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Last active June 1, 2019 03:04
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Retry a task in Elm. UPDATE: published as
module Retry exposing (Config, custom, exponentiallyBackoff, simple)
{-| Retry a task with default or custom policy.
import Process
import Random
import Task exposing (Task)
import Time
{-| Config to determine our retry policy. `randomizationFactor = Nothing` means constant
type alias Config =
{ seed : Random.Seed
, retryInterval : Float
, randomizationFactor : Maybe Float
, multiplier : Float
, maxRetryInterval : Float
exponentialConfig : Config
exponentialConfig =
{ seed = Random.initialSeed 0
, retryInterval = 500
, randomizationFactor = Just 0.5
, multiplier = 1.5
, maxRetryInterval = 60000
{-| Based off <>
nextRetryGenerator : Config -> Random.Generator Float
nextRetryGenerator cfg =
case cfg.randomizationFactor of
Just float ->
minInterval =
cfg.retryInterval * float
maxInterval =
cfg.retryInterval * (1 + float)
Random.float 0 1
|> (\randf -> cfg.multiplier * (minInterval + (randf * (maxInterval - minInterval + 1))))
Nothing ->
Random.constant cfg.retryInterval
{-| Exponentially backoff a Task until duration milliseconds
Retry.exponentiallyBackoff 20000 doWork
|> Task.attempt DidWork
exponentiallyBackoff : Int -> Task x a -> Task x a
exponentiallyBackoff =
custom exponentialConfig
{-| Retry at constant interval
Retry.simple { intervalMillis = 500, attempts = 4 } doWork
|> Task.attempt DidWork
simple : { intervalMillis : Float, attempts : Int } -> Task x a -> Task x a
simple cfg =
{ exponentialConfig
| randomizationFactor = Nothing
, maxRetryInterval = cfg.intervalMillis
, retryInterval = cfg.intervalMillis
(cfg.attempts * round cfg.intervalMillis)
{-| Backoff a Task until duration milliseconds, with a custom Config.
Try to use `simple` or `exponentiallyBackoff`
custom : Config -> Int -> Task x a -> Task x a
custom cfg duration task =
|> Task.andThen
(\now ->
deadline =
Time.millisToPosix (duration + Time.posixToMillis now)
( nextSeed, _ ) =
(Random.initialSeed (Time.posixToMillis now))
nextCfg =
{ cfg | seed = nextSeed }
Task.onError (retryUntil deadline task nextCfg) task
retryUntil : Time.Posix -> Task x a -> Config -> x -> Task x a
retryUntil deadline task cfg err =
|> Task.andThen
(\currNow ->
( nextRetryInterval, nextCfgSeed ) =
Random.step (nextRetryGenerator cfg) cfg.seed
nextCfg =
{ cfg
| seed = nextCfgSeed
, retryInterval = min cfg.maxRetryInterval nextRetryInterval
if (Time.posixToMillis currNow + round cfg.retryInterval) > Time.posixToMillis deadline then err
Process.sleep cfg.retryInterval
|> Task.andThen (\_ -> Task.onError (retryUntil deadline task nextCfg) task)
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