TX to San Antonio TX: 936.0\n",
"From Cleveland OH to New York NY: 5056.0\n",
"From New Orleans LA to Chicago IL: 3121.0\n",
"From New Orleans LA to Philadelphia PA: 484.0\n",
"From New Orleans LA to Indianapolis IN: 731.0\n",
"From New Orleans LA to Columbus OH: 633.0\n",
"From Nashville-Davidson TN to Philadelphia PA: 4884.0\n",
"From Denver CO to Houston TX: 3669.0\n",
"From Denver CO to Dallas TX: 1007.0\n",
"From Austin TX to Houston TX: 4656.0\n",
"From Fort Worth TX to Houston TX: 4476.0\n",
"From Oklahoma City OK to Houston TX: 4447.0\n",
"From Portland OR to Los Angeles CA: 4195.0\n",
"From Portland OR to Seattle WA: 178.0\n",
"From Kansas City MO to Chicago IL: 4351.0\n",
"From Long Beach CA to Los Angeles CA: 3794.0\n",
"From Long Beach CA to San Diego CA: 500.0\n",
"From Tucson AZ to San Diego CA: 4054.0\n",
"From St. Louis MO to Chicago IL: 3967.0\n",
"From Charlotte NC to Philadelphia PA: 3352.0\n",
"From Charlotte NC to Washington DC: 607.0\n",
"From Atlanta GA to Philadelphia PA: 3940.0\n",
"From Virginia Beach VA to New York NY: 3931.0\n",
"From Albuquerque NM to San Diego CA: 2864.0\n",
"From Albuquerque NM to Phoenix AZ: 983.0\n",
"From Oakland CA to Los Angeles CA: 2216.0\n",
"From Oakland CA to San Jose CA: 782.0\n",
"From Oakland CA to San Francisco CA: 724.0\n",
"From Pittsburgh PA to New York NY: 1628.0\n",
"From Pittsburgh PA to Philadelphia PA: 2071.0\n",
"From Sacramento CA to Los Angeles CA: 3694.0\n",
"From Minneapolis MN to Philadelphia PA: 3684.0\n",
"From Tulsa OK to New York NY: 2159.0\n",
"From Tulsa OK to Detroit MI: 1514.0\n",
"From Cincinnati OH to Philadelphia PA: 3640.0\n",
"From Miami FL to New York NY: 3585.0\n",
"From Fresno CA to Los Angeles CA: 3542.0\n",
"From Omaha NE to Philadelphia PA: 3358.0\n",
"From Toledo OH to New York NY: 3329.0\n",
"From Buffalo NY to New York NY: 3281.0\n",
"From Wichita KS to New York NY: 78.0\n",
"From Wichita KS to Houston TX: 2962.0\n",
"From St. Paul MN to Philadelphia PA: 2722.0\n",
"From Baton Rouge LA to New York NY: 1567.0\n",
"From Baton Rouge LA to Milwaukee WI: 628.0\n",
"From Raleigh NC to Philadelphia PA: 2080.0\n",
"From Richmond VA to Philadelphia PA: 2031.0\n",
"From Jackson MS to Chicago IL: 1966.0\n",
"From Des Moines IA to Philadelphia PA: 1932.0\n",
"From Lincoln NE to Chicago IL: 1310.0\n",
"From Lincoln NE to Memphis TN: 610.0\n",
"From Madison WI to Chicago IL: 1913.0\n",
"From Montgomery AL to Philadelphia PA: 1871.0\n",
"From Little Rock AR to New York NY: 1758.0\n",
"From Providence RI to New York NY: 1246.0\n",
"From Providence RI to Boston MA: 361.0\n",
"From Salt Lake City UT to San Diego CA: 1599.0\n",
"From Hartford CT to New York NY: 1397.0\n",
"From Lansing MI to New York NY: 1273.0\n",
"From Boise City ID to San Diego CA: 1257.0\n",
"From Tallahassee FL to Philadelphia PA: 370.0\n",
"From Tallahassee FL to Baltimore MD: 736.0\n",
"From Tallahassee FL to Jacksonville FL: 142.0\n",
"From Topeka KS to Chicago IL: 1199.0\n",
"From Salem OR to Los Angeles CA: 1078.0\n",
"From Springfield IL to Chicago IL: 1052.0\n",
"From Albany NY to New York NY: 1011.0\n",
"From Columbia SC to Philadelphia PA: 981.0\n",
"From Trenton NJ to New York NY: 887.0\n",
"From Charleston WV to Philadelphia PA: 573.0\n",
"From Santa Fe NM to Houston TX: 559.0\n",
"From Harrisburg PA to Philadelphia PA: 524.0\n",
"From Cheyenne WY to Houston TX: 500.0\n",
"From Bismarck ND to Jacksonville FL: 493.0\n",
"From Carson City NV to Los Angeles CA: 404.0\n",
"From Concord NH to New York NY: 360.0\n",
"From Jefferson City MO to Chicago IL: 355.0\n",
"From Olympia WA to Seattle WA: 338.0\n",
"From Annapolis MD to Philadelphia PA: 332.0\n",
"From Dover DE to New York NY: 276.0\n",
"From Frankfort KY to Philadelphia PA: 260.0\n",
"From Helena MT to San Diego CA: 246.0\n",
"From Augusta ME to Boston MA: 213.0\n",
"From Pierre SD to Philadelphia PA: 129.0\n",
"From Montpelier VT to New York NY: 82.0\n"
"source": [
"# Display Non-zero solutions\n",
"for i in 1:num_supp \n",
" for j in 1:num_ware \n",
" if value(x[i,j]) > 0 \n",
" println(\"From $(supp_name[i]) to $(ware_name[j]): $(value(x[i,j]))\")\n",
" end\n",
" end \n",
"end "
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"outputs": [],
"source": []
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